Should i feel bad, or did she have it coming???

big van

Nobody Special
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
Green Lane, PA
I just had a guy yesterday turn into my van. It was a 4 lane highway, he was in the right lane & I was in the right. Didn't even look my way & he claims I was trying to pass him in the center turn lane. Where we hit there wasn't even a turn lane, it's the opposing traffics left turn lane!

When the cops came he claims his kids are real hungry & he missed his turn & was trying to pull a u-turn. No citation were issued & the report is only filed locally. Cops sided with me, but I think he'll give his Ins. Co. quite a story! I hope it doesn't turn into a drawn out battle.

On the plus side there was no damage to the van!! His toyota had a crushed fender. I wasn't even sure he hit me until I saw his car. I always said I like to drive a full size vehicle!


Fords Rule
Jun 5, 2007
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Eastland Tx
So I have to ask this then. Were you declared at fault?
In 11/2004 I had a commercial box van parked in front of my house and it got sideswiped while I was asleep. Since I was so exhausted from a road trip I didn't hear the accident. I woke up a short time later and was getting ready to go somewhere when I saw alot of debris on the road alongside my other vehicles. I then spotted the damage and picked parts to a broken mirror and called the local Ford dealership with the numbers I had and detemined it was 98-00 pu or expedition. I checked with the neighbors throughout the day and was told it was a samoan person who did it. While working that friday night I found the expedition that hit my van since not many pacific islanders around here and I was familiar with some. I went up to the door on sunday when I saw kids running around in the yard. I asked the woman for her information so we could have our ins co's take care of my damage. She got nasty, refused to give me any info, and even told me my van wasn't damaged. She did slip up and say her agent's first name. So I filed a hit n run report on monday and found her agent's office. I talked to the receptionist and explained my situation then gave her the plate number to the expedition. She then told me that the woman came into the office on friday and claimed that her expedition was hit in a grocery store parking lot on thursday night( hit n run). I filed a claim with her ins co. so a week later they filed a claim with my ins co. Things got nasty and I sent pictures and the report to my ins co. Then I pursued the case with a detective I knew and 7 weeks later he sent me a copy of a statement from her stating that she accepts our vehicles had contact and that it was eith her husband or his dad that was driving but neither will admit to the incident. When I sent that to my ins investigator she said that's enough proof that I wasn't at fault and she would refuse to pay the other claim. To speed things up it took over 3 years to get paid on my claim due to every little shady thing farmers pulled but I complained to the ins commision and things got settled fast after that.
now it's 1 month ago and I'm shopping for insurance for a car I'm giving my kid. I did the online ins quotes and I'm getting $350-600 quotes for 6 month policies. I'm like ***?, that much for bare minimum on a paid off 200 taurus?
Mercury ins give me a low quote so I sign up at an agent's office. He punches me un in C.L.U.E and up comes that accident as an at fault against me. He says they won't use it against me since it's so old but my rates went up $40. I paid for 1 month then I get a letter demanding payment for the 6 month balance. My total premium now went up to $360. I call Mercury and demand a breakdown for the premium and refused to pay until I got that. Then I called my old ins co to find out why that was against me. "You aren't at fault and we don't use that accident against you" was what I heard. I got bounced around from department to department till I had to leave a message on a supervisors email to contact me about removing that accident from my record. He never got back to me.
I filed a complaint directly with C.L.U.E. and got a letter yesterday saying it's now removed. Mercury cancelled me without sending me the breakdown I demanded. Looks like I'll be signing up with National Guaranty Ins which has the next best rates.

Basically make sure things are right with your ins record or you'll be screwed without knowing about it.

My brother hit a cow in Oct. of 2001, totaling his 96 F150. A few years later I was shopping for new insurance and there is a wreck on my record for Oct. of 01. I did a little digging and for some reason the insurance company (we were both with the same company) put it on my record and not his. The police report had it right but the insurance screwed it up, and refused to fix it. His rates have never went up but mine did after I switched.
I have never owned a 96 F150 but I am told there is nothing that can be done.-cuss:puke::backoff


Full Access Member
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
My brother hit a cow in Oct. of 2001, totaling his 96 F150. A few years later I was shopping for new insurance and there is a wreck on my record for Oct. of 01. I did a little digging and for some reason the insurance company (we were both with the same company) put it on my record and not his. The police report had it right but the insurance screwed it up, and refused to fix it. His rates have never went up but mine did after I switched.
I have never owned a 96 F150 but I am told there is nothing that can be done.-cuss:puke::backoff

Bad luck you got burned. Good thing is C.L.U.E. only stores accidents for 7 years so it's gone from your record now. Nobody will tell you how to get incorrect info removed but you can obtain a free copy of what's on your record and dispute items on the report .


rebel w/o a cause
Dec 21, 2007
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angleton/stephenville tx
within the first month of driving i rearended a guy on my way to school. he passed in a no passing zone because i was going slow then laid on his brakes. it was an 05 gmc yukon, the guy gets out of his suv and screams "are you drunk, stoned, or just plain f@cking stupid" so being the respectful young man i am i told him "none of the above just thought that in your rush you might need a push" the cops showed up and i knew i was toast becuase it was the classic "inexperianced 16 year old driver" word versus his. lucky for me a witness that was behind him when the wreck happened stopped back by and gave a report about him passing me and laying on his brakes. the cop told me i had two options
1 i could recieve a ticket for failure to control speed and he would recieve a ticket for his violations and we would have to fight it out in civil court over whos insurance would pay for what, but in recieving a ticket i would prob get my license suspended or
2 we could both walk away with no tickets

i chose to keep my liscense because the only thing that was hurt was a crunched bumper which was already bent before. funny thing was his son came to me at school and said that if his dad tried to screw me on the insurance claim, he would testify against him because he lost his license in the same situation.


Full Access Member
Nov 8, 2008
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has nuthin to do with anything.. but American family flat smokes the other ins rates around here.. you may look into that.. (Devilish specifically. everyone in general) and awesome claim handling, 38, cleanish record, my IDI (Hidalgo) cost me $40 a month for full coverage.


Full Access Member
Mar 17, 2008
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my very own hell
From what I just read it looks like CLUE retains information for only 5 years, then it's supposed to get purged. Then I got into reading about insurance determining factors, credit score being one of them (important to me as I have no score, I never had nor I plan on ever having a credit card), and it turns out that MI state government eventually had enough with this insurance bull and passed those regulations 500.2151 to 500.2155 that state that "Beginning July 1, 2005, insurers may not use credit scores as a rating factor" - go Michigan! :D Read here about your state's laws on credit score use for insurance purposes:


Full Access Member
May 21, 2007
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Sardinia, OH
So far i have totalled 3 cars and removed a hood from another with Ford trucks and have never done any significant damage to my vehicles.

The last time a grand prix ran a red light and hit the front of my 99 350. The tow hook removed the passenger side doors and crushed both fenders. Also blew her tires and bent the rims. Unfortunately she scraped the paint off of the tow hook and slid the truck sideways enough to screw up a wheel bearing. (fine before accident, but started squealing as I left the scene)

She had All state or Nationwide, eitherway, they told me I was lucky to get 75K miles out of that bearing and they wouldn't pay the $750 to replace it.

After 7 weeks of arguing they gave in. I guess you just have to show them that you WILL cost them money in labor if they don't pay out in $$$.

Even better. I had a punk in a rice burner sideswip my 91 f250. It cracked my factory hubcap. His car -turned out to be his girlfriends car- was so mangled on the passenger side that insurance decided to total it out:rotflmao

cost me $20 to replace the hubcap.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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I knew that "ford tough" was pretty correct.


Mentally Unstable..
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Halifax / Nova Scotia
I was not at fault in my accident. The police report and witnesses backed my story and the guy who hit me got charged with speeding. I had my FIRST accident ever this winter while plowing a driveway, and it was soooo trivial it wasnt even funny. I cracked a piece of siding with the truck and the woman went after my rates pretty much doubled over a $50 piece of siding....***?


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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Crooked lawyers aka politicians, and insurance companies are ruling the world ya know. ********.