Me either. I'm not saying that it can't happen, but it sure doesn't seem very likely. In order to bend a push rod, the valve would have to be open when the preignition happened. At that point, the explosion wouldn't stay inside the cylinder anyway. It would go around the open valve and out either the intake or exhaust.
Glow plugs and ether are in theory a bad mix… I have absolutely nothing against ether by itself. It ignites on the compression stroke in a diesel, hotter and faster to get the engine running. In a gas engine it ignites with spark, same concept, still mostly controlled, just more volatile.
Slave lake is running proof that ether doesn’t kill… even misuse of ether… the latest video of the truck has it firing up on fresh glow plugs and no ether in -20… also I do
not believe in the idea of engines becoming addicted… all engines follow the laws of physics, which with something mechanical, making addiction not. a. factor.