I sometimes get fed up.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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First off, Mods, move this if you like.

After being on many forums seeing guys with these trucks with problems. And keep in mind we probably have the, or one of the, easiest engines to repair
someone walk them step by step thru the repair process and it still acts up,
they have a fit, glowplug problems come too mind, easy system, fix it right or do a push button mod. Either works, then a starter goes out and they are ready to "scrap this piece of **** " its broke again.. Well you likely bbqed the starter grinding on it, and the batts also.


Makes me reluctant at times.

The other things that puckers my ass is asking the same question across 5 or 6 forums and getting the exact advice, then not doing it and ******** cause it didnt work.:dunno

Sorry for the rant but it really bugs me sometimes.


Tug Engineer
Jun 1, 2005
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Douglas, Georgia
sounds about right.
One of my favorites is the guy that can't figure out how to set pump timing, but he's building a twin turbo 600ho IDI.


The life of an Indian is like the wings of the air
Supporting Member
Dec 27, 2009
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Maine & Oklahoma
well all we can do is let people know the right way to do things,and share our experiences when we do something (or don't do something on time) right or wrong.
it's up to them and off our shoulders as to what they actually apply.we have to remember,a lot of folks are driving these old trucks,not so much because they prefer them,but it's all they can afford and often it's clear to see they can't really afford them either.
so in your example of the starting system.a feller has a truck he can't afford,and needs glow plugs clearly.but because he's struggling and can't buy the gp's on time,due to his financial state,he still starts the truck to get to work.
why wont he/she listen when you say to use a wet rag with gas,or just plug the truck in meanwhile? .......i hear ya.frustrating,because you know it's going to cost him more money,and makes ya think your wasting your breath/time to type.but we can't force people to do (or not do) certain things.
just have to remember,that for every person who doesn't listen,there are many in the background reading who are.
just think how many idi heads you've saved from being pulled needlessly over the years Russ,by informing folks of motorcraft gp's vs aftermarket,or how many thousands of gallons saved in fuel over the years by those who applied your wisdom about proper idi tune up.i bet for every person you feel you might have wasted your time in helping over the years,you've helped 20 others at the same time.
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Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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I know the good outweigh the bad but the ones that really get to me is the scrappers. I want to just drive all over the US and give them scrap value for parts we ALWAYS need.


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
Well Russ you hit on something there. Maybe it was my last nerve.. I don't know. I realize how impossible simple things can be sometimes. I blame myself some because I feel I explain how to do something and the original poster wont listen to experiance. I never plan to be calling myself and expert on these engines. Do I feel I know more about them than the collective... Nope.. Not at all. I just feel when someone is helping you because you asked please pay attention. If not.. Well any ford dealer will be happy to take the weight out of your wallet. On this forum we offer free suggestions and many differant ways of fixing what you or the previous owners have done to your rig. I personally don't go "shopping other forums asking the same question". I have been on a few but now I'm content here. I belong to the Auburn Cord Duesenberg forum. I really can't get much information over there about anything. I just posted a question about a cigarette lighter. Over 80 members have looked at the question but no real answers yet. I don't smoke so I may not try to find an original lighter.. They are called a cats eye lighter. So this forum is something that is kind to all commers. Treats new members with respect. And generally takes care of a forgotten truck and engine. Very few places left out there for true free help. One sure wont get anything free at the dealer... Hang in there Russ. Time will make things better. Maybe go for a cool drive.. Give some tite skinny pants biker a soot bath or a prius a good healthy bath.. It may be wrong but it sure feels good sometimes....:angel:


Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
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I know the good outweigh the bad but the ones that really get to me is the scrappers. I want to just drive all over the US and give them scrap value for parts we ALWAYS need.

whats a "scrapper"? only thing that comes to my mind is the dude that scraps autos for $$, I didnt gather that was what you meant in this context?

I hope I didn't tick you off today Russ! (I don't think I was asking repeat questions and such lately??) I've been guilty of getting overly frustrated w/ my old Ferds before. In fact, I can pretty much guarantee sometime in the future something will break on mine and I'll get all huffy and frustrated. Hopefully maturity gets ahold of me before immaturity and I come back to the realization of this being an 18 yo vehicle. I've been told before I have more $$ than mechanical sense when it comes to these old machines, and I wouldn't disagree. All I know is I'm thankful of many of the members here who've either helped me via the board, phone, or actually wrenched w/ me as I've learned, and still learn something every day that I hit this website. Thus the reason I don't venture out to other sites to become members, etc.. I see no reason to leave the well of the experienced.;Sweet


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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Thanks Gary, I did get my last nerve poked. ;Poke And I am on 6 meds for things , and I am cranky the wife says, :mad:but what does she know.:dunno
And I do not mean anyone here also, this is THE Diesel forum IMO for good honest info.;Sweet


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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whats a "scrapper"? only thing that comes to my mind is the dude that scraps autos for $$, I didnt gather that was what you meant in this context?

I hope I didn't tick you off today Russ! I've been guilty of getting overly frustrated w/ my old Ferds before. . I see no reason to leave the well of the experienced.;Sweet

Nope , wasnt anyone here, it actually was a local guy here in the next town west of me, comes asking questions , then says he has been all over forums for this answer and the local shop sent him to me. THEN he questions my advice, now I am not always right but this time I am ,and instead of buying a known good IP I was going to give him a deal on cause he "has no money", he orderes one from NApa cause it has a warranty. Then calls for a return kit, napa gets 80 bucks , told him mine was the same. :flipa IDIOT. Just really set me on edge.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
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that sucks Russ. time wasters need a kick in the nuts. you can steal my money, you can shoot my dog, but waste my time and you'll get a beat down.

I'm sending you a virtual beer bud. :cheers:


Full Access Member
May 22, 2009
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"I was going to give him a deal on cause he "has no money", he orderes one from NApa cause it has a warranty. Then calls for a return kit, napa gets 80 bucks , told him mine was the same. IDIOT. Just really set me on edge. "



Full Access Member
Jun 6, 2011
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effort, pa
Hope i'm not in the moron club?? I do tend to ask alott of Q's, but i'm still learning the in's and outs of these idi's..

Silver Burner

Burnin' Oil&Rubber
Feb 16, 2010
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Beaverton, OR
God's honest truth there... I know SO much more about these diesels since I joined here because of the people here. I don't even go to any other diesel forums. I am damn lucky to have a guy like Russ living half an hour away. Don't let the idiots get you in the dumps man. There's a ton of good people here. BTW, I still want a tophat from you. :D


Full Access Member
Mar 17, 2008
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my very own hell
Russ, this is one of the reasons why I have severely restricted my activity on online boards, I have no patience for stupid people and even less for ignorant jackwagons. The way I see it, at some point I didn't know anything about nothing, whether it's these engines or other stuff, but I took the time to read through what's posted on the internet and paid attention to what I was told and as a result ANY of the vehicles I've ever owned could be driven clear across the country at any given time with little to no concerns of its reliability or performance. If a monkey-brain like me could do it, anyone can! If they don't wanna put the effort in it, well then, they can go eff themselves - you don't get compensated for your time or advice, no one here does (to be honest I sometimes wonder how mods like Towcat find the patience to deal with the madness without blowing a gasket), so since none of us actually gets paid to deal with stupid/ignorant people, why should we really care what happens to their vehicles or what they think of them? I most certainly couldn't care any less if Joe Shmoe thinks his IDI truck is a POS after he brought it to that state himself - my truck don't give me much of any grief and it's never seen a professional mechanic, many others here are in the same boat as well, so obviously IDIs can be reliable and so then all points to the loose nut behind the wheel - well, you can't fix stupid, and killing it off is still against the law, so the best course of action is IMHO simply ignoring it and leaving it to its own demise. Unfortunately that don't always work, for sometimes stupid is just too persistent, like the ones that went after my fiancee not on just one but across THREE discussion boards :backoff but from my experience that seems to be a fairly uncommon situation... And thanks to all the warning labels on everything these days even Darwin can't take care of stupid/ignorant, so yeah, there's simply no point in wasting your efforts on it - just pretend it ain't there, and focus on folks who appreciate your help instead ;Sweet


Full Access Member
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
my very own hell
Hope i'm not in the moron club?? I do tend to ask alott of Q's, but i'm still learning the in's and outs of these idi's..
You asks lots of questions, but you also pay attention to the answers you get, right? Then no, you're not in the stupid club, you're together with the rest of us in the still got something to learn club.