SCAQMD Citation For Smoke

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
A program that I see personally is the one that is being used in Indianapolis / Marion County Indiana. On days that meet certain criteria, (right now heat and humidity levels) that have what are call KNOZONE Action Days. These days RECOMEND to carpool, do not idle in drive-thru's, combine tasks and wait until after 6 PM to fill fuel tanks. They are doing this to raise awareness to the air quality in the Greater Indianapolis Area, so that thru voulentary actions, we can keep the air quality levels where they should be, so they DO NOT have to enact regulations...... and this does seem to be working.
That sounds very similar to the summer "Spare the Air" days they have in the Bay Area...similar to and different from the ban on wood-burning I mentioned earlier. In principle, it's not a bad idea, although at the same time, with the hours I work, carpooling/public transit are simply not an option for me... :(

At the risk of opening a can of worms, I have to say...while I respect differences of opinion, some of the responses on here have done a good job of reminding me why I don't read the off-topic forums on here anymore... :(


Shiftin' Smooth
Jun 29, 2010
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Johnstown, PA
He who said middle ground, I'd tend to agree, what bites me is people who use this to get back at someone who drives a vehicle they don't like, some people don't understand trucks and seem to think all people should drive a brand new little car and sing coom by ah and sit around the camp fire and make smores...
not make smores smoke some mores:D


Jan 5, 2010
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Live Oak, Fl.
An explanation and an apology (I'm stepping in the soap box now)
My dear oilburner friends,
Some of the contributors to this whole debate about the stupid citation Gary was sent were speaking about a middle ground, a place where things can work smoothly and gross pollutans can be kept under control. If such a middle ground is found, I'm all for it. I'm not in either of the extremes. What was missed by many, and clasified by few as an off topic thing was my concern that, in the quest to find that middle ground many will be deceived. Those in charge to find that middle ground have not in their minds to work hard and find compromises. Those offices have been seized by radicals with an agenda that includes the destruction of the infrastructure of this country to set up a system that will give them total control. And that's not the "impending doom" yet Shades, it's just the beginning. So I "rant" and ask people to get ready, to see the storm approaching and not to ignore it, doing nothing. Sit with your spouse, or your children or other family members and talk and plan a way of not to be so dependent from the structure society has, that makes people feel "secure" when in reality is a trap. That wire may not bring electricity to your home in the middle of a situation, that pipe will not carry water either. Supermarkets shelves get empty real soon when emergencies hit, service stations run out or have no power. I know because I've been in the middle of it, I was in South Miami, were many of my family lives when Andrew hit it. And plan also for long term situations. Things are gonna get ugly when the economy collapses. This farmer has reliable information that can be trusted, if someone want to know more details you can send me a PM, I don't want to add more of what some call "off topic issues". Some people like to have blinkers (pieces of thick leather put in the sides of the horses head to keep them focused in just what is in front of them). I see in this forum the potential in many to be in the group of the survivors. Diesel engines have the advantage in chaotic situations in their own design. Their simple mechanics and possibility to run with diesel, veggie oil, biodiesel, and other combinations plus they don't need electric circuits (prone to be fried by EMPs) give them my special attention. With your help I'm learning how to fix and keep them running.
There are so many of you guys that I would like to have in my team when things get bad. Able to fix whatever, like you Shades, or the one guilty of starting this very thread (he's name says it all). For some of you may be good to have us also in their team: Educated in hardwork in the fields, trained and in service for 8 years (where is not important now), able to find water where other people would die of thirst, able to find food in the forest or in the jungle to survive in conditions where many will starve to death (short term), able to grow and feed people out of any piece of land in less than two month (long term), knowing what to grow and how much depending on the company size and situations, without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, without much water, on any kind of soil. But above all, for which I'm indebted and thankful to the Lord our God, with a faith and trust in Him received and developed in trials and tribulations many.
Because I see your potential, and out of love for this country, its ideals and people, I'm sounding the trumpet.
I ask your forgiveness if because my lack of formal education and my zeal, exacerbated by the short time I think we have to get ready, I wrote something that offended or misjudge any of you. Who are probably in many ways better persons that I am.
(off the soap box for now, until called to duty again)
Your team member Burt (a Florida *******).
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Registered User
Sep 4, 2012
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Move out of California. Here in north Florida we have no problem smoking the whole highway when I'm pulling the trailer with tractor and attachments on (10,000 pounds) with my '86 F-350. I had a '51 Chevy that I put some diesel in the gas tank by mistake once and I drove it from town to home with a huge cloud of white smoke after me all the way (I think some fellows may have been happy thinking I was some kind of exterminator for the mosquitos and bugs).:D It eventually clear when I filled it up again and burned the diesel in the gas. That was a beautiful little truck with a six in line and a four speed tranny. I really feel sorry for guys like us having to put up with all these crazy environmentalists in California. Personally I think of them as communists (that's one of the worst insults I can think of) with an agenda to destroy this country. I already had some kind of a boicot when buying things (don't buy things made in China and later from California either) after I saw some California cities with a boicot to Arizona, just because Arizona wants to protect itself from the illegal invasion and the drug trafficants. But that's just my opinion.
I hope you can find a solution to avoid any more citations from that pesky neighbor.

:rotflmao i cant stop laughing!


Full Access Member
Nov 8, 2011
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Lodi, California
Wow this is one old thread. To icanfixall. Where have you been getting these citations??? Just curious so I can stay the hell away from that area lol.
My buddies dad had a 2002 f350 powerstroke with the 7.3 diesel with about 360k on the clock at the time. One night, when he was asleep, my buddy and I went into his garage and hooked up the edge programmer because he only had it on the first stage. We went ahead and put it on the third stage (roughly another 100hp) lol. He went to his ranch in Birds Landing the day after and told Mike, his son, his truck has never ran better hahaha. He finally found out we turned it up but ended up leaving it at that setting. Anyways, about 5 months later he was towing his water truck (trailor and water truck roughly 25k) :eek: to Nevada and ended up getting a pretty nice ticket on the Donner pass because it was just bellowing out smoke. He fought the ticket explaining that it was natural for a diesel to do that, and at the time they weren't smogging those trucks haha. Anyways that truck is still kicking with over 400k on the clock and hasn't even touched the engine or clutch. Everything is still original and I'm amazed at how good it still runs.


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
Usually I get these at the same intersection. But this latest one was when the wifey drove it to work and out to lunch... Friggen tree huggers in that area. They come over here from china not being able to read a road sign. Take the driving test in there language. Then try to drive... Its the craziest thing you ever saw. Slow as hell and more u turns than a persn can think of... I avoid that town as much as I can...

Devon Harley

Full Access Member
Mar 13, 2012
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San Diego
Ya mmmm bout that if your not up to par America's language,style reading, commen sense. Get the hell out of our country I hate everything about you an your family. Im also discusted that your voting for my leader. I can't vote for yours. If I was to go to another country an not speak the talk walk there walk not know anything of there custom ways. I'm sure I would have a bullet in my head or in jail for life. Anyways better convo off the board. Gary I feel your pain I don't take my truck to north county San Diego ever.


Diesel fuel abuser
Dec 14, 2005
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I personally don't know how you guys out in CA even get out of the friggen driveway anymore as small as they've made everything out there these days. That whole dang state is now set up for sub compact cars. I couldn't believe it , when I was out there a couple of years back visiting my Mother and was trying to do some fixing up on her house... I noticed the strangest thing... ALL of the big Hardware stores and home centers had absoutely ZERO place to park a full size truck nowdays Didn't used to be that way:***::Whatever::frustrate-Lame;Pissed for you CA guys, FULL size parking spots big enough for full size crew cab trucks are normal at industrial vendors in NORMAL states( and the products contained inside, even though they were national chains, were nothing but dress up fru fru things, couldnt find a blamed thing to actually fix anything like I could back home , although I almost died laughing when someone told me what all the spray paint cans were locked up for.... then I got a bit sick.

Yup, Aside from seeing some family i hadn't seen in over 20 years and visiting with Gary, I couldn't get out of that hole of a state fast enough.


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
What Robert talks about is so true. Here is a state law that all spray paint must be behind a locked cabinet. Thats so the creeps can steal it and go tagging everywhere. You drive around town and thats all you se. So what adult is buying this for the junks. Ask and tagger why they do what they do to others property. They will tell you its their rights to make their marks. If you tab over what they tagged.. you will likely die. Whos raising these turds... Its sickening to see how badly things are ruined around town. My small town does a great job or garffeti removal. You see it... you report it... Its gone just that fast. I never can read whats sprayed on the cars or walls. Usuall it looks like another language. I'm seeing lots of those smart cars. Hell... My crewcab makes 4 of them. I think secertly someone is trying to make a car so small just for those fools that drive like crazys. Then when they cut off an 18 wheeler and die they are already in a motorized casket... Ready made for barrial
Aug 2, 2012
Reaction score
Poway, CA
Ya mmmm bout that if your not up to par America's language,style reading, commen sense. Get the hell out of our country I hate everything about you an your family. Im also discusted that your voting for my leader. I can't vote for yours. If I was to go to another country an not speak the talk walk there walk not know anything of there custom ways. I'm sure I would have a bullet in my head or in jail for life. Anyways better convo off the board. Gary I feel your pain I don't take my truck to north county San Diego ever.



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