Ever had a Mouse take out your clutch,,?


USAF C-17 Avionics
Mar 22, 2005
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Dover AFB / Harrisburg PA
Close, but the clutch was slipping for the blade on our good toro push mower. Pulled off the cover and nothin but a big ole field mouse den.

It had only sat for a day.



Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
We had a mouse in the Lady Moose for a while. I eventually found it dead out on the floor of the garage. Put the heat on in the truck one day, and the fan on high. Everything was fine, and then THWUMP! BLERDERBLERDERBLERDER... The damn nest got sucked into the blower, where it is to this day. I need to pull the motor and get it out of there before the out of balance squirrel cage ruins the bearings. :rolleyes:


be nice to the admin :D
Oct 4, 2006
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York PA
had a rat crawl into my car one time under the hood and get caught in the fan when i started it up. heck i didnt even know until the mechanic inspecting it showed it to me while up on the lift. i think his exact words were "and next time you can clean your own Gxx Dxxxx road kill out" i looked up and there was just the skin hanging over the sway bar with guts cooked all under the car. i thought i smelled chicken LOL


Last Nite's Dream..
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
Hi in the Cascades, Nearly- Redmond,Oregon
Rat hate'n cats...genetic engineered killing machine the IDI hauled!!

Few year ago (about 10) wifey & kids brought home couple young 1/2 grown kittens.
Me, well I never liked the smell of cat poop....nothing stinks worse! I hated cats! Big time!! Cat tracks on the truck & car wash job. Cat poop in flower beds, cat hair everywhere, cat poop in the shop! (and a statement of FACT! Cats never go out of heat! I can guarentee it! Never!) I even hated the word cat!!:mad: :mad:

Now here these 2 new kittens. I laid law down...NO CATS! Well after threats of sleeping on the couch I gave in....they can stay, but outside!!!

Few days later wifey gripping about her '85 Cad acting funny, lites, heater fan, AC, etc. I cked. under hood & here is all the wires nawed, cut, stripped etc, along with nests! Pack Rats! Round here in summer time & no rain mice & rats move in on us. Well, I temporarily patch-fixed her car & decided to catch & kill the pack rats somehow.....
Next morning here is one kitten sitting on the back step, face all swelled & puffed up, blood everwhere, & holes all thru her face......near dead!! Long trail of blood about 30' around to the Caddy. Here lays the other kitten. Dead, blood everywhere. Blood trail up under car front end & up into engine compartment! BIG DA** FIGHT happened here last nite!
I popped the hood & blood everwhere! & here sits the biggest packrat I ever saw....at least 30#, 2'-3' long plus the tail, had 4-5" long tusks....just sitting there really sassy-like & growling at me!!! I swatted at it, chased it round under there with a stick, tore, beat, broke, & flailed bunch of hi-dollar Caddy parts, then it scooted up some air duct to safety!

Now here's the screamin hysterical wifey & screamin, bawling kids, all running round trying to load the near dead kitten up to head to the Hi-dollar Vet!! And me, well I stupidly smart off that it "will be alright, just put it in a box & watch it..."
Lots of hateful, scathing looks, bawling got louder, & I got told "and you WILL sleep on the couch" & away they went to the Hi-dollar vet!!! And in my truck too!!! And I got a gizillion things to do that morning, & now near on foot!!

I caught & killed the rat!! Thought about getting the shotgun after it, burning the Caddy to kill it, or something. And I still don't even want to know to this day how much the vet bill was!
That surviving kitten "Suzie"grew up, had many litters of rat-hatin kittens.....& they had many litters of RAT HATERS! (I think each one has about 30 litters per year....& about 30 kittens per litter!) There's still some of 'em roaming round here....& they all still hate rats! A mouse or rat would be a fool to come within 3 miles of this place!!!
And yes...I did sleep on the couch a few nights......:D
And the coyotes & owls sure like young, tender, juicy kitty-cats...:angel: :angel:
Sigh.....siggggh.....the life I have to lead;Really
someday I'll tell'ya about the porcupine in the kitchen sink....maybe.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2006
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Portland OR
Few year ago (about 10) wifey & kids brought home couple young 1/2 grown kittens.
I hated cats! Big time!!........ siggggh.....the life I have to lead;Really
someday I'll tell'ya about the porcupine in the kitchen sink....maybe.

Dad, is that you?:rotflmao :rotflmao :rotflmao

Man, this feller can sure spin a yarn. Can he have his own forum? uncle ttman4's "Story Time" or something...:popcorn :smoke:


be nice to the admin :D
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
York PA
Dad, is that you?:rotflmao :rotflmao :rotflmao

Man, this feller can sure spin a yarn. Can he have his own forum? uncle ttman4's "Story Time" or something...:popcorn :smoke:

i would be in :popcorn

tell us about the porcupine uncle ttman4 pppllllleeeeaasssee :D


Windy B Ranch
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Moriarty, New Mexico
A 30# 2-3' long rat! That wopuld scare the crap out of me if I found it under the hood. Probably need a license to shoot something that big. My dog that caught the rabbit would have a field with that. She's an Aussie/Border Collie mix and loves to herd animals...dead or alive. I'll go out in the morning and there by the back door will be her collection for the night for me to dispose of...mice, snakes, cats, birds (snatches them out of the air!), gophers, grasshoppers, even tumbleweeds. You name it. Best mouser I ever had.



Last Nite's Dream..
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
Hi in the Cascades, Nearly- Redmond,Oregon
I once hauled off a dead chicken in my IDI....true story!!

tell us about the porcupine uncle ttman4 pppllllleeeeaasssee :D
Man, this feller can sure spin a yarn. Can he have his own forum? uncle ttman4's "Story Time" or something...:popcorn :smoke:
TLBREWER A 30# 2-3' long rat!
Porcupine in the kitchen sink?.....Oh yeah. Well it goes like this......true story!! Carol & 1/2 of the kids was PO'ed, BIG TIME, other 1/2 was happy as he**!:rotflmao
Ya know, I better not start this right now....I gotta change oil in my truck. Then I gotta carry Carol to the airport to fly down to Vegas so she can see EJ....hergranddaughter!!!

BTW, just for the record....I never tell fibs, lies, or yarns!! It's always some variation of the truth!!!:D :D