Ladies & Gentlemen, I am Impressed


Full Access Member
Jul 22, 2006
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San Antonio, TX
I joined this site a few weeks ago after spendingyears on another IDI forum. While the other forum did provide me with a wealth of information over the years, this site seems to go the extra mile.

I just learned about the 911 section and the Member's help list. Knowing that there is 100+ folks out there that listed contact info in case of an emergency, is just plain fantastic. It sure gives a person a secure feeling to know they can get help just about anywhere, anytime.

The light hearted banter and serious answers to often complicating questions is also fantastic. Most of the time, you'd have to pay a pretty penny for the kind of mechanical help you get here for free.

So, again let me say I'm impressed. I'm also grateful for all the support I've got for the issues I've had with Big Red and for all I have learned from reading other's posts.



Idont do injectors
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
New Brighton PA
I think I'm gonna cry
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I think we all believe in the same basic philosophy of helping others when you can. The "senior" members of the board have been down these roads, and freely help others with their knowledge. I know I've learned so much from these guys that the best way I know how to repay them is passing along the knowledge I've learned to those who have not yet asked the question.

In karate, a Sensei is defined as "one who has come before". It's not that they are masters of their art, but that they've "been there and done that". And passing along what they have learned in the purest manner is what their "job" is. So the senior member are Senseis to me. I thank you all and may we pass on your knowledge in the purest form that we can to those that have yet walked these paths.
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Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
West coast
Your comments are payment in full. Thank you and please come again. It really is a good feeling when you can pass something along that you have learned either the hard way or the easy way. I really enjoy looking at a well worded question and trying to fit something I can't see or hear. I'm sure many here feel the same way.... :D


Registered User
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Westminster, MD
I am not sure if you saw the post about my trouble in SC. That post made its way around my office and I have non diesel owning coworkers that are now believers in this site. (Maybe they now understand why I am here insead of working? :confused: )

Just to recap:
I had parts sent from up and down the east coast (overnighted), phone calls answered anytime day or night / at work and home, me and my family were "put up" by a fellow member - who also took 3 days off from work to wrench, I had offers to transport my truck home (via a car carrier), a member offered to drive 9 hrs and bring my 5'r home, I have members coming this weekend to get the truck 100%, I have been offered spare injectors and a member has offered me my choice of a CC IDI, Ext cab IDI or ext cab Dodge if I need a truck.

You can't buy that type of commitment and friendship anywhere for any price. Yep, you guys mean more to me than some of my family. :D

Darrin Tosh

IDI Hound
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Well said Guys!,, It is what makes the rallys that much more of a memorable event to attend, You get to put faces with the names, abiet some are more scary than others, but we live with that!

Awesome Gorup.

I am also involved in Mustang Forums and Jeep Forums and what a night and day difference between the sites and there members. As Mel put it once, "Theres no place like home, Theres no place like home"


Full Access Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Chattanooga, TN
I am a member of many different sites and this one by far is the most friendly and helpful. I haven't been on here long but I have been to one of the rallys and it was a blast. Getting ready for a meet with another site I am on and no one is going to show up by the sounds of it. So far I am having all kinds of fun on here and I am sure it will get better and better.

Compu Doc

Full Access Member
Jun 5, 2005
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Middletown NJ
Actually I think it depends on what type of truck you drive as to whether or not people will help out. If it's an IDI diesel van they will probably shy away because evreything is packed so tight. Of course that will depend on what the problem is. Fortunately us IDI van people stick togehter and help each other out.

I remember a couple years back where I was not even finished yet fixing an alternator belt that broke and having to go back and get another one because the one they gave me was not the right size and everyone excpet for one person left the campground and were on the road well before I even had my van running with a new belt.

In my case I have to remove 3 belts before I can even replace the alternator belt. Thats not something a person thats driving an F250 or F350 wants to deal with on an E350.
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Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Coastal Neckville, NC
I meet a IDI owner today and was telling him about this site and the pushrod tru the valve cover, and the overnight shipping.... IT Truly IS a Brotherhood Of Oil Burners!!!!!!!!
thanks guys!!!!!!


Windy B Ranch
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Moriarty, New Mexico
I don't get any "computer time" at home because there is no spare time. When I start my workweek on Wednesday nights, I can't wait to get through all my work related junk mail so I can log on here and see what's going on in the IDI community. It feels good to be able to help someone either technically or physically. And to feel safe in knowing that your butt is covered just for the asking if something happens while you're on the road. Now if we could just get some of you BOOB Heads to move closer to Ryan Eklund and I...
Due to my recent purchase, I too belong to another site. However, over there there's too much "your not posting in the right forum" stuff going on. And no explanation of the simple things without a touch of sarcasm. I just kick back and read and learn as much as possible without contributing much. Maybe it's because we are a smaller community here, but it's more of an anything goes atmosphere. Sometimes we discuss generic truck questions or stuff that doesn't even pertain to trucks. You gotta question? Throw it out there and we'll talk about it. I've gotten more congradulations, support, and advise here since I bought my Duramax than I did on the Chevy site. Now that's a brotherhood! Oops---sisters too.

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The Warden

MiB Impersonator
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
icanfixall said:
Your comments are payment in full. Thank you and please come again. It really is a good feeling when you can pass something along that you have learned either the hard way or the easy way. I really enjoy looking at a well worded question and trying to fit something I can't see or hear. I'm sure many here feel the same way.... :D
|stupid :D

Taking a break from this -cuss move, because this thread caught my eye. Doc, I agree with you completely! I have been proud to call myself a member of this group for 6 1/2 years now (on before the majority of this group migrated here in January 2005)...and, in that time, it is amazing what I've seen. The knowledge so many of these people have is absolutely shocking. I consider myself mechanically inclined, and think I know the IDI fairly well...but I am a novice compared to many of these people. These people are also kind enough to share their wisdom.

And, as you have seen, the kindness does not end on the forum. The whole problem with pafixit's truck a couple of weeks ago is but the latest example of what many of the people on here would do to help out their fellow man. I will admit that I have been at the receiving end of this more than at the giving end (and I must specifically thank both Calvin (towcat) and Mel (Agnem) here, although there are many others as well), but I hope that I will someday be able to repay everyones' kindness.

This site is a wonderful resource. And, more importantly, it is also a community...and I am very proud to be able to call myself a member. :) I just wish I had time to contribute more...these last few months have been killer... :(


Registered User
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
San Diego California
This forum has been an amazing help to me!
I have been to many of forums over the last 3.5 years and the only really helpfuel ones were the FE forum9/10, IH forum 9/10, Ford six 9/10, and Oil burners I would say 10/10. 5 Bieng informative and 9 bieng a good help.

The best Engine forum I have found! I was refered here by the Ford Superduty forums by 94 F450SD that this place is the authority on hotrodding the IDI., the next major help was on a 4x4 section of either ford superduty or oilburners By Bama 6 gun who was very helpfuel, and finnially the help on my 7.3L IDI turbo thread.
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Registered User
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Buckeye, AZ
this is so true i thank everyone who even takes the time to look let alone answer back and so on. all in all i am proud to be a member and look forward to helping others and learning from them also