Status of Mr. Bill


Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Melbourne, FL
soulpatchfr said:
i just replied to a thread Scott started over @ STD before i saw him here...

check out my latest post here . i wonder if **** or anyone else will be scratching there heads a bit, or even get the joke? (the 'cross post' was the one over here @ OB)

Mr. Bill:
we haven't met, but let me finally step into the conversation & send you my sincerest best wishes for you and yours ;Sweet . i don't know that i can say anything more (or better) than has already been said, so i'll keep it to "May The Force Be With You"
i too have learned much from your posts over the last few years, and enjoyed the many shared stories & photos of this fine community - even when i was a wee lurker for the first year.

Get back in the driver's seat soon!

Now I'm gettin' all touch feely with all this IDI love 'round here. Darnit!

I'm not gonna be able to part with my IDI... I just cain't!!! Gotta make it to at least one IDI gathering and meet folks. We'll be back east next spring!! :)


Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
clyde NY
On the original topic...I haven't said anything to date partially because I don't know Mr. Bill as well as some of you do and partially because for some reason I'm never able to handle these things very well. But, I sincerely hope that things improve...he's a good man and I know we're all pulling for him.

very well worded warden,get well soon mr.bill


Full Access Member
Mar 19, 2005
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Midway Park, NC
soulpatchfr said:
i just replied to a thread Scott started over @ STD before i saw him here...

check out my latest post here . i wonder if **** or anyone else will be scratching there heads a bit, or even get the joke? (the 'cross post' was the one over here @ OB)

Mr. Bill:
we haven't met, but let me finally step into the conversation & send you my sincerest best wishes for you and yours ;Sweet . i don't know that i can say anything more (or better) than has already been said, so i'll keep it to "May The Force Be With You"
i too have learned much from your posts over the last few years, and enjoyed the many shared stories & photos of this fine community - even when i was a wee lurker for the first year.

Get back in the driver's seat soon!

Old Mister Bill, I hope your treatments go well and you pull through strongly. You remind me of my great uncle, 83 years old this year, had prostate cancer. WEll, he went through all the surgery,kemo and radiation and beat the cancer, but now when we hunt together, he asks me about every hour, to stop so he can use the bathroom.. Imagine that, a man 83 years old, asking me, who is hiking him through the mountains, if I can stop for him.. I should be carrying him (WWII Marine Vet Iwo Jima, Bouganville, Oki, and a few other little islands).. I could never dream of beeing half as tough as you old birds.. Scotty

PS.. I got threatened about my cross post too.. First time they have ever sent me a personal e-mail. Made a mistake, don't think it was enough to get threatened with deleting me.. Oh well.. Scotty


Grumpy Old Man
Nov 19, 2005
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Wagoner Oklahoma
Thanks to all of you for your best wishes and support.I plan to post more in the next few days,been kinda busy with Doctors and what notl,got to go for a cat scan of my brain (hope they like blank PICS :) ?)Monday.
I have decided to try a natural approach to this instead of chemo (given what the drs have said) All I can say about my new diet is wheres the BEEF!!!??? :-( ?
Been very busy here trying to get a 100% change in diet going and trying to eat raw vegies (just had a tooth pulled 3 days ago :) Did you ever make and eat vegetable MUSH it is made from raw brocoli and other vegies-you don't chew it the machine chews it for you ??? .
Where's the beef :-(
A glass of milk wouldnt hurt either. Any one know of refrigerated mail express-Debi doesn't check my mail for goodies.
Actually I am getting busier latley in the shop and try to spend an hour or so out there as often as possible. Recovering from the ecoli bacteria takes time especially when it is recover from one thing go to the next problem. Yet I do feel some stronger then I did a coupleweeks ago.But as usual GOD is beside me step by step,along with so many friends.
THANKS GUYS I am blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community.
Mr Bill
Last edited:


Resident Fruitcake
Dec 11, 2004
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Gwynneville, Indiana
Bill you just make sure that you spent some time with Debi as well. Take it easy and don't over do it out in the shop.


Traitor to the brotherhood
Jan 11, 2005
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Glad you are in good spirits and plan on fighting this thing.You can beat it.Don't give up!Don't let this thing win!I don't give a crap what the doctors say.Fight fight fight!I had a teacher in skewel that when he was flying private jets was diagnosed with an inoperable terminal brain tumor.They gave him less than 6 months to live.....well,5 years later he was my teacher.He never gave up and fought it.I don't think he did any therapy.Was there one time and next time he went to test it was totally gone!No trace.Hasn't shown back up that I know of either.Pretty much when it comes to Cancer,Tumors,etc they just guess at it.They don't really understand what causes it,how to help it,or whatnot.Hince the use of radiation and Chemo to distroy the cells.Pretty much like napalming a forrest to kill an enemy soldier.It distroys the bad cells but also seriously injures all the others in the body.


Ricer-Roni The IDI Treat
Jan 13, 2005
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Post Falls, Idaho
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, Bill. I've been so busy with teaching this year I don't get the time to log on here like I used to. You and Debi will be in our prayers as well. The medical community is finding better ways every day to fight cancer. I can't tell you how many people I have heard about that miraculously their cancer was gone. Think positive and keep fighting! ;Sweet

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