I've never seen one, but I talked to a guy who had one and he explained it to me. It actually sounds like a wonderful tool to have.
Amen to that, as soon as I read Pensacola and injectors I figured that would be the problem. And the fact that it worked great at the start then poorly later suggests a loose bit of something got into the system from the poor rebuild they did or maybe even while you were doing the swap. It only takes one grain of sand, after all.Pensacola,,,, Shudder.
Ive been to their place for perkins injectors in an emergency, suffice it to say, never ever would I use or recommend .
Its a good thing IDI's are forgiving , thats the only reason they get ANY positive reviews.
Not sure that was $250 well spent…So! I had time to do some work yesterday. I took out the Pensacola injectors and installed some I got from Accurate Diesel (I took a $250 gamble and figured I'd have a spare set of injectors if one went south - I like having spares). I checked copper washers etc, vacuumed out the whole area, torqued them right.
The result: Smooth idle - but knocking over 2000ish rpm when stationary in park, knocking when the truck is moving and I'm on the gas, even a bit.
So no difference.
Some questions:
*Is it possible that the timing being off won't create a knock when idling - but create a loud knock when under load or at higher revs?
*What else could produce this knock since the injectors were changed?
*If it's something mechanical that has gone out, wouldn't I hear a knock at idle/lower RPMs?
*I know I should replace the IP but I don't really have space, money or time to do so. Is it honestly critical that injectors and pump are done together?
Oh boy, could use this truck running right now...... Still puzzled why the first test drive was fine but later drives were not. That's got me stumped.
Pending any input from folks here, my next steps are to crack the fuel lines to make sure that each one is delivering fuel to its injector (per onetonjohn's suggestion) and if that doesn't show up anything, put the original injectors back in to see if I get a knock. And go from there, whatever that means.
Again, any help here would be much appreciated to get this truck back on the road.
Didn’t mean to be offensive when I said this, but from what I’ve seen, you need to be careful where you buy injectors for these trucks.Possibly right on the $250 - but learning curves are sometimes spendy, unfortunately. Wish I hadn't spent it right now but, as I say - sometimes learn the hard way.... I'll keep that list, I just learned of RussRepair (see above).
The holes the injectors go in, is what I meant by clean holes. That may have seemed unclear. Sorry about that.What does "with clean holes" mean? The thread and inside the chamber, or on the injectors themselves? I vacuumed out the chamber and surrounding area, and made sure the injector was inserted very carefully. I added a small amount of Vaseline to keep the copper washer in place. Used some anti-seize but a small amount and made sure none was below the thread area.
I torqued mine initially, but they leaked before too long. I have returned rails instead of return lines, though… so I just tightened them down with a wrench until they stopped leaking, it is a pain to mess with those return rails.The injectors were pretty darn snug when I had them torqued to 35 or so. Do you recommend I get them as tight as I can, within reason? Probably could have taken them a little further.
Half an hour is a little longer than I would drive it with a knock, If it doesn’t clear up in a few seconds, then somethings off…Is there an argument for driving until everything is good and hot to see if anything gets 'cleaned out'? If I take it in to a shop, I'll have to drive for half an hour or so. Any risk of damaging anything, presuming it is a fuel-related problem, and not mechanical?
You’re welcome, happy to help.Thanks.
Yes that is usually a good starting point for anything that is though to be fuel related.ATF? No, not tried. Do you mean added to the fuel filter and left to soak overnight in the IP etc? More than willing to give that a go, if so.