IDI Drag Race Video

Compu Doc

Full Access Member
Jun 5, 2005
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Middletown NJ
I've watched bone stock VW bugs run 20 second passes consistently... I know my truck isn't fast but I don't have to break it out onto a drag strip to prove it. :rotflmao

I'm proud to say that their was another Ford Diesel rally that I attended years ago for the few years it was held. I'm also proud to say that every time I was their I always dynoed the lowest HP. The last time I actually had competition as someone else brought another IDI that also was NA and was an ambulance but the full van type.

We met at one of the truck stops on the way up with me arriving at 5am and him arriving at 9am. When we pulled out I was leading him to the campground that we were staying at and I was towing my camper he was not towing anything. As I was going up the interstate he could not keep up and I had to slow down several times so he could catch up.

When it came time to dyno one of the vendors said he would give a chip to the lowest HP truck or if they could not use the chip then the prize would be $200 cash. This rally was geared toward power strokes and Ford always brought out the new model trucks that were coming out but not yet in the dealerships. This particular rally was when the 6.0 power stroke was coming out and when we dynoed our trucks we were arguing about who would have the lower HP of the two. Each one of us felt that we would have the lowest HP. He ran his on the dyno first and I ran mine on the dyno second.

When I ran mine on the dyno I had switched every emergency light switch and had the siren ready to go so that all I had to do was switch the body battery switch and everything would light up creating a drag on the alternator which would put less HP to the wheels. We had 2 runs each and after the first run he accused me of cheating by me running my lights and siren at which point I asked him if his lights and siren worked and he said they had so I told him you should have ran them. Then I told him to make it fair I will not run anything and I will still beat you. After my second run was done I wound up beating him by 1.5 HP and won the $200 in cash and a trophy. :thumbsup:


I don't feel tardy
Jan 12, 2005
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Chardon OH
nice video. i too dont need to run my truck on the track or dyno to prove how slow it is...but i will do it just for fun, if i can afford it

Compu Doc

Full Access Member
Jun 5, 2005
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Middletown NJ
How does this relate to the drag race video?cookoo

If that is directed at my post it proves these trucks are slow but being their age it also proves that they are reliable. I have also had mine on the track in Englishtown Raceway Park in Old Bridge NJ. I did not do it to show how slow it was I did it for a show of the lights and siren going down a 1/4 mile drag strip. It's about having fun, not poking fun.


Registered User
Jan 20, 2009
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Destin, FL
I agree with Old Bill. Mel, thanks for posting, and thanks to everyone who worked tirelessly to put on the rally, then to show those of us who couldn't attend. It does hurt a little bit to see so many negagtive comments. From all of us who are appreciative, thanks again to everyone who deserves it, you know who you are, and so do we.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
Sorry if my post seemed like I was putting down. Wasnt what I was trying to get after. I was simply wondering. Should have accounted for the distance everyone traveled to get there, I understand not wanting to twist a driveshaft or what have you.

I appologize guys.


Full Access Member
Jun 3, 2010
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It also has alot to do with gearing i think seeing a dually going down the track is very impressive. Especially if you drove so damn far.

Hell i drive 60 miles into the big city to go hang out with friends etc, sometimes we end up at the drag strip but i will not race. Because i have an ego and i will break it

So i gotta commend yall for going down the strip.

But like i said in this case besides engine mods your looking at gearing

A couple weeks ago i went to one of those events where you had just over a mile for your top the old girl up to 129 mph, thats faster than my f150. (the speedo was pointing at Drive) and it just cruised (verified radar gun and gps my gps said 133, radar said 129)

My gears in case (im unsure of exactly what they are) put me where i can burn em both if i just gun it, first and second are super low and 3rd is tall as hell, and over drive is tall aswell

Yes they could go faster with some gearing changes with exact setup they have there, pushing it a bit harder and possible get into the 14s or 15s. But thats spooling the turbo (if applicable) launching it whethere that be dumping the clutch or preloading the suspension on a auto (really bad on em, power stalling without a line lock is bad mmkay, trust me)

So all in all i think yall did great, really enjoyed the video:thumbsup:


Nov 8, 2008
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gilbert pa
Hey. I'm sorry if i offended anyone.:hail I just thought these trucks would have been quicker with 250+ HP(the turboed ones). I realize they all weigh 6-8k. I was just expecting faster.


Tug Engineer
Jun 1, 2005
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Douglas, Georgia
ok, lets review....
once again, horsepower is a worthless rating, especially for an engine that turns 3,300rpms. This has more to do with it being a diesel than anything. Diesels can adjust fuel injection timing, but sadly cannot advance ignition timing and so as piston speed accelerates the combustion gets sloppier and thus loss of power. (ever notice how even the new diesels are somewhat limited to the 3-4k rpm range?)

what are we getting for torque? about the same as a 3,000lb foxbody mustang that runs 11-12second 1/4mile with a pretty hot engine.

now factor in the fact that these trucks weight 4-5k lbs more.... Factor in the fact that the rotating assembly on the 7.3 weights like 8 times more than a small block ford, so engine recovery and engine acceleration are effected (vastly different than vehicle acceleration).

Lets also factor in the truck transmissions are designed for longevity under load.... anyone that has shifted a t19 or zf5 and than hopped behind a vehicle equipt with a toploader or a Tremec can attest to the fact that they do NOT like being shifted fast.

Stick that 11second car's smallblock ford engine in a 8,800lb truck and take it to the track, see what happens.
Presented with all of these facts, I would go so far as to say that those trucks were very fast.



Traitor to the brotherhood
Jan 11, 2005
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I have to say I am a bit disappointed in the tone of some of the posts. You guys ask for rally pics and vids and then when you get them you pick them apart and put us down. Perhaps in the future it will be best to just keep the fun to ourselves. I paid one hundred dollars to put three trucks that were 18 hours and 925 miles from home on that track, and our only goal was toi be able to say we sat in friont of a christmas tree and put the hammer down. My wife was pretty aprehensive about doing it in the first place. We knew we were putting turtles on the track in froint of people whoi are used ti 325 MPH quarter mile sleds. It was bound to be embarrassing anyway. Blowing a head gaskjet or dropping a drive shaft would NOT have added to the experience. We now have a video that 8 different families contributed their vacations and serious money to bring you. How about a lkittle respect and why not try tio put yourself in our shoes before you start complaining that yiour fantasy doesn't add up to reality. Show us that you actually have some balls anmd start planning ti come to PA in 2011. Then maybe you will understand what it really takes to DO something rather than just watch other people and coimplain about it. Posting from my phone so sorry for grammer and format.

Geeze,little ribbing and I start a war.What is with everyone these days?I will say I wish you would stop posting pics and vids so I won't be able to see all the fun I missed again....;p


Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
Ok well I think we all understand things better now. I am not against discussing what we could do to make our numbers better, as there may be others that would like toi be more serious about trying it some time. I would like to point out that half of the trucks that ran were Moose Pump equipped. Heath and I are also running Moose Misters. Perceptions of lack of smoke are more due to the viewing angle then an actual lack of smoke. That said however in reality the Moose products are not key ingredients to the quarter mile. I would like to point out that in that distance I used 2nd gear, 3rd, and 3rd over. Joe had the best IDI time because he was the only automatic. When you shift you loose boost, reciprocating mass energy and inertia. No doubt one of the many reasons Ford no longer offers a manual trans. The Night Moose has the lowest dyno number out of the 8 trucks that ran, but at 2700 pounds he scoots right up the track. Reduction of weight is key, something none of us did anything about. Heath and I had simularly equipped rigs, and the most closely matched run. It was fun, and we all had the option to do it a bunch more times, but I think we all found it undesireable as we were not out to prove anything.


Registered User
Feb 2, 2008
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I agree with Old Bill. Mel, thanks for posting, and thanks to everyone who worked tirelessly to put on the rally, then to show those of us who couldn't attend. It does hurt a little bit to see so many negagtive comments. From all of us who are appreciative, thanks again to everyone who deserves it, you know who you are, and so do we.

negative posts must be from those who didn`t attend, I was there for a day...well half a day and met a great bunch of knowledgeable guys and had a good time.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Jun 24, 2004
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In my younger and dumber days, I'd cut school to go racing. It didn't faze me that I was driving through some of the worst traffic in the area, get to the track by 4pm, change out tires and be in tech inspection by 5pm. It started around 5:30 and with the number of cars there, you were lucky to get three runs in. by the time it was done it's 10pm. I still had to put back on my street tires and drive two hours home. It all came to an end when I broke my car halfway home and CHP noticed I had a restricted license( I lost my license due to streetracing). If my kid did today what I used to do, I'd prolly beat her senseless.:eek:
Imho, the times are real-life times. The truck ran with what is normally in the truck and launched no differently than in a spirited manner. Unlike last year, noone broke anything;Sweet These aren't drag trucks, sled trucks or whatever competition you want to do trucks. They will get you there and back with minimal fuss trucks and that is golden when you want a low anxiety vacation where breakdowns that require a towtruck, you own the right truck;Sweet


Professional wrench holder
Staff member
Jun 4, 2010
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Quakertown Pa
Show us that you actually have some balls anmd start planning ti come to PA in 2011. Then maybe you will understand what it really takes to DO something rather than just watch other people and coimplain about it. Posting from my phone so sorry for grammer and format.


lol. will be there, no matter what side of the state it is on.

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