DPS-Performance :( Rip Off? HELP


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
When you pay for something thru the US mail and are defrauded there is plenty you can do about it. Wire fraud thru the US mail is serious stuff. The Post Master General will go after him big time but you have to tell them about it. If the payment was thru paypal you have options there too. If you paid by credit card you can call fraud because you have not been satisfied and get a charge back... Then the really big guys go after him. Thats the merchant bank that covers every credir card transaction. I think the credit card is the easiest way to go if thats what you used. Just call them. Cancel the payment stateing the you never got what you paid for and the guy wont answer your calls. Simple.. Really sorry to learn this crap is still happening with Ken.. Thats no way to run a business. I know this is not his only line of work. This is a side line so this is not what he makes a living off of... Stil very sad...


Registered User
Aug 23, 2012
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yea I wish I would have paid with a card now and done a little more research about dps stuff. But I never dreamed of somthing like this happening. I am far from a perfect christain but I believe in God and I believe every one will be punished for there misdeeds. I no this couldent have happened at a worse time with me and money. If I had the money I would just go find a turbo calibrated Injection pump and send it to a guy here local that I found and has a good name and garentees his work he said he would have the pump and injectors done in 3 days inless somthing major was wrong with the pump. I talked to him on the phone and he seemed to be a real nice guy. I just wish I would have found him sooner lol But thats how it goes I guess. I was originaly going to get a baby moose pump and injectors from type4 but then I seen the dps website and tried to pinch a penny and now im in a mess. I think I am gonna leave an email and a message and try to demand a refund and give him a certain amount of time to notify me or I will contact the authorities in his county and mine. Cause at this point I am done with him. I just would like my cores and money back or atleast just my money back because knowing my luck I will get his rebuilds back and I will have problems with them and I will be dealing with him all over again. I really appreciate all the help and support guys Thanks and God Bless I will try to keep you guys posted on what happens I wish somone could shut him down so this doesent happen to anyone else.


User & Abuser
Nov 12, 2011
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Santa Rosa, Ca
I called ATS the other day to try and confirm my turbo kit as a truck kit. ended up getting to a sales guy who said he is NMB2 and saw me post pics of my turbo on here. He tried to have me sell my Turbo to his friend who was also on the forums. Says I won't feel the difference in power with what I'm doing. Did that guy rip people off too?

Sorry to see another guy get ripped off by this goofball. I just got my " Turbo cal" Pump in the mail from NMB2, It is in a sealed bag and looks factory New. I know some people still get upset when NMB2 is talked about on this site, But I have met him in person at the Dyno day in Arlington WA and have done some buisness with him and he is one hell of a nice guy. If you want to get in touch with him he checks in on PowerStrokeNation or PM me your Number and I will foward it to him.


Ford Man
Oct 7, 2006
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Las Vegas
I definitely wouldn't trust Ken's product now, especially on an individualized business. Since he's already a lying sack of crap, and now that you're demanding your money back(rightfully so), I could see him sending you some product that's even worse than his usual quality(which is pretty ******).

Ken needs to be put out on the street.

He's a member here btw. Ruffle enough feathers and he may come on and try and spew some BS about how he's been busy, etc.


Registered User
Aug 23, 2012
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Just thought I would give you the low down on whats going on. I called the authorities and they sent a deputy to kens shop this morning. It wasent no time later I got two emails from ken and a phone call. He told me my stuff has been done for two weeks but some how they miss placed my mailing adress he told me he was sorry for the wait and that they ran into a little trouble with rebuilding the injectors he claims he tried emailing me and that his emailes might have went to my junk mail. I NO I never recieved any messages from him. But me being me I will give him the benifit of the doubt. He said he got my address from the deputy and he did opologise he said everything would go out today if UPS picks up the day after Thanksgiving if not he said it would be saturday and should arrive no later than wednesday next week. He was very nice on the phone I told him I would just assume to have my money back so we dont have to go through this all over again incase somthing is wrong with his rebuilds but he assured me there should be nothing wrong with anything. I told him to just send everything and that I am fed up with everything and I am just wanting this crap all to be over. So we will see if he ships everything and prolly by the end of the week I will have it on the truck trying it out. I hope with him knowing I mean business and I aint gonna take getting sqrewed over that he will not send complete crap for rebuilds. I really wish I would have done more research on DPS but hopefully It will all work out.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Cawston BC. Canada
Kudos to going this route...glad for you that it's making things happen!

His quality won't change...his ethics won't change....you'll get what you get...and if those injectors actually work ok can only be told by pop testing them which IMHO I'd see if this other shop could do for you. and take video of it while they do it...proof in pudding so to speak.

JM2CW but it's all I can offer and I do strongly suggest getting those Inj pop tested! You will know for certain what they are at after learning Kens antics you may want to do this!

Dave Barbieri

Full Access Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Overton, TX
Yup. Nothing gets folks' attention like a mushroom cloud. Ken has had weeks to honor his obligation to provide what you paid for. He didn't place a priority on doing this. Looks like a learning opportunity for both of you. Ken now knows that you'll hold him accountable and will take any legal actions necessary to do so. You now know that there are better places to spend your repair $$$.


The Anti-Anderson
Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2005
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Bowling Green, KY
I (and others) have been warning folks about DPS and Ken for years (yes years) here. Not sure if NMB2's over enthusiastic (and unfortuneately unfounded) praise and endorsement of Ken's junk was the cause for a resurgence of business for him? Either way, warnings have been out there for a long, long, time. I hate it that Justin was burned by Ken, but I knew it was only a matter of time before that happend.

My advice, test the injectors before install. If they were like mine....... and many others........ don't install them. You'd be much better off with new BB codes or if you have $$$, Moose injectors from Conestoga Diesel.

I have only purchased fuel parts (IP's and injectors) from Mel Agne (Agnem is his handle here) who is now Conestoga Diesel after getting garbage from Ken (DPS).



Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
West coast
I can say this about both Mel and Russ. They have never screwed anyone... Ever... You will never see them mentioned in the Hall of Shame. Dealing with them has been a pleasure every time for me. About DPS... I can read and what I read bothers me about DPS. Years ago I helped design the 7.3 studs with Ken. At that time I found him easy to work with and fair with the pricing of the studs to me. I believe I was the first besides him that had studs in the 7.3 idi. They were 270,000 psi H13 material and looked great. After my overheat and second rebuild those studs broke. I even took the broken ones to ARP when I bought there set so they could tell me why they broke. They felt the broken studs were from corrosion damage but I still wonder about that. I have not overheated this engine yet and so far the ARP studs are working fine. Sadly I'm no longer in contact with Ken at DPS. I can't see myself doing any more business with DPS either ... Thats really a sad thing too. I information I have read about his business practice tells me things changed or I never swa that side of his business dealings with customers.

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