Holy crap am I pissed off!!!!


Grumpy Old Man
Nov 19, 2005
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Wagoner Oklahoma
Ok I am too sensitive about parents,I know how much I miss them 47 years later.(the biggest loss of my life),so I jump when I feel parents aren't appreciated as they should be.Yes i would have come up with a way to fix my childs(or grand childs ) paint in a as good as it was condition.Fortunatly since the paint is new a fender repaint and a couple peices of chrome ,and it will be totally unnoticable.
just never forget how lucky you are to have them.
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Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
Well I'm fairly surtain they are going to pay to have someone do it. Today my mom called here mom and dad (my grandmother and grandfather, they gave me the truck), and she said they were both very disapointed and displeased with here LOL , and that she is going to have to fix it right ;Sweet . We'll see what ends up happening though.


Full Access Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Washington State
Sometimes objects become too important in our lives (mine too). We need to keep things in their proper place. Someday you will give up on the truck, for what ever reason.
And your parents will still be there.
Do not kid yourself... You may not have said the words.. but they know how bad you took it, and how bad they feel about it.
Be the bigger one and apologize and if they fix the truck or not, they are family. I have been on both sides of this one, and no one is feeling good, no matter how they are acting...

Diesel JD

Full Access Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Gainesville, FL
Well I'm glad they are going to fix it right.... I usually adhere to the nobody borrows the truck rule. My parents would be more than welcome to it..but my Mom is sort of afraid of driving something that big and my Dad just doesn't seem to need it for whatever reason. Lucky me I guess. My brother wants to borrow it sometimes and I used to let him almost whenever, but seeing how hard he is on mechanical things I hesitate more and more.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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Tell them to give you cash for the turbo you want, I know where you can get one. lol!!

G. Mann

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Apr 13, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
You are young. You will have other trucks in the future. You will never have another Mom or Dad, they don't make spares or replacement parts for them. If it's metal, it can be replaced or repaired.

Give them a hug, and a chance. It was an accident, not intentional.


I lost my face to the jaws of a poodle
Jan 13, 2005
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I know it has been plenty of times but I must agree that ya gotta give em a break. They're the only parents you'll have. Growing up I've screwed up many of my dads things and have gotten the 3rd degree for it.
Made me a better person today.

Like Mel said a good scratch keeps other imperfections away.

For instance, last year getting Goldie completly refurbished, I was final sanding the hood when all of a sudden the shop lights fall down and lands smack dab onto a freshly painted and cleared door. Yup 4 dents and scurffed the paint all the way thru the clearcoat.
Yeah I was really pissed after putting 300 hours into the refurb and 1 year later it is still there.

Lets face it, most of these trucks are work trucks and a truck is a truck.
They're made to be worked.
Yes it's nice to keep them nice for as long as possible but the inevitible will happen.

Years back, my mom backed into my Ranger and caved in the right side of the bed.

She was about in the same mode as your mom was when she told me.

Know what I told her? Ehh it's just a truck things happen.

SHe had it fixed and I never even suggested it.

It'll work out.


Diesel fuel abuser
Dec 14, 2005
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All this over a little scratch....Boy, that thing's a 4x4, what are you going to do when you figure out what that other shift lever is for and start racking up bushwhack marks cookoo
and heaven forbid, you get married (I think we all said THAT would never happen at your age :angel: If your wife puts a scratch in the thing, by the time you get through lining her out over it, you'll be convinced it's your fault for not buying the whatever cute little japanese thing it was that she wanted, and if you even THINK that you're going to spend a cent on the truck without spending $200 on a pair of shoes for HER , I've got news for you :kick: :rotflmao :rotflmao



Full Access Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Franklin Ga
I accused my son of loosing an 11mm socket the other night. I went to Sears to get a new one, and saw the exact set I was shopping for the replacement socket. I read the label. 10, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 mm. What? No 11mm. I'll be damned. I never had it to start with. So I called him, told him I was sorry,

To me- thats the measure of a man/woman. Being able to say " I was wrong- and I"m sorry." (BTW Mel- which son was this??? :D ) Your mom apologized- what the heck else do you want her to do, write you a formal apology in blood? I know you want your truck in " pristine" condition- and you want her to fix it. Thats no excuse for your 2 year old tantrum tho.

F100- all I can say to you is as you have grown up I am quite sure that you have damaged your parents things, probably some beyond repair, probably some that were entirely more valuable to them than this truck is to you. If you are " mature" enough to own this truck, you need to be " mature" enough to handle this situation without sounding like a spoiled brat. :backoff


Full Access Member
Jan 21, 2005
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You can repair the dent and the paint. But you can NEVER ever replace your parents. :backoff If you get this mad over a small dent what are you going to do when you have your first wreck. :eek: A temper like that will land you in jail. And I am sure that in your past you have damaged something of theres and didn't have to replace it.:rolleyes:

You are young and things like this are going to happen in your life!

DEAL WITH IT and move on ;Sweet

Diesel JD

Full Access Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Gainesville, FL
Maybe some of you guys need to lay off on him just a bit. After all he didn't act like a ****** to his mom..he came here to vent to us and we all need to vent. Better here than to say things to mom and dad that unlike that scratch cannot be undone or forgotten.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
Maybe some of you guys need to lay off on him just a bit. After all he didn't act like a ****** to his mom..he came here to vent to us and we all need to vent. Better here than to say things to mom and dad that unlike that scratch cannot be undone or forgotten.

Thank you.

Yes I relieze that it is a little scratch that can be fixed. I only think its fair that they go and pay for half of the repair costs, I will pay the other half. I'm fine with that. Am I mad at my mother for scratching it, a little, but nothing for me to yell at here. What I'm mad about is that they think that doing some half ass repair is alright. I have been brought up not to do anything half ass, give it your all, that type of mantality, so to me this is not alright. Do I respect my parents, of course, and of course some things they do I dont like but I wont cuss them out cause of it. Have I cut my mom slack YES, I've told her that it was a mistake and I forgave her, from the very forgiving. You guys are just not seeming to get this, yes I've cut her lots of slack. Yes I have damaged many of there things, and I'm sure I've totaly destroyed others. Some things I've had to pay for, other I've had to work off, and sometimes they let me off with a good ole fashion yelling. Like Diesel JD said, all I was trying to do was vent some anger, better here than towards my parents. I really didnt need this whole your immature get over it speach, that is really not helping anything out here.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2006
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Portland OR
Like Diesel JD said, all I was trying to do was vent some anger, better here than towards my parents. I really didnt need this whole your immature get over it speach, that is really not helping anything out here.

If you're just venting, that's one thing and that's fine. Everybody's gotta do it sometimes. But the other thing is that you are too hung up right now on it being fixed, and what's the rush? Let it settle, its you, your family, and your rig, and it'll work out.
You have to understand that you are WAAAAAAY younger than all of us here. Perspectives change with age and parenthood, and you're hanging with a bunch of seasoned dudes here. Don't take it personally, but if you were looking to vent, you have vented, man, but just listen to some of us geezers, and try to relax and keep things cool at home, because nothing is ever settled with demanding anger. We're not coming down on you like a parent, but listening and advising you as older friends, so don't slag us off.

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