anybody not using lube in the fuel?


Full Access Member
Jan 2, 2007
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Northwest Ohio
I generally don't add anything. Don't feel called to do much in that direction either. In 26 years of in the same truck, I had the pump done once... and that was as much tweakage to get the most out of the turbo as anything.

From the material I've seen, PROPERLY TREATED AND ADDITIVIZED modern diesel fuel, ULSD or whatever, is not harmful to our injection pumps. In many cases, however, the additives come at the distributor level and the conscientiousness and honesty of those smaller outfits is variable. One tank of low rent fuel (meaning low on additives) won't hurt much, but low-rent-repetition will. People who travel or whose fuel supply is suspect have more justification for regularly using a lubricity additive than people who know what they are getting is good. For myself, I know my local supplier and have seen how and what they do and trust them... so I don't bother at the pumps of the local stations they supply fuel to. I sometimes add 2-stroke oil to my farm tank (they supply my fuel there too) and diesel StaBil. The 2-stoke oil is probably unnecessary but that Spicer report showed that it's a decent lubricity additive and super cheap. Might also increase the viscosity of the fuel a little, which mechanical pumps like. New to the StaBil diesel product but I spent a fair bit of time on the phone and e-mailing with their chemist/tribologist and he convinced me it was a good thing for fuel that may sit around for a year, as mine might.

Overall, I tend to think the furor over lubricity is at least partially a "manufactured" problem with more than a little "Chicken Little" in it. After all it does help sell a lot of additives and line the pockets of those selling them. There is definitely a core of truth to the problem but it's probably a lot less prevalent than the hype would indicate... the deluge of anecdotal, uneducated and unsubstantiated reports notwithstanding. The best justification for additives is probably that there is no easy way to know whether you are getting good fuel or not. That's why I like that lubricity study so much because it gave you some idea of the effectiveness of the various additives (and ATF was just about useless) so you could pic one that suited your idea of "value." The synthetic 2-stroke oil was by far the most effective of the low-cost options (even beating some of the prepared formulas) so , cheapass that I am, I naturally gravitated that way.


Full Access Member
Oct 9, 2011
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Dallas, Tx
I read the 2% biodiesel did best, and I know some stores sell their diesel with 2% bio. Are there any chains that sell that normally, or does it vary be individual store or area?


No Bed For Me!
Mar 8, 2012
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Northern California
Out here in "green" Cali, a few service stations have added pumps from alternative fuel companies. I imagine there must be tax breaks or incentives to do so.

The one I frequent has B20 and E85, and I run their B20. Runs smoother and quieter than straight dino in my engine.

Disclaimer on the pump says "contains between 5 and 20 percent."


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
When I loved in Oregon, I rarely ever put in additives. Mainly because I wasn't the one fueling up. Down here, it'***** or miss, if I remember I do, if I don't it's whatever.