AGR Power Steering Pump Question


Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Western New York
I installed a new (reman.) power steering pump from the dealer a couple weeks ago on my 2000 F-350 PSD 4x4 because the original had taken a dump. Well this new? one is moaning and is a PITA so I went back to the dealer and complained. He said he would give me another pump but thought there is air in the system and I should try to bleed it out with a power flush first. There are no bubbles in the fluid so I don't think there is air in the system and don't want to waste the money on a power flush. Besides the new pump didn't help the "hard steering while stopped" problem that I had ever since the truck was new. So I'm thinking I should have bought a AGR Super Pump HERE right from the get-go. Has anyone out there ever used on of these pumps? I was told they solve the "hard steering while stopped" problem but sometimes cause other problems also, like blown seals in the steering box. I can return the reman pump for a new one and try to sell that and buy the AGR pump so I won't lose too much money on the deal. The reman was $102. and the AGR is $239. But I'm not sure about using the high pressure pump and the after effects. Whatever I do will probably have to wait until after Christmas.

Any suggestions?

Happy Holidays To All.
