So what did you do with your truck today?


Feb 5, 2010
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edmond, ks
I finished cleaning up some tree branches and some big weeds around my garage. Then I took them down to the dump here in town. This is the second load. The first one was bigger. Mental note-even in drought years, don't go two years without pruning the tree branches around that garage. It may not look like it, but they still grow quite a bit.


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Full Access Member
May 5, 2023
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Virginia... in the brambles
I just gotta know....does your trailer have the Dana rear or the 9 inch...?

Some poor 1970's Ford cab has been looking for its frame and bed....

...and just can't find it anywhere...!!!

I might have seen that setup on a milk carton...with a cash reward posted...

This is the reason I try to avoid wrecking yards...I see too many projects just begging for me to save them...

'White Knight' mechanic syndrome....

Jesus Freak

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Apr 3, 2022
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Crestview, FL
I just gotta know....does your trailer have the Dana rear or the 9 inch...?

Some poor 1970's Ford cab has been looking for its frame and bed....

...and just can't find it anywhere...!!!

I might have seen that setup on a milk carton...with a cash reward posted...

This is the reason I try to avoid wrecking yards...I see too many projects just begging for me to save them...

'White Knight' mechanic syndrome....
I have a junkyard near me that specializes in 50s-90s's crazy.

Ole BlackBetty

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Jun 23, 2012
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Norman, Oklahoma
changed my oil after setting for about 2 years, added some lucas oil conditioner and lucas injector cleaner charged batteries and fired her up for awhile. Needs new shoes so i can take her for a drive, those aint cheap!


Feb 5, 2010
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edmond, ks


Feb 5, 2010
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edmond, ks
Today wasn't very exciting. I just swapped one trailer for another and had to hurry to get home before the storms came in. One good part of having a truck without a working A/C in 100+ heat is that you can hear when you're polishing your trailer's safety chain on the highway.


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Full Access Member
May 5, 2023
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Virginia... in the brambles
Nope. Those got hauled off and turned into a Toyota back in about 2013.
You know that metal has a memory to it...doncha...?

Somewhere....there is a late-model toyota that has been to the dealer time and time again for a strange wants to make a hard turn towards Kansas...and the owner, dealership, and several mechanics are baffled beyond comprehension... so much so that the dealer was forced to give the customer his money back under the lemon law and the truck was run through an auction...

But the problem will not matter what anyone will do...engineers are scratching their heads and the top brass are fighting to keep it out of the news...for fear of triggering a recall...

All because the thing wants to be re-united with it long-lost love...the 1/2 frame, bed and axle of a 70's Ford F-100...

You can stop this insanity...if you just let love run its course...


Feb 5, 2010
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edmond, ks
the 1/2 frame, bed and axle of a 70's Ford F-100...
Not so fast. The bed is from a 1978 F100. The frame and axle are from a 1979 F150 and the leaf springs are from a 1986 F350, Ex cab, dually that had a 6.9 and a C6 in it. A IDI powered truck pulling parts from another IDI powered truck. Class all the way baby!

Jesus Freak

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Apr 3, 2022
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Crestview, FL
Not so fast. The bed is from a 1978 F100. The frame and axle are from a 1979 F150 and the leaf springs are from a 1986 F350, Ex cab, dually that had a 6.9 and a C6 in it. A IDI powered truck pulling parts from another IDI powered truck. Class all the way baby!
It's hard to beat that mercury bed trailer that Ok Koot has.


Full Access Member
May 5, 2023
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Virginia... in the brambles
you're polishing your trailer's safety chain on the highway.
Speaking of that...I have been doing a lot of towing lately and the amount of time and thought I spend trying to not do that is...well...I spend a lotta time being concerned about that very thing...

There's gotta be a clinical name for that phenomena...

Help me out here....guys...

I resent all that time spent on it...keeps me from running around with my head in the clouds...where I would rather be right now...dreaming about installing a turbo on the 'Ol One-Ton...

Jesus Freak

Full Access Member
Apr 3, 2022
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Crestview, FL
Speaking of that...I have been doing a lot of towing lately and the amount of time and thought I spend trying to not do that is...well...I spend a lotta time being concerned about that very thing...

There's gotta be a clinical name for that phenomena...

Help me out here....guys...

I resent all that time spent on it...keeps me from running around with my head in the clouds...where I would rather be right now...dreaming about installing a turbo on the 'Ol One-Ton...
Ya chains are a lot like cupholders (thanks @Nero ), if you don't have them...... your hot McDonald's coffee is liable to slide of the dash into a neighboring vehicle and you get sued for medical bills from too hot coffee. And if the trailer comes off, well, that could be nasty too.


Full Access Member
May 5, 2023
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Virginia... in the brambles
So...lately 'Ol One-Ton has been getting sorted out for field repairs by practicing on my own equipment...figuring out where tools need to be and supplies arrangement fine-tuning...(Haha)...(that'll never happen...)

I am situated on a chunk of land that has temporary electricity and water, some gravel and mostly red clay...fortunately it has not been raining any significant amount...or else the clay would be everywhere...

Very little shade...what shade I might have...I have to chase down...

I bring a LOT of water with me...and some snacks...

So...I have this DR brush cutter that has been used pretty hard...had the thing since was my first bush hog...and the things it went through is another story... for later...

Anyway...I put it off as long as I could until the poor thing was making a horrible noise under the mower deck...I stop using it and resign myself to the fact that this is the time to see what it needs...

It was broke but nothing got irretrievably lost...thank the Lord...

So...I have some salvaged metal...a small collection...and some big metal collection is at The Staging Area...hours not available for the moment...

I gotta repair the shielding under the deck...the strip of metal that directs the discharge to the side...broken loose and hanging on by one carriage bolt...and one deck skid is worn to a nub...and the other came loose and was hitting the blade...

Gonna be a little exercise in redneck ingenuity...

Pretty handy to have a vise mounted to the back of the truck...and a quad outlet 110 VAC close by and water to wash things...I am feeling pretty spiffy...but it is hot and I just gotta rinse out my shirt in a bucket of cool mountain water and drag it over my head...

One of my methods of cooling off in 90-95 degree weather is to dunk my head under a hose or faucet...which reminded me of what I was doing this time last year...I had a flashback of the situation I was dealing with at The Previous Job and Mr. Proboscis...but that is a story for a later time...

Fast forward to the Present...

First I had to take it apart...and air tools are just right for this exercise...first I climb up to the air compressor and peer into the gas tank...I see some rusty water in the bottom...not up to the level of the screen pickup...but I gotta get it outta there...I use a length of clear plastic tubing and suck the water out of the bottom... add a bit of fuel...compressor fires right up...uh...well...after I remember to turn on the fuel lever and set the choke and fire up the truck to charge the batteries..

It gets fired up and enough air builds up to run a 1/2 inch impact...the deck gets dis-assembled...

Air hoses...

...gotta diverge to a short story about how nice, helpful, and even a little bit like following a philosophy of WWJD...with the majority of people I have dealt with...being a Newcomer in this far...I have not found any real...unsavory types at all...maybe it helps that I speak a similar accent..? Maybe I appear to blend in a little with what appears to me mostly a blue-collar town.

Just the kinda place I hoped to wind up in...

Anyway...'Ol One-Ton came with a hose reel that would accommodate a one-inch impact gun...


but nothing that would run my smaller stuff...1/2 inch...3/eighths...etc..just some odd pieces...the previous owner gave up on this truck and it was just what I wanted...right down to roll-up windows and no AC crud to have to work around...

So...I find an industrial supply company and call 'em up...'Can you sell me some air fittings and adapters..?'....'Probably...come on down and we can see what we can do...'...

Cool...I get directions....sure...I could just look it up on a gps...but why would I deny a Good Person from an opportunity to actually help a Newcomer become more familiar and eventually acclimated to a new town..?

"could you direct me from Main St. heading west..?"

"Sure..turn left at the electric place and then another left at the next intersection and we are behind the voting place.."

Wait a minute...

'You meant to say I gotta go left twice before I get to the back of the voting place..?' "That don't set too well with me..."

Laughter at the other end...

I get there and haul in a bucket of what I have and a big air hose...

The front guy goes in the back and brings out the head guy...and introduces us...he plops down a....print media catalog and proceeds to...patiently and with much enthusiasm...fix me up with an order of fittings that will make my life easier and more productive...

I knew that I came to the right place...the branch in Richmond fixed me up good four years ago when I had to build a gate for my driveway and the Craigslist bandsaw I just bought needed teeny bearings...

So far...this place is batting 1000....good, down home folks all around...

Back to the project...

I got the short side skid repaired with a short chunk of rebar...did not have to cut it...just bend it a little and shave off some ridges so it will fit up nicely...
...that piece of metal was just hanging around and telling me it wanted a job...instead of being melted down and turned into a...a...god-forsaken who-knows-what...
...I knew that I had it and had to look for it some...but it turned up without too much fanfare and offered itself up to be used for this project...a new lease on life here in the States...without having to survive a couple of sea voyages and rough handling...

By the time I was finishing up welding the rebar...the welder strarted acting funny...I lay it on its side and hit the trigger...the reel is rolling...but nothing out the other end...ohh....shoot....wire jam IN THE LINER....crap...gotta take it apart...and I don't have a spare liner...

I work with it carefully trying to not make it so I have to stop and order anything or go anywhere...or I will lose momentum...and somehow...with much patience...which, Dear Reader...I have said that I don't have...and I get it straightened out and working...


Long about that time The Girl calls me...'Where are you..?'

"I am at the Place.."...

"Oh...I hear a radio..."...".I just made some dinner..."

You don't have to tell me twice....the DR Machine can wait until tomorrow...

I cover everything up and shoot out of there to hang with My Girl...


Full Access Member
May 5, 2023
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Virginia... in the brambles
hot McDonald's coffee is liable to slide of the dash into a neighboring vehicle
Here..? unlikely...people keep a respectful distance here for the most part....

Now...In Saudi Arabia...different story...traffic is packed so close that you could reach out the window and touch the driver next to you...

Most drivers here would get a rude awakening there...same goes for India...I hear...

I believe that mcdonalds is in Saudi, too...and I believe that most of the cars there have cupholders...


Feb 5, 2010
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edmond, ks
I hate to say this, but I think I may have ruined my reputation of being a self proclaimed tight w a d. I bought a garage addition. To save a little face, I cheaped out and bought the "some assembly required" version. I also found my latest episode of "today's funny sign" in Alma, NE on the way home.


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Hopelessly addicted to IDIs
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Jan 21, 2023
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Wilsey, KS
Got the engine out of my 86 and taken apart.

Pictures will be on my project thread
