Nice Timing Meter on Ebay


Good Morning Ya'll.
Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Delphos , Ohio
This back from the seller. So it does have the quartz pickup.

It has some type of little round clamp that comes with it if that is what you are talking about. Display color is green. Thanks


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
Because it was going to go for a good price until it got posted here.... -cuss LOL

So... Just how do you know it was going for a good price before it got posted here....:confused:;Really Just wondering what crystal ball your looking into to know what the price was going to be...:eek: I'm sure this seller had no idea how to post up what he had. I usually look closely at whats pictured. If I don't see it in the pic or the pics are of a mess of twisted wires I ask questions. Really not sure the reference to a crystal clamp probe. The luminosity probe has the crystal in the end of it and we don't time by lumi probe method but we can. Its just more work to remove the glow plug. Check the fuel cetane rating with a hydro float and tube to find specific gravity of the fuel that day. Differences between the J33300 and the J33300-A meters is the "A" meter is an upgraded meter thats well supported by the repair shop. I know the "A" meter has a great warranty on them too but not sure bout the others. These meters have been made since the early 80s and many upgrades and changes have been made. I see this when I open them up trying to fix what some users have left me with.. Broken meters. Thats never fun mostly because these people KNOW they broke it but can't come clean and admit to it. This was a problem when I was having a person ship to the next on the long list to keep it moving better. Say a person in maine wanted the meter and someone on Road Island had it. I just tell the Road Island person to ship to Maine. That way it saved 6 days of shipping from the east coast to me on the wst coast. Then back to the east coast.. Well thanks buttheads for breaking my meters. Now when a person is done they ship back to me. then I test that meter on my engine and prep to ship to the next person. In all honesty I made the mistake of thinking ALL members were trustworthy and fair. This timing meter pregram is made for you. the idi owners wanting to time your engines. The very smal fee I chagre no way covers my costs. To cover my costs and investments I would need to charge for shipping both ways and probably have a fee of around $120.00 to $140.00. I pay the shipping fee out of the $70.00 I charge users. Both the J33300 and the J33300-A meters are a robust meter that will do amazing things to our idi or most any other engine. If you have an adjustable timing lite you can use that on this meter too. Just connect that lite to power and the u bolt clamp in the meter box. change the rocker switches to timing lite and go for it. but why...:dunno The microprocessor in the meter will do a much better more accurate job and tell you what the timing is to a tenth of a degree. Can't do that with a lite shooting the timing tab. but you can get it close. Its much easier to let the meter do all the work..
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Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
West coast
Same way I know the sun rises in the east, lol

Still not following or understanding your post. But no matter. I post what I find on ebay for our members to see. I will continue to do so for the betterment of this forum members. Now if... By chance you "find something" and want to keep it secret from the rest please pm me about it. I really doubt I can find something that many don't know about... For the Sun to raise in the east depends on your point from where you are refering to.


Full Access Member
Dec 13, 2012
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York PA
it will go for what ever someone is willing to pay if your not willing to pay. why you mad???:dunno


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
West coast
Racin460.. Sorry but I'm not mad nor am I angry at you or anyone else posting here. Don't know if this was directed to me or not but I felt clearing the air is the better thing to do. Now as for a good price on the J33300-A meters I feel $250.00 to $325.00 is about all I will pay for a used one. Now they better have all the parts. needed to time by the customary pulse timing method. thats using the line clamp and the mag probe. A bonus would be having the luminosity probe and the harness included. The lumi probes are costly from kent moore at around $375.00 each. I got a meter that was clearly broken and the seller hid that fact in the pics. I explained it was not described in the listing and I was returning it for a refund plus my shipping costs. I got told to pound sand and he did not hide the broken top or the fact that the meter was not working. I explained he did once again and that the 5 lumi probes were valued at much more than the price I paid for the meter. Well he felt he could cheat me by saying he would take it back only if I shipped it back in the original box with ALL the packing. Sure nuff because I don't throw out anything till I know its fine. Well I kept the meter and fixed it plus.. Have sold the lumi p[robes and made more than what I paid for the meter. So I won in the end. I did try to help the seller but he was having none of that making more money of the probes.. Foolish man.. Still have that meter and it works fine plus I can use it for parts. Can't really fix the case hinge cause its broken off so thats the only issue with that. But sure could make another case easily for it too...:sly:D:angel: I left him a ****** feedback too with an explanation brief..


Full Access Member
Sep 5, 2013
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Blairsville, Pa
Ill keep that in mind, stay around 250. Just seems like an awful handy tool to have around because I don't plan on getting rid of the IDI's for a very long time


Full Access Member
Dec 13, 2012
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York PA
no gary it was not meant toward you at all. but I will say I ran it up with no intensions on buying it, mel is only 40min away from me so I have no need to spend a lot of money on one and a friend of mine dad was a road mechanic many years ago and has one of the snap-on meters that I posted last week. like you said its not as nice as the kent moore but if I need to check it ill always have access to a meter. Some may say that's ignorant to run stuff up but everyone is entitled to know about stuff on here to help out the community.


Full Access Member
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Blairsville, Pa
If everyone one was entitled to know to help the community, and you have easy access to 2 meters, why would you want to run up the price? Sure isn't much of a help. Just Layin it out


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast