NA na na na


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
......Na na na na.......hey hey hey......good bye headgaskets.

Thats right guys, I'm about 95% sure I blew a headgasket pulling the boat this weekend. The tow went well, it was just the last 50 miles that sucked. I looked in my mirror at the exhaust on flat ground doing 55mph, and out comes white smoke that disipated rather quickly, and it did it even worse when I put my foot to the floor. I'm going to go check the water level here in a couple minutes to see how low it is, cause I just got back and its hot. My water temp never really got all that high though, so maybe theres some chance that I didnt blow a headgasket.

Crabbing was awsome though, we got about 50 big ole' dungenous crab, got lots of clams, and got a bushel and a half of oysters. I got the boat all sooted up to, though the camera wasnt working so I couldnt get a pic of it. Plus I asked a real hot senior girl that I've known forever (parents friends daughter) out on a date, so thats good thing ;Sweet.

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
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Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
Have you been able to smell the smoke? Are you sure it's coolant (head gasket) and not a fuel issue (IP or maybe injectors)?

That's no fun at all...maybe have typ4 haul your truck down here and the "get-together" can turn into a "gasket-swap-party? :angel:

Good luck with the girl!! The fact that you're talking to her means you're already doing better than I ever did in high school... ;)


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
Well I just went out to check the coolant level, and it was actually the same, actually more than before cookoo . Same green colant color, didnt really look like it was darker than before (which would say to me oil in the coolant). Checked the oil, same level oil as before I left, actually just a little less (300+ miles, so it burned some oil of course), but no sign of water in the oil. Guess I might just be crazy :dunno . We shall see, I'll be checking the coolant levels daily for the next couple weeks LOL .

And yeah, hopefully all goes good with the girl, she's real nice, and like I said I've known her for many many years (I remember playing with her as a little kid). I hadnt seen her in a year-a year and a half, and man she's so fricking hot now.


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Jan 27, 2008
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Wauseon, OH
you better prepare urself for it. who nows when but they'll screw ya over at some point. doesn't mean ya shouldn't try and get some:love: :eek: but dont get too serious. they are impossible and nothing they do makes any logical sense.:dunno cookoo but thats just me:rolleyes:


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
you better prepare urself for it. who nows when but they'll screw ya over at some point. doesn't mean ya shouldn't try and get some:love: :eek: but dont get too serious. they are impossible and nothing they do makes any logical sense.:dunno cookoo but thats just me:rolleyes:

:rotflmao I thought you were talking about head gaskets until you said you "doesnt mean ya shouldn't try and get some". We shall see ;Sweet :D

6 Nebraska IDIs

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May 27, 2007
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Hey Justin,
Glad it isnt head gaskets. That sucks. Its like my brown truck can tell its about to get turbo'd, about everything possible is breaking, and if my usual luck suits me this time as it has in the past then there'll be more to come. lol So I just flat out decided to pull the engine, pull the heads, fix everything possible that could be a weak point in the engine, do my 4x4 conversion and ZF trans swap all at the same time. lol. In hopes that changing everything will eliminate the possibilities of something going wrong. lol

Good luck with the girl man! You're ahead of where I was with a long time family friend that I asked out, lol. She told me off in the first sentence.


Full Access Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Coventry, RI
Worthless with out pictures... Haha GOOD LUCK!

Well i hope all is well with the truck. Howd it do with the load? what kinda fuel mileage did you get?


Full Access Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
you better prepare urself for it. who nows when but they'll screw ya over at some point. doesn't mean ya shouldn't try and get some:love: :eek: but dont get too serious. they are impossible and nothing they do makes any logical sense.:dunno cookoo but thats just me:rolleyes:

are we talking trucks or girls here:dunno ?:rotflmao like my father always said if it has T!ts-Showtits or tires:peelout your going to have problems with it.:rotflmao


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
Worthless with out pictures... Haha GOOD LUCK!

Well i hope all is well with the truck. Howd it do with the load? what kinda fuel mileage did you get?

Thanks ;Sweet

It did good with the load. I thought it was pretty slow on the way there, but I suppose I was towing 4K, and was still able to maintain 60+mph up hills and passing other people. EGT's were actually lower pulling the load, than running around empty, I would guess that it was because of the boost (I would have 1psi of boost at 45mph flat ground just going along, where before it wouldnt even regester on the gauge hardly). Pulled hills good. One hill I was doing 65 mph at the bottom, and I crested at 50mph, I was WOT for a good 2-3 minutes, with 8-9psi of boost, thats why I was thinking the head gaskets were gonners. I need better brakes for sure, it plan sucked brakeing with that load on. I tell ya though, after I dropped the boat off at the guys house, I went out on the street and stopped at a stop sign, and was like Holy **** this thing stops on a dime. Then I accelerated, and it was like driving a new truck, it was wicked fast :rotflmao .


Full Access Member
Aug 11, 2007
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Cloverdale VA
Its like my brown truck can tell its about to get turbo'd, about everything possible is breaking

Amen to that. If I get the opportunity mines coming apart and getting all new rubber everything. If I had a mill I'd make metal injector return caps with flare fittings and use braided stainless teflon lines in place of all the rubber on the entire truck. Way overkill but I am so sick of leaks. I'd like to pull the motor and just do all new seals and gaskets. Rebuild the heads etc. Just being **** but I like a clean engine compartment. Hell on my BMW the engine is usually cleaner than the outside of the car.cookoo

Justin, a headgasket leaking water will not always manifest itself fully right away. Do as suggested and try to see if you notice it in the exhaust. Monitor your coolant levels closely until you are sure there isn't a problem. Also, leaks can come and go as the engine heat cycles. I had an engine that didn't use much water at all but if the cylinder that was leaking was at BDC when the engine shutoff it would hydrolock after it cooled. Pull the spark plug, spit out the coolant, put the plug back in and drive it 100 miles no problem. It wasn't until after it cooled and sat that the leak was significant.

I am not suggesting you will experience this just that you should look a little more deeply before dismissing it. Headgaskets are a pain but relatively inexpensive. A hydrolocked motor with a cracked piston and bent rod is not so inexpensive.

Glad you had a good time this weekend. When I was 19 I spent 9 days on a boat in the Puget Sound. We caught and ate alot of Dungeoness crab that trip. I am getting hungry just thinking about it. Nothing like crab fresh out of the water.:thumbsup:

It's really too bad your camera was not functional. I would have liked to see a picture of the sooted up boat.:D Did you ever get to wax it first?

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