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Have you tested your coolant yet? Specifically the PH?
You said it was contaminant free right? No swirlies, not off color etc.
Test it and see what the PH is. If it’s good. Drain some of the radiator into a clean jug and check how much buildup is present.
If no build up is present and the PH is good, and no contamination, test the freeze point and the SCA’s and get them in spec.
If all tests out, send it, you do not waste more time thinking you need to flush it.
I run Napa ethylene glycol. I think it is all low silicate this day in age.
If your PH is off or questionable, or you have contamination or you have build up. Dump it all, flush it, back flush it, and upgrade like everyone is saying. Look at the condition of your hoses.
Do you plan to pull heavy or just drive this rig? My coolant has been in my van since 2003. I’m just trying to keep you from wasting money or going down a rabbit hole you may not need to.
I have not tested the coolant.
I don't know if it's contaminant free. It looks good, but looks can be deceiving.
I plan to tow with it. Nothing too heavy at this point, but hopefully that will change. I'm also in south Texas, so I need a cooling system that's in good shape.