Bad c6 vac modular=poor power brakes?


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
The booster I returned arrived damaged. They refunded me, then noticed. They've contacted ebay they said. I used the same box and (very poor) packing materials they used, which I pointed out to them. The return shipping cost they ate for the wrong part being sold had insurance, so they could try to claim that maybe.

They used an oatmeal box (like what is used to ship a box of packages to a store) and those air filled bags. The bags were deflated when I got it so it was loose in the box. I used some good bags I had and cut the box a but smaller so it wouldn't rattle around as badly.

I'd be upset as a seller but it would have also been all my fault for not selling the part with the right part number and for packaging it very poorly so that the buyer had little choice but to use the same "care" when returning it in the same box.

The booster from AutoZone through ebay got here today. I opened the box and looked at it, and it looks more correct casing wise. It's also much better packaged. I can actually return it to a retail store the ebay listing said, should I find that the new vac pump was the issue.

The fuel return lines are on the slate for tomorrow though. I'm sure that's going to basically take all day.