Other... People...


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Dec 3, 2015
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I can honestly say after now having a good few months under my belt driving the old beast, the most annoying part of driving and owning this truck isn't the fuel system, starting up, or turning radius of an aircraft carrier.. It's other drivers. It just expands how dumb other people are for me.

I get that this is only "indirectly" (bad pun) related to being an idi, and more just having a large heavy extremely long crew cab long bed truck, but I just have to tell a few stories anyways.

We have 1 diesel pump in my hometown with only one side working so far this winter. So I pull up one morning to fill both tanks and a girl in vw pulls up and after like maybe two minutes she asks me if I'm going to be there until noon or not with a lot of attitude. Sorry maybe if you need fuel you should plan that out better or get there first, I'll stand here and fill both tanks and my 5 gallon jug as well. Tough.

I also have gotten told in the ritzy stupid area of Pittsburgh where I work that I'm ruining the environment by two separate idiots driving hybrid cars who apparently don't understand how batteries, production of a vehicle, or gas fumes effect the environment.

A neighbor complained that my truck is ruining the dirt road to our houses now that things have thawed up, which I'm sure it's not helping (nor the almost two tons of gravel in the bed to help get up the driveway), but guess what mud is gonna sink when things are this wet either way whether my giant truck smashes it or my tiny little car drives in it. Again too bad.

It's also really loud at 5am, but you can chain your dog outside all summer and let it bark all day after 630am when no one is home and that's totally not annoying for hours on end.

Oh, I'm taking up two parking spaces vertically but your corvette can then take two horizontally beside me because you don't want door dents?

People just suck sometimes. Grow up, don't ***** at people for crap that you either didn't plan adequately for, don't know anything about, or generally should just stay out of.


Breaker! Breaker!
Nov 18, 2011
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Chillicothe, OH
I HATE when gassers fill up at diesel pumps when there are pumps dedicated to gas open. I have frequently had to wait at Sam's Club for gasser vehicles to move when all the rest of the pumps are open. I strongly dislike folks that park there trucks on the line in parking lots. I manage to get my CCLB dually in a single space, why can't they get their SCLB in a single space? My new big thing is that I don't drive the Enterprise like a race car (like I used to drive Bruiser) and that's why I got hit in November. I had just left my parents driveway and was in 3rd gear, maybe 75 yards or less from getting out on the road. She was going 90 on a curvy/hilly back road and want having anything to do with driving behind that big, slow truck. Had I hammered it like the irresponsible teen I once was, I would've been in the S curve and she wouldn't have had the chance, or at least wouldn't have hit me. I'm still very salty about that (and apologize to all of OB that I keep b*tching about it) :angel:


Full Access Member
Jul 20, 2012
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Ottawa, ON
Blocked diesel pumps is a frequent pet peeve of mine also...
What gets me worse though is when I have people cut me off on the freeway. I'm doing the speed limit and then they decide its a good idea to pull in front of me going 10-20km/hr slower. I don't get it... how do you miss seeing a large yellow truck?
Oh and then there are those peeps with HID headlights that come up behind you at night and only when they're a couple car lengths behind, finally put on their low beams, and then proceed to tailgate you rather than pass you, even if you slow down.
Thankfully nothing has resulted in any serious trouble yet...


Oct 25, 2013
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I don't get the negativity. Personally I drive a 4x4 with locker so I don't have to worry about getting stuck on wet/muddy dirt roads, don't have to shovel snow, don't have to worry about flooded roads, etc... I adapt to my environment so I am not inconvenienced, I guess liberals don't understand that.

The only comments I get about my truck are people wanting to buy it. I swear not a week goes by without people asking to buy it or finding notes on the windshield. To me it's just an old truck, what I remember as being a new truck when I was a kid, but I know '80-'86 trucks are getting rare as it took almost a year for me to find this one.

Anyhow back to liberal yuppies... Earth day is coming up. I usually celebrate by firing up the whole fleet and basking in the music of over 50 cylinders firing, do some burnouts, and if I have any old tires to dispose of a tire fire is the icing on the cake.


6.0 and Loving It!!
Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
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Greenfield, Indiana
I also agree on the pumps and parking.....

The station I use 99.9% of the time, has a row of 3 pumps / 6 nozzles in front of the station. There is ample parking around, beyond the pumps and beside the station. There is one island beside the station, 50-75 feet away from the closest gas pump. "My" island has 2 pumps / 4 nozzles. One pump is Red "Off Road" Diesel and one pump is "On Road" Diesel, one of the nozzles being a "big truck" nozzle (Pump 7 Actually) and it is very common to see a CAR (and not an allowed Mercedes or VW) parked at the diesel island......... I have more than once "expressed" my feelings of them being at "My" pump. I will pull as close to the bumper of the offending vehicle and sit there and idle until they move....... most get the hint.....

Parking...... I work in Downtown Indianapolis and have to park in a parking garage. I normally park in the last space by the crossover to each side, so there is at least 3 spaces of room between my truck and the nest one on the other side of the crossover. Because of this, I will hug the line on the right side of the truck since I am not encroaching on another space, or in the way of the crossover, so this gives me a bit of extra room on the drivers side for the huge door on the truck, and for me, since I would not be classified as "small". You wouldn't believe how many times I have come back to find the car to my left, parked over the line in my spot. Just yesterday it was bad enough I had to crawl across from the passenger side to get in, because I couldn't get the door open far enough.........

I've also had more than one neighbor complain because my truck and car are so noisy...........


Made in America
Feb 11, 2010
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Garrison, ND
I understand the frustrations, but, you get past it, kind of learn to accept it as part of driving these trucks....

Luckily, around here, if a station has diesel, most of them now have diesel pumps at at least half the islands, all are changing to that layout as they replace their pumps. And the ones that don't have separate diesel only islands with room for multiple trucks.
I'm in ND, so it's not too many people who complain I'm ruining the environment. But I see and understand who they are and the type of personality they have. I work mostly at the Honda dealership LOL, and they are the kind who come in and complain (no joke about this) that their brand new civic is only getting 29 MPG. In the winter. In ND. While it's been sitting in front of the dealership idling for 30 minutes while they complain about their "****** mileage".
As far as your neighbor complaining about the dirt road, ignore him, and be courteous and drive to smash it down smooth, if he sees you do that he'll probably stop complaining.
My neighbors no longer complain about the noise my truck makes, generally in the deep freeze portion of the winter, coming home from work, about half the time I'll have someone waiting to hear my truck, come out and either ask me for a jump or they're waiting for me so I'll tow them out of the ditch in front of the trailer court (it comes with being the only 4x4 in the neighborhood who'll give them a hand :sly).
Parking, yeah, people are idiots, and depending on how much their parking job sucks, some have found my truck squeezed into the pinto-sized space next to them. :rotflmao
Earth day's when I fire up the boat motor for the first time of the year, a fresh 2-stroke fog over the yard.


Breaker! Breaker!
Nov 18, 2011
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Chillicothe, OH
I will say that I'm known as the dirty hippie in a lot of my circles, but just an informed one :D I may lean more towards the liberal side of things (libertarian?) until it comes to vehicles/firearms, but I'm also the guy that eve4yone is calling up when they have car trouble. Usually I t3ll them to buy something older and that would normally solve 95% of the problems folks ask me about :rotflmao

Other drivers are terrible period. I think the pulling-out-in-front-of-something-bigger-and-slowing-down is a sheeple syndrome.


Made in America
Feb 11, 2010
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Garrison, ND
Other drivers are terrible period. I think the pulling-out-in-front-of-something-bigger-and-slowing-down is a sheeple syndrome.

True, but if yours is bigger enough and you REALLY feel the urge......... You COULD speed 'em back up! :rotflmao


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Oct 9, 2015
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Kennesaw GA USA
I've taught my 4 y/o daughter that when we ride in the truck (or car) that the people with phones stuck in their face while driving (if you can call it that) are Zombies and need a honk of the horn to snap them out of it. She helps me spot 'em.
We have ALOT of Zombie-Sheeple around here unfortunately, although less than other places I've lived. I've done okay getting used to the CCLB. People seem to not notice the truck though till she's right next to them for some reason...I do park much further from the Kroger now. Everyone fights for the first twenty spaces meanwhile, there's fifty past those that are empty. Why not make life easy? plus, it's good exercise.
There are some parking lots and drive-thru's that get built around here now that are tight even for my Subaru...never mind the land whale.


Registered User
Jan 11, 2005
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Westminster, MD
I had the same issues with pumps and parking. Fortunately for me when I owned the truck in PA it was a bit on the rural side so people could relate. However I lived just east of @Morgonzo in *******, GA. My HOA wrote me up for having the outside dually wheel off the concrete drive and over (yes, the drop off was just enough the inside could be on concrete and the outside never touched ground) grass! $125.00!! I hated living in a planned community. Hence the reason I now commute so far. I like where I live!


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Aug 26, 2014
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one of the most ugly mods ive done to my truck, actually has brought me alot of satisfaction!
when mama was a balloon, i installed a step for her to easily climb in and out of the truck.
just so happens i installed it perfectly! it now has 3 doors under its belt that ive seen!
i usually park inbetween the lines via a 4-30 point turn, shes tight but it fits right in.
and i usually park so i can see my truck when i go to dinner.
i park next to people that park close to the line, they get a nice surprise when they open the door and hear a TING!
oah yea, no more door dents either LOL

drivers that cut me off, usually get down shifted on and get a nice coal bath.
most are surprised that this big old truck does get up and go!
again, with the bars i installed they tend to stay away.
i cant wait for their expression with my new bumper :D

my usual diesel pump is the furthest away from the counter, so i dont deal with gassers at the diesel pumps.
only boats, and i usually end up talking with them while they fill up.

my biggest pet peve is "hay man is that truck stock"??

or "hay look at the 3 door"
its like people cant count or multiply
"its got 6 doors, count them! 1,2,3,4,5,6... ya *******"

all in all you gotta over come the ******** society we live in.
and rise above it....
its only gonna get worse.. so find ways to make yourself laugh in these situations.


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Supporting Member
Oct 9, 2015
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Kennesaw GA USA
I had the same issues with pumps and parking. Fortunately for me when I owned the truck in PA it was a bit on the rural side so people could relate. However I lived just east of @Morgonzo in *******, GA. My HOA wrote me up for having the outside dually wheel off the concrete drive and over (yes, the drop off was just enough the inside could be on concrete and the outside never touched ground) grass! $125.00!! I hated living in a planned community. Hence the reason I now commute so far. I like where I live!

Yeah, thank god I talked my wife out of buying in a development with a HOA. Everyone i've ever talked to had stories that made my acid reflux kick up. It seems only the weasel's and A-holes tend to get on those boards. ******* has some real nice rural areas...but they are turning a lot of those old farms into high-end golf club communities. More houses for people to try their hardest to NOT be able to afford...my truck DID get me temporarily banned from my 4 y/o's pre-school p/u line. I say temporarily because that big white truck is gonna make a come back like Elvis..and there's not much they can do about it. They are full of wrong information regarding diesels and If I have to be the one to educate them i'm okay with that.Those cute little LEAF's and Prius's don't get they're battery power from magic and puppy dogs... I'll bring my back up along if they give me any trouble...
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Willie will gladly bark at them across the glass. They weren't happy when I brought him through with me too...lame ass school...


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Dec 3, 2015
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Oh it's not for lack of laughter trust me haha.. It's just amusing watching as people can't figure simple things out sometimes. Like pulling out of a parking space and getting close to other cars. Like I don't have options I can't just fly away you gotta do what you gotta do.

I can't make the truck quieter at 5am but if you wanna pay my electric bill and let me plug it in all night so I don't have to let it idle for 5 minutes on high idle I'm game. Just amazes me sometimes how ignorant people can be.
Aug 2, 2012
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Poway, CA
Huh. Haven't had one negative incident yet in my truck, and while I'm not rolling coal, I'm not exactly hiding the fact that it's a diesel, either. I half expected some negativity when I straight-piped it, but the turbo really does keep the volume down, unless I'm decelerating in gear.

I don't get too riled up on the fuel pump thing. If the pump has both gas and diesel (or diesel close enough to the gas that it would make sense to park your gasser there while you fill), then it's as much 'their' pump as it is 'mine'. If I was in a hurry to pump, I'd drive one of my gas vehicles. If you really want to gripe, gripe at the person(s) who decided NOT to have diesel at every pump.


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