Ken Englesman & DPS. My experience.

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The Warden

MiB Impersonator
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Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
I was hoping you guys would make an exception. :D
I understand why an exception can't be made...first, rules are rules, and even if this particular one hasn't been broken by this "posse" far too many times, allowing the rule to be broken unanswered even once would set a bad precedent; second, there has simply been too much bad blood over the last couple of years to be easily wiped away, and from what I've seen of the behavior of the "other" group, it doesn't appear that that's going to change anytime soon.


Full Access Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Coventry, RI
I appreciate justin coming back and warning us as well. While I understand what the mods must do, I as well would like to see his ban get lifted. I think he has seen the light and we have a lot to learn from his recent experiences. Also I find it interesting how not only do Kens products suck, but he didnt even work on them! I think it would be good for us to some other way get in contact with Justin and try and work with the actual pump builder to see what is possible with these pumps. It seems that he NEVER got any feedback from Ken so its possible his quality could improve and we would have a second quality pump building to go to. All the same, I want to thank Justin again, and I wish you the best of luck with your truck. I wanna see 400HP!!


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Apr 15, 2007
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NITRO WV 25143
Unfortunately, I have to ban Justin again. I do appreciate him being honest about his experience with Ken, but if he is allowed to stay with another account and post, there will be others soon to follow. OB cannot keep banned members from setting up a new account even though it's forbidden to do so, I've allowed them to stay once they have been discovered as long as the account holder didn't post. Don't get me wrong in not noticing that Justin broke his silence for "cause" but he is also aware of the penalty of doing so. I will let the post stand, it has much factual information and unfortunately reaffirms much of others experiences.

really? if someone is stand up about themselves and say "hey i did something wrong" and then goes out on a limb and tells us his story in detail for the better good of this forum you have to make sure he stays banned? i guess i didnt read all these posts he made, but on the other hand maybe he was pushed to say stuff as well, it works both ways.
guess i dont see the better good in keeping him banned, but thats just me. everyone says stuff they dont mean when there mad, or pushed from others, and everyone in here has done it.
prob like a lot of other people in this forum im a member to other forums as well, and one forum i help run the national rally, which i have gone to since 2006, and have made a lot of lifetime friends in that process, and to think cause i said a few off camber things that i could get banned for life, doesnt make since to me, but it is what it is. i guess i just look at things different, and now look at this forum different as well.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2007
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Coal Region, Pa
What about allowing his original handle to become active again under the strict understanding that any attitude will bring the ban hammer back again? I would love to see the build brought here.


Happy IDI'er
Jun 5, 2009
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Galloway Twp, NJ, USA
Thank you Justin. I do appreciate your build and your honesty in revealing Kens true intentions. I am NOT here to rub the mods the wrong way but do believe that people change. Good luck Justin, I am rooting for you and hi hp IDI's.

War Wagon

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Feb 15, 2011
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Terry, MT
I've been following from the start. Good luck with the pump. Looking forward to seeing it all dialed in.


Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2012
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Also I find it interesting how not only do Kens products suck, but he didnt even work on them!

I think just the injectors sucked because ken DID work on those...that's why they were so hit or miss...I don't think any one had issues with the turbo cals. Correct me if I'm wrong


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
Wow... You just never know what will shake out of the trees when it blows. Spending money is tuff for many of us. But to spend money only to find out you didn't get what you paid for. And then being lied to and spend more money is horrible. Being dishonest is beyond forgiveness in my book. I'm not that deep into this DB$ hybred pump deal but if it was never capable of the paid for output then it fraud and you can take that to court. Believeing everything in the first post is another item thats hard to take apart piece by piece. I did read it several times so don't think I'm not buying it all or just some parts of it. I'm sure we will not hear from the other side either but... If the actual and factual DB4 pump builder has come forwards and made these statements... Then the hand writting is on the wall. I believe in every "story" is a little creative fictional material. This story.... I can't find any fiction but that does not mean there isn't any. Justin... I say this to you honestly. Based on what you posted here and the reasons set forth. I'm sorry you have been thru this mess. Your work on the cutting edge deserved more than what you got. Being on the cutting edge may have shown us the limits of pin strength and everyone can thank you for that. I wish you the best in getting all you want out of your build.


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Nov 17, 2010
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western Oregon
I think Justin Did a great job building a bad ass engine. Its Just a shame his pump builder let him down.. As we all Know,, when something just dosent perform like it should you take it apart and figure out Why.. when Justin fell short of his calculated HP numbers. He went to work finding out why... Now that he knows what the problem is, I know he will solve that problem too. He has worked very hard to get his truck running good and looking good too. I just hope I can build one some day that is even half as nice. The man has my respect and I will do business with him without hesitation.
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Jun 24, 2004
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Those of you who have the duties of mods and admins should know better than to be openly questioning actions taken on any particular member. You know darn well it cannot be openly discussed. Those of you who are members and would like to be a martyr for the cause.... please step forward. I reward accordingly. don't let emotions get to your fingers and you post something that you'll regret.


Reviving The General Tao
Aug 26, 2008
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Tavares, Florida
Devon, you mis-interpreted my words. It's ok, The Warden re-iterated what I was trying to say in post #9.

Rules is rules towcat and I deem your judgement fair. I just hope his build pops up on the net somewhere else (as I'm sure it will) so I can see how far he pushes the envelope. We're all guilty of pushing the limits of equipment and it can be fun, and interesting, to be an audience to. His e-mail was alot nicer than mine would have been had I been in his position.


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Sep 19, 2006
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Cawston BC. Canada
Thanks for posting Justin...and ya takes alot to come here n say what you said...perhaps some day you may be welcomed back, I for one look forward to that potential...and that's all I can say about it.

I fully understand the reason for the ban...not here to discuss it.

Thanks again!


Ford Man
Oct 7, 2006
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Las Vegas
Calvin is right. While it would be nice to let Justin come back, and I think many of us would like to see him here and enjoy his build, what has happened has happened. He broke the rules and had to be banned. As soon as the exceptions start, then come the accusations of the Mods being selective for their buddies etc.

Those interested in reading about the build and talking with Justin can still do so on PSN. Hopefully by doing so we can mend some of the rough feelings that exist between the 2 forums.

Devon Harley

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Mar 13, 2012
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San Diego
Sorry about that flairside_thun I just saw no remorse for the actions that were made. I find that rude. I havent been one to be in the middle of what happened and I don't know him personally nor do I think bad of him. Just what i've read and heard from here an psn and I'm lookin in from the outside and after fact and think it was all dumb. I know it comes with what kinda build he's doin but it all went to far. I enjoy following his build but sorting through all the bull that's said in the middle of his build on psn I found to be extremely rude and childish. But what done is done. I think his build will get better and his truck looks good with the new paint. I wish him luck and can't wait to see what happens.


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Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
It is what it is.

I will say this. Although he has gone through all of this, perhaps it was for the best. Unlike everyone else who got burned, he did some investigated (not trying to say anything else about the other guys), and now knows who provided the pumps for Ken. Basically Ken was a middle man, now he is kicked out (thats AWESOME!).

Yes the mods have their hands tied behind their backs, I'm sure Jusin knew that anyways. Just follow his build on PSN and all will be well.

At least we can all say that Ken shouldnt recieve our money AT ALL@!
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