Injector fun times


Registered User
May 16, 2013
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Sacramento CA
This is how to turn a one hour project into a three day escapade.

Step 1. Head up the nearest mountain range and lose your clutch fluid (next project)
When you are heading up the next incline, realize you aren't really able to shift, but floating it into fourth and limping to a rest stop will do.

Step 2. In the process you ****** at least one injector, don't worry, the fun is just beginning!

Step 3. Once home and with a new set of injectors the real fun begins!

Haha alright, all kidding aside, this was a royal pain in the butt. Number 8 had diesel leaking all around it, return lines and cap covered, all injectors had been great before that. BTW, whoever built the motor before me and painted it all blue, mismatched injectors, I had B's, BB's and an unmarked one.

I removed the fuel lines and proceeded to pop out injectors and clean bores. 2 was good, 4 was alright, 6 was oily, 8 was carbon coked pretty bad. Now as customary, my luck can't go forever, I started the passenger side with 3, which promptly split from its lower half. Having never seen this issue online before, my friend with a similar truck said time to pull the head and I replied with... like hell it is!

I ended up soaking it in PB blaster and grinding the head threads off said injector, some prying and more soaking got it out only to show the bore carbon coked like I've never seen! Lots of scraping, brushing, brake cleaner and all that good stuff was real fun.

This is where the crazy awesome fun time was. Number 3 copper crush washer was stuck, I mean real stuck. Tried the screwdriver trick, marred it. Tried with a phillips, marred it more. Couldn't even get a dental pick under it at that point! Day 2 rolled around and I spent 4 hours on it, using every tool I had! What finally did it, on day three I borrowed an electric heat gun, I heated that SOB up real hot, then flash freezed it hard with an upside down can of air, Three wacks with a flathead screw driver and the washer split and lifted the sides right up!! And holy carbon buildup batman!! It was also getting close to time to light the truck on fire at that point, I'm just glad it was 3 and not 7 or 8!

1, 5, and 7 were easy to change out. Lubed all O-rings, put all caps back on, lightly threaded all fuel lines and proceeded to bleed them out. Tightened them all down then started to run her. First it began with I didn't torque 3 down enough, wrench took care of that real fast. Then 1 started leaking from the base and 7 from the cap. Popped one to see that I didn't clean the seat well enough, another 5 minutes and she was back in. Now 1, 7 and 8 all have cap leaks!

My diesel tech down the street agree's I have air intrusion and tells me to drive a bit tomorrow, since I have errands to run. He says they may seat themselves, I'll still snag a few good looking caps from pick n pull while I'm there tomorrow, keep some lube and all the usual wrenches with me; good thing I just got a bigger tool box!


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Cawston BC. Canada
WOW...sounds like fun, No really it does, and KUDOS on the making of the injector tip puller, I've got one special made just for those beatches like you had!

Make sure to CAREFULLY sand any casting flash of inside of new caps, this prevents cuts to O rings on the injectors when placing caps on and they should have a snap when they are on correctly!..

just a tip for ya!


Registered User
May 16, 2013
Reaction score
Sacramento CA
the caps had all gone back on nicely, but having to take it off and put it back on and all I think buggered 1 and 7, I think 8 just wanted to be a pain So I may take it off and clean it real quick and put it back on


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
We wish you had come here before you started the injecter replacement. We could have talked and walked you thru it so you would not have had the issues you had. As for the injecter that came apart in the bore. You did exactly what would have been recommended. Now for the seats in the heads. Those are critical for cleanleness. Nothing can be left on them. We recommend that a dentel pick be used on them. What you do is drag it around the seat feeling for a cut or hole in the seat. That will show when the pick stops or hangs up. It wont move freely. If that found now you need to recut the seat with a tool called a seat reamer. They are very expensinve but some members have them and will loan them out. I have done that but got back a badly damaged reamer. That fool ruined my tool and his head by driving a triangle file in the small tip bore and breaking it off. Then used my reamer trying to cut out the broken file. I told him the tool would be ruined if he did that but you guessed it. That fool did it anyway. Then he contacts me asking about drilling several small holes in the seat around the stuck broken file to ease the tight fit.. WTH homer.. No way.. But he does anyway. So in the end I get back a ruined reamer and that less than stellar member ruined a head all because he was stupid. He is no longer part of this forum either and thats a good thing... As for reusing injecter return line caps or geting spares from the wrecking yard.. Nope. You are just asking for trouble. The kits are not expensive but we all know what a finichal bind we get in sometimes. So you do what you have to in hopes it works. Cleaning off the edges of the caps of the casting flash will save lots of o rings too. Finding a mixed bag of injecters in the engine is sad but it shows how these engines can run with little or no attention to details. I hope this information is helpful to you and in the future please ask whats the best way of doing something on these easy to work on engines. What you found on yours has been discussed many times because your not the only one this has happened too.

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