Registered User
Brace yourselves for a long and potentially rambeling post. A big thank you to anyone that actually reads this and responds.
I purchased my truck a couple months ago and today was first time Ive had her sound enough to drive further than a few miles. The fellow I purchased her from told me that she burns ~1 gallon of oil per 3k miles. This wasnt ideal but for my purposes I thought it would do. However, today she burned a quart in 100 miles... So ~7 gallons in 3k miles!! This is absolutely an unstainable amount of oil loss for me. I cant justify having a truck that needs an gallon of oil every time I go hunting. So my first question is this - is it possible get a truck like this to a reasonable level of oil consumption? My concern is that I will throw a lot of time and money at this only to put a bandaid on a bullet wound.
If you believe I shouldn't jump ship please read on and help me figure out what in the hell is going on. Here is a little background on my ****** mistress..
The truck is a 1994 7.3 idi factory turbo with 191k miles on the clock. Before I purchased her she sat for a couple years. On today's cold start (45F) oil was at 50psi. After she warmed up idoling was at at 9psi and held 34psi under regular driving (1500 - 2000rpm). This all seems low to me... correct me if im wrong. I just changed the oil to rotella 15w-40 with a hotshots additive. Both of which would lower viscosity but I'm not sure if that would account for pressure that low.
She does have a good bit of blow by that dissapates under acceleration (I've posted videos of it in previous posts if you would like to see). I changed the CDR but saw no noticeable difference in the blowby amount. Im thinking of putting in a catch can, but I cant imagine that would make a huge impact on the amount of consumption im seeing.
In general she doesnt smoke all that much and when she does its usually white and fuel smelling. I find it odd that I'm losing so much oil and not seeing any blue smoke. The smokeing primarily occurs on a cold start or after she is left to sit still for a bit, this includes stop lights. Causing me to think that my valve seals could be part of my consumption issue. This would be a big job for me to replace these, so again is it worth it?
The previous owner had new turbob seals put in, so its unlikely that loss is occuring there. Its possible that my crankcase pressure is significant enough to prevent oil from draining out of the turbo. Or perhaps the line is just blocked. I need to do a little more research on how to troubleshoot this. Let me know if you have any tips.
I'm afraid that if I tried to sell this truck I couldnt get what I paid for it without lying. And I dont belive I could do that. I am also a worried that throwing money at it won't be worth it. If you were in my shoes what would you do? Sell it or stick it out? If you would stick it out what would your list of troubleshooting be? With the most simple things first and the more costly / difficult things last.
I appreciate yall
I purchased my truck a couple months ago and today was first time Ive had her sound enough to drive further than a few miles. The fellow I purchased her from told me that she burns ~1 gallon of oil per 3k miles. This wasnt ideal but for my purposes I thought it would do. However, today she burned a quart in 100 miles... So ~7 gallons in 3k miles!! This is absolutely an unstainable amount of oil loss for me. I cant justify having a truck that needs an gallon of oil every time I go hunting. So my first question is this - is it possible get a truck like this to a reasonable level of oil consumption? My concern is that I will throw a lot of time and money at this only to put a bandaid on a bullet wound.
If you believe I shouldn't jump ship please read on and help me figure out what in the hell is going on. Here is a little background on my ****** mistress..
The truck is a 1994 7.3 idi factory turbo with 191k miles on the clock. Before I purchased her she sat for a couple years. On today's cold start (45F) oil was at 50psi. After she warmed up idoling was at at 9psi and held 34psi under regular driving (1500 - 2000rpm). This all seems low to me... correct me if im wrong. I just changed the oil to rotella 15w-40 with a hotshots additive. Both of which would lower viscosity but I'm not sure if that would account for pressure that low.
She does have a good bit of blow by that dissapates under acceleration (I've posted videos of it in previous posts if you would like to see). I changed the CDR but saw no noticeable difference in the blowby amount. Im thinking of putting in a catch can, but I cant imagine that would make a huge impact on the amount of consumption im seeing.
In general she doesnt smoke all that much and when she does its usually white and fuel smelling. I find it odd that I'm losing so much oil and not seeing any blue smoke. The smokeing primarily occurs on a cold start or after she is left to sit still for a bit, this includes stop lights. Causing me to think that my valve seals could be part of my consumption issue. This would be a big job for me to replace these, so again is it worth it?
The previous owner had new turbob seals put in, so its unlikely that loss is occuring there. Its possible that my crankcase pressure is significant enough to prevent oil from draining out of the turbo. Or perhaps the line is just blocked. I need to do a little more research on how to troubleshoot this. Let me know if you have any tips.
I'm afraid that if I tried to sell this truck I couldnt get what I paid for it without lying. And I dont belive I could do that. I am also a worried that throwing money at it won't be worth it. If you were in my shoes what would you do? Sell it or stick it out? If you would stick it out what would your list of troubleshooting be? With the most simple things first and the more costly / difficult things last.
I appreciate yall