Wheel bearings install


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Silverton, OR
You did a nice job.;Sweet It's the little details that count. :D

Thanks ;Sweet , I think I did alright at it. I should have repainted the whole spindle and everything though.

Aren't break jobs a blast? i just did one on my mother's minivan.

Oh yeah break jobs are a blast to do, theres nothing more I would want to do than to do a break job on my truck every day :rotflmao .

And I went for a drive, and my squeking is gone now :thumbsup: , its so awsome not to have that bothering me everytime I turn. Everythings working good, and I havent had a wheel fall of yet LOL . My drivers side did throw a little bit of grease in the begining, but I wiped it off and drove a couple more miles and it didnt throw any more, but it did have me worrying there.

Time to move on to the next project, new belts.