Thanks for the help.

Stu Bailey

Full Access Member
Dec 22, 2018
Reaction score
Well, you're at least one step ahead of me with the ZF-5.
The 3-spd and the noise in the cab are really the only things keeping me from loving this truck.
But I don't see me "fixing" them. I will either learn to live with it or sell it.
As of now, I'm keeping it.
Hearing the noises is one way you’ll be able to tell something is wrong. One day I was driving home from work and one of the bolts holding my vacuum pump walked it’s way out; the threads were basically gone. I was at a red light and heard a different noise coming from the engine bay. But once you get the rig all cherried out you can always throw soundproof carpet stuff down and good seals and I think it will make a big difference.

I have an 86 and a 92 with a turbo and there is something special about that 86, so simple, so reliable, so easy to work on.

Cant Write

Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2021
Reaction score
Placerville CO
I enjoyed our time in Eugene, OR. And then we spent a few years in SLC, UT. Which was great also.
But your roots, and family/friends call you back home.
And it's also a bit weird not being able to go to the ocean if you want to (when in UT).
If she ever leaves me I'll probably move to a dumpy trailer home in Moab. ;-)
But once a New Englander, always a New Englander. I can pick one of us out at 40 yds. ;-) Everyone else is "normal". lol
I could not agree more, and I also know the wife would be LESS THAN Thrilled to ever move near Reliance SD. Course I would never move to Southern CA either. When I go back home, I miss the people dearly, its the wind, and flies, and mosquitos that annoy me!!

I am 2.25 hrs from Moab, you should move that dumpy trailer near La Sal, that place looks right up my alley if I end up in a similar situation :)

My brother moved near Prospect ME around 6 years ago, I wonder if he is halfway between normal and "New Englander" by now. I do know he loves it and plans to NEVER leave.