got [censored] tonite....


Resident Fruitcake
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
Gwynneville, Indiana

Off the top of my head I know of three of my posts/entire threads that just went ****** I have seen the other Mel's 2 posts/entire threads go ****** then they levied the rule of you can't mention, speak, type or any reference to the BOOB site because it's competition with TDS - might shut them down and make them stand on a street corner with a sign that reads "will moderate for food".

This has been increasing in the last few months, from seeing posts that say edited by insert mod name here on such and such date.

When if you werent' right on top of the forum reading every hour on the hour (sometimes multiple time per hour) you would miss this. but some of us did catch it and have finally had enough.


Ricer-Roni The IDI Treat
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Post Falls, Idaho
So where are the rules against other sites? I looked in the sticky in the forum and it doesn't mention it. It's too bad because I feel I owe TDS for what I now know about my truck. I know it's all of the basement members who provided the info but TDS was the medium for me to learn it. Just a shame a good thing has to change in that way.:( I can see OB.Net becoming my new home. I'm not a big fan of the raunchiness in the BG forum but I don't have to go in there. The tech info will be just as good here, I'm thinking. It's the masses with the knowledge that will make the site. As long as I don't get addicted to the GGG forum :eek: :D , I'll be okay!;)


Resident Fruitcake
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
Gwynneville, Indiana
Originally posted by troutwest66
I'm not a big fan of the raunchiness in the BG forum but I don't have to go in there.

See that right there is an adult speaking... Making a concious choice not to view something other than just complaining/trying to get it removed. That there my friends is a true adult, just like if you don't like the show the TV station has on, you choose to use the other button which is change the channel not turn it up like so much of the world today does, then complain because you have to watch/listen to it. - Hat's off to ya Mel.

steps down off soap box


Supporting Member
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by argve
the BOOB site because it's competition with TDS - might shut them down and make them stand on a street corner with a sign that reads "will moderate for food".

This has been increasing in the last few months, from seeing posts that say edited by insert mod name here on such and such date.

NowI dont care who you are, that will moderate for food comment is just plain funny:D

Now as to your second statement, what really cranks me off is when on of the mods edits your post, then in the text box writes "posted deleted by insert user name here" and doesnt check the box at the bottom of the editing page to show who edited it. That is a spineless way of moderating. They take the time to edit a users post but do it anonamously, :sorry: but in my book that is chicken scratch.:mad:


Registered User
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Little Smoky, Alberta
Yes, when they Banned me the first time they didnt E-mail or anything and it ended up to be BS so they lifted the ban, then i found this site and they banned me again without any notification except ur acount has been banned or locked, so this became my home SPINELESS is right :shoot: :shoot:


Ricer-Roni The IDI Treat
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Post Falls, Idaho
It seems like a lot of what's hapening at TDS is getting petty. What was mentioned about all of the PSD clubs and sites, those links aren't removed, right? What I can see hapening, though, is disgruntled TDS guys antagonizing Jason and the mods and that will only make it worse for the basement. I guess I'm torn between the loyalty I feel for TDS, all the referals I gave them and realizing that TDS may be morphing before my eyes and it won't be the same entity anymore. Since the IDI guys have use for only a few sponsors I can see where our oppinions may not matter because we aren't helping to bring in all the new aftermarket being that we are "old technology." At any rate it's just kinda sad to see what was incredible and one of the highlights of my day turning into a disappointment.

Thanks, Travis, for the compliment. Just speaking with common sense. Quite simple, don't like it there, don't go there. Or better yet...
"Doctor, it hurts when I move this way."

"Then quit moving that way!"LOL


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Just north of Brookville, PA
Just thinking out loud here....
I've had no troubles over at TDS, so I still use both sites. But has anyone considered that if the basement is eliminated, there would be more server space and bandwidth for those who use the "higher-up" boards? Those ARE the folks that the majority of the sponsoring venders cater to anyway. Could be a purely fiscal motivation on the part of the mods???


Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
That’s a good theory Mark. Maybe they want us gone to free up cycles for the upstairs folks, as you said the majority of the ads are aimed at them anyway. Who knows, and at this point, I dont really care.


Idont do injectors
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
New Brighton PA
I made the jump when the basement started to have the hammer dropped with moderation. I've said before that he IDI guys get no respect from International or TDS. I always felt that TDS thought we we some grud on the bottom of their shoes that they couldn't get rid of. Jason turned a hobbie into a business(TDS). That type of thinking has always bothered me in every form. IE pro sports, auto racing, classic cars, or what have you. It starts out as fun, then someone has to find a way to make money with it. Well more power to him, just don't look for me to offer TDS a way to make a $ off of me. Russ


Inside your OODA
Dec 21, 2003
Reaction score
Jason has threatened several times that if the other forum did not shut up and play like he wanted he would shut it down. He had everybody running scared and that toned things down, but they would always return to a loud obnixous level, but things were working semi good.

After him saying he was going to shut it down I called his bluff & threw it right back in his face.

I was made to look like a 3 headed **** by the jason lovers and followers for standing up to jason & calling his bluff. Hell, even now a couple of the old timers blame me for the rules and how strict things are in the other forum. However, one guy who is very vocal against me never posted much & was a jerk back then & now he's kissing jason's knee & getting away with murder. However, the bottom line is jason does not have the guts to shut down the other forum.

He knows how important it is that the other forum stays up making him money. That forum get's the most visitors in the long run and that's what he wants, people to join so he can brag about how many members there are & how many hits he gets so he can make more mony off his sponsers.

He's really changed (or hid the truth) from 97 when TDS was on ABOL and all he wanted was a place on the web to talk ford diesels & bs.

Now he's a money hungry sick ******* who would sell his wife if he could get away with it.

I just wonder, out of all the members he brags about, how many are active, how many actually have posted & how many actually visit on a regular basis. Want to bet his numbers are at least 1/3 inflated over the number of actual members if not more who post/visit on a regular basis.
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