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  1. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Determined it was a bad IPR connector in conjunction with dying batteries and oil in the ICP. The truck runs awesome again. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  2. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    She fired off today after 2 new batteries and a new updated IPR connector from international. Ran great for about 45 minutes then started bogging again. I had the ICP plugged in during that time (known to be bad) so I'm going to unplug it in the morning and see how she fares! Sent from my Z812...
  3. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Tomorrow morning will tell all so long as this storm doesn't come in (I'm in rural North Texas, weather can get really crappy, really fast). BTW, here's the truck in question. Traded it for a Tahoe I was into for $2200 (but was worth more), plus dude gave me $200 and a nice .40 subcompact Sent...
  4. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Yes, it sprayed fuel all over me...cap was under extremely high pressure and very full. I've done some reading, I'm going to check the IPR tomorrow and HPOP level. But I agree, I think I'm definitely going to have to get a scanner on it. Btw the WTS light is working, tach works when cranking as...
  5. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Disconnected ICP sensor and went for test drive, it ran GREAT then died. Now it cranks but will not start! Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  6. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    No more smoke but today a new issue came up; I was driving up a hill at low speed and it started sputtering. Pulled over, turned it off and called my wife to bring me fuel as I figured the gauge was just wrong. Just for giggles I fired it up and it ran I figured I'll just drive it...
  7. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Found today the coolant is a little lower than I'd like. Injectors seem fine via scanner and NO oil from the turbo. I'm thinking o-rings or cups? Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  8. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Ok cool. I'll investigate and report back. Thanks for the help. Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  9. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Yeah that's what I'm hoping for. I'm going to run by my buddies shop tomorrow and see if I can test the injectors if there's no oil hemmoring. How much oil is too much? Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  10. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    That's true. I'm a very experienced gasser guy, but have never really had to do a whole lot to my other diesels as far as diagnostics go...I think the most I've had to do was pull my ZF-5 from my IDI to do the stupid freeze plug behind the flywheel. I'll pull the DP tomorrow and check for oil as...
  11. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Turbo seals? It's pure white smoke, not blue and does not smell like oil, raw fuel, or coolant... Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
  12. Fasterthanyou925

    White smoke under load.

    Just picked up a 99' PSD that is bone stock. Truck runs awesome, gets great mileage. injectors and cups done 5k ago with receipts. My wife was following my last night and said it was blowing smoke so I had her drive and followed her and sure enough; it's definitely white smoking under load and...
  13. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    I agree about the bolts, good insight. My issue at this point is I did NOT buy a clutch since funds don't permit at this time so I don't have an alignment house said the soonest I could get one is a week out and I need my truck back yesterday... Any tips on doing it w/o the tool?
  14. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    Will do. Any thoughts on getting this bad boy up into position? I'm having my wife go pick up some long bolts to line the bell housing back up. I am still stuck with a floor jack for this though, I can't find a trans jack anywhere for borrow or rental...not going to buy one I'm hoping this will...
  15. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    Now tonight hopefully I can git-r-dun and running again...hopefully
  16. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    Yeah I'm doing this at work so I had to get everything out of the way
  17. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    This is basically what I did. I took 2 jacks one at the bell housing lip one near the tail shaft on 2x4's with 2 sets of straps running from the from rails then I bolted shifter back in and had my wife guide the side to side motion then backed it off, unbolted the shifter then let it down...
  18. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    Any tips for doing this WITHOUT a trans jack? I couldn't find a floor style locally (I live in the boondocks) and don't have a lift
  19. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    OK so with my wife as my assistant we've gotten this far in about 35 mins (she's a pretty good wrench from being around me so long, and drop dead gorgeous to boot)
  20. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    Also, since I'm just doing freeze plugs can I slide the trans/x-member back together and just leave it in without dropping both?
  21. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    How do you keep the slave compressed?
  22. Fasterthanyou925

    Pulling ZF-5 for freeze plug replacement

    Yeah driver side plug behind the flywheel
  23. Fasterthanyou925

    Freshening up the idi for its turbo, typ4 cam question

    That's sad. It used to be a wholesome family neighborhood, nice and private too.
  24. Fasterthanyou925

    Freshening up the idi for its turbo, typ4 cam question

    Very bizarre. They used to call it hot rod alley back in the day because almost everyone on the street was building toys of some sort.
  25. Fasterthanyou925

    introducing myself

    Yeah, I wasn't very knowlageable on diesels at that point, and just ran it, started it on ether ect w/o knowing better. Finally the GP's gave up then the injectors ALL started leaking at once so I sold it to Jason. oops... And that motor had a ghetto custom K&N wet setup on it...again, didn't...