Recent content by swampbear

  1. swampbear

    Tilt wheel Jacked Up By Wifey....

    NICE! lol Ever hear of a NON tilt wheel, Tilting?? For a while it was real touchy, Then firmed up and you'd push the blinker rod towards the dash and it would "Tilt" and lock lol, Now it doesn't do any of that, But ita all the way up and has a little bit of a wobble lol I'm afraid of what...
  2. swampbear

    6.9 Pump Timing

    I'd love to know more about this aswell, As far as I know the pump has never been timed, Nor the valves been adjusted, I couldn't find any specs on the process of either, If You've been down that road, could you PM me? I don't want to highjack this post nor start a repeat one lol, Thanks
  3. swampbear

    Official 2012 rally

    Is it always there or does it come any closer to the east coast? fast math I'm looking at about 450 in fuel alone lol