Recent content by mozzles

  1. mozzles

    6.9 idi new injection pump but no fuel coming out

    You're right over the mountain from where I'm at. Good luck, hope you get her runnin!
  2. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    So today I stopped by a mechanic's shop in town and asked him about it, he had a really nice oil filter wrench that he let me borrow for a minute and I got it off! Was so excited to see that thing start to turn. It was the style of wrench that's a loop of seatbelt material, with a socket on...
  3. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    I don't know anything about resealing the lines, is that tough? I am basically a novice, done some work on trucks with the help of people on forums like you guys but that's about it. Was thinking about taking the whole filter head off but wouldn't air get in the lines? Also would fuel be pouring...
  4. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    What's up FordGuy100, you post on both forums too huh? You been helping me with tires over on the ford-trucks forum. I'm hesitant to go with the screwdriver method, might just get a hold of the auto director at the school I go to and see if they could break it loose for me. Knowing my luck...
  5. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Screwdriver trick is my last resort, I've heard too many horror stories about still not being able to get it off, and leaving a hole in the filter. DEFIITELY going to be putting some oil on the gasket before I get the next one on! LOL
  6. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Yes and yes. Have got a new filter, tried a strap wrench and it wouldn't budge, a friend came over and same thing. Neither of us had ever had that hard of a time getting one to come off. I also picked up a pliers style oil filter wrench and still no luck. It's unbelievable how bad it's stuck...
  7. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Usually I'll have to crank on it a few times before it will start.. and then a big puff of smoke that smells rich once it does. Never had it die right away but I'll give it a little gas if it sounds like it's gonna. The other day the cranking was enough to drain my battery, it was below...
  8. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    I got in touch with punkmechanic, a member on here who lives a couple hundred miles away from me, and we plan on meeting up sometime and doing a little work on my truck. It will help a lot I'm sure.. we'll be going over the timing, injectors, injection pump, not sure what else. He mentioned that...
  9. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Is there any way to measure cranking speed or do you just do it by ear? I really don't have the experience to say but maybe if there are some youtube videos I could learn. Starting to doubt whether there even is a hot start issue... like I said, I started it up yesterday after getting the...
  10. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Thanks Knuckledragger, I tried that with the schrader valve... couldn't tell about the first bit because I thought it was a good idea to use my finger. After I used a piece of metal to see better it looked like a solid stream. I'll try again and find out for sure. Also, I got the engine good...
  11. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    I'll look into advancing the timing but I was under the impression you can't time these by ear. I've been trying to get in touch with the head of the auto program where I go to school, they have a diesel program and would most likely give me a hand with timing it correctly, still waiting to hear...
  12. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Guess I'll just run it till she goes, maybe pick up a junk yard IP and see how it does. Like you said Rot Box, for $20 what have I got to lose... other than a day's time. I understand that ideally I'd want to throw $800 on a top of the line IP and injectors, but really I only drive a couple...
  13. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Maybe $450 is really cheap for you, but when you have very little income and need to get new tires soon, that is a lot. Would the injectors at least do their job and make it run ok if I just replaced the IP with a new one? Also, this truck is definitely driveable, it's my daily driver and has...
  14. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Thanks for the welcome guys. So I never got an answer, would a junk yard IP probably work fine? As long as it got me 5-10,000 miles I'd be happy with it. I'm a full time college student and don't get much for hours at my job, so it's a bit for me to get both an IP and injectors right now...
  15. mozzles

    Am I going to need a new IP and injectors for my 6.9?

    Thanks guys. The smoke does seem like it could be more gray than white, and definitely smells rich like diesel rather than sweet. Oh and my engine is NA, and I'm living at about 3,600ft.. would this be considered high elevation? I don't have a lot of money to work with and was considering...