Sad News


Full Access Member
Jun 26, 2010
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Ryan, not only is my truck my daily driver, but when both vehicles are sitting in the yard, we hop into the F250. It's WAY safer should you be in a crash, it gets about the same mileage as my POS '04 Grand Am with a 2.2 and should something break, I'd rather work on the pickup than the car.

This is the whole principal for me to put the CCLB together and drive that. 4 doors for loading kids in the back, 8 feet of bed for hauling whatever needs to be hauled (bike, tent, wood, you name it) and an engine that will outlast the body and frame in my climate.

Whatever route you choose, keep in touch with us!!

What is fuel per gallon down there? It's $5.39 a us gallon here. ($1.428 per liter x 3.78 liters)

its 1.4 in NS? in prince george its 125 right now and in vancouver ive heard its 141 and 108 in edmonton i believe

EDIT: those are gas prices.....diesel here in pg is 124

Cincinnati Guy

Registered User
Aug 26, 2008
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Thanks everyone for your opinions. I know some are going to be for and some against. I must first off say its not Amber saying I need to get rid of it, its me saying its time to get rid of it. he says its all up to me. Yes its the same Amber from the lounge. We have had a lot of talks and what not about what happened and talks about the future. We both had out time apart. She did admit she did wrong. Were giving things another chance, I know some of you may never give a girl another chance, but guys its love! I made mistakes and she made some. Ok with that out of the way. I just feel its time to get a more up to date and smaller vehicle. Yes i do love my truck but sometimes you gotta give up things to get other things in life. In my own opinion I dont think its the type of vehicle to have with a baby. I spend nearly $200 a month in diesel fuel just to get back and forth to work, thats not including going out places, shopping and what not, just back and forth to work in a month. Ive had the truck how long? All Ive ever hauled is firewood. Im not saying ill never own an idi again, its just right now its time to give it up and work on other things in life/family. Just because I will not be in an IDI dont mean I wont contribute to the site, ill still be here.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2005
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Dude the back seat of that cc is big enough to start a family in:D


Registered User
Aug 25, 2007
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Coal Region, Pa
Remember...accidents in the back seat cause kids and kids in the back seat cause accidents...wouldnt u rather do both in ur CCLB IDI? :-D


Made in America
Feb 11, 2010
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Garrison, ND
I spend nearly $200 a month in diesel fuel just to get back and forth to work, thats not including going out places, shopping and what not, just back and forth to work in a month.

I saw that and said out loud "that's it?!?"

I spend that a week LOL


be nice to the admin :D
Oct 4, 2006
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York PA
These trucks are great for hauling families in but it sounds like your mind is made up......


Ford Man
Oct 7, 2006
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Las Vegas
Your truck is about the safest thing for hauling your kids around. You really need to figure out how long it's going to take in order to recoup the investment of another vehicle. You mentioned more up to date. Newer vehicles will be more expensive to license and insure.

Does Amber own a vehicle? I don't know if i missed that or if you haven't mentioned it. If she owns a smaller vehicle, use that primarily for family commuting etc, with your truck as a back-up and for your personal vehicle.

In the end though, it comes down to what you feel is best. I got rid of my IDI years ago due to changing needs, circumstances, and opportunities.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2010
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Bay Area, Ca
I used the same lie that "I was in love" too. I believed I was. It took me a long time to learn, but you sure want to make it out that you have to give up a lot to be in love. I am sure she is giving up a lot.....right? You do not have to give up a lot if anything! I also learned to keep my mouth shut about my problems after a while. I leaned on a lot of friends, and they gave me the same advice all of us are giving you. After a while, everyone got tired of hearing it and investing their time into my relationship when it was falling on deaf ears. All I did was **** people off when they actually cared about me. I finally learned to not air my dirty laundry if I did not really want help.`

Oh, and I ended up dumping her - she did not really change. Imagine that!

Good Luck......................................................


Full Access Member
Nov 22, 2010
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n. texas
Haven't been on here in a while (it's High School Baseball season). This is the first thread I looked at, and investigated the lounge thread a little. Forums are for peoples opinions, some work some don't, so here goes mine. Let me preface it by saying I've been married for 20 years to high school sweetheart, and have 3 amazing kids. I've told my wife in the past (doesn't need to hear it anymore) if she needs a tune up in her *** life that I'm not giving her GO get one. Only prerequisites are DO NOT let me find out about it, and DO NOT get tuned up by one of my friends or family. That may sound strange, but to this day I can honestly say she has never cheated on me (if she has I DO NOT know about it). You will never get over knowing she was unfaithful in mind, spirit, or body you may say you have but deep down it will burn you to the core every time you and she have a disagreement. On to the truck selling, my truck isn't a daily driver (I probably only put 4,000 miles last year on it), and I have a pontiac grand am to drive to work and back. I haven't read all the posts so I may be missing something but you say you can't have the truck as the ONLY vehicle. My answer to that is if you can't afford a second or even third vehicle YOU CAN'T AFFORD a family. Not trying to slam you, but if you have a chance get that taken care of before you decide to start a family. If you want to sell your truck sell it, no skin off my back. But please think long and hard (as you are on selling your truck) before you start a family, it is a much bigger committment than what vehicle you drive. Hope I didn't offend you, and best of luck in your future endeavors.


Full Access Member
Nov 22, 2010
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n. texas
If that's the case, no useful suggestions will be taken into consideration. There were plenty on the lounge thread warning of unprotected ***, and the end results without it!!


Registered User
Feb 13, 2006
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If she has a shorter commute can she drive your rig, and you drive her car? I'd rather my wife and kids drive the big vehicle in the family.

I had a Jetta TDI. Electrical issues after electrical issues followed by plugged up intake manifold from the injector pump being to rich at idle (this is a documented factory problem at FWIW if you have to have the work done on your TDI you will spend more money fixing it than you save in mileage...especially if you buy a used one with miles.

I also think this:

I haven't read all the posts so I may be missing something but you say you can't have the truck as the ONLY vehicle. My answer to that is if you can't afford a second or even third vehicle YOU CAN'T AFFORD a family. Not trying to slam you, but if you have a chance get that taken care of before you decide to start a family. If you want to sell your truck sell it, no skin off my back. But please think long and hard (as you are on selling your truck) before you start a family, it is a much bigger committment than what vehicle you drive. Hope I didn't offend you, and best of luck in your future endeavors.

Sorry you're having problems man.
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Full Access Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I had a Jetta TDI. Electrical issues after electrical issues followed by plugged up intake manifold from the injector pump being to rich at idle (this is a documented factory problem at FWIW if you have to have the work done on your TDI you will spend more money fixing it than you save in mileage...especially if you buy a used one with miles.

Couldnt agree more. Ive always been a Vdub enthusiast, but when these cars start to age they are not for the faint of heart. Once the electrical probs start in, they never stop. Not to mention specialized service procedures and tools.

I wish America had something to offer that would compare to a Honda Civic, but they dont. Ive seen so many go 200k with just oil changes and an air filter every ten years. You just cannot beat them. The only downside to one is the fact that they are absolutely horrible in the winter. Im seriously on the hunt down for a 92-95 VX hatchback. They are just stupidly good on fuel, and virtually indestructable. Not to mention that 1.5 v-tech is just a blast to drive, and will consistantly get in the 40's for mpgs.....


Good Morning Ya'll.
Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Delphos , Ohio
You think diesel fuel is expensive, wait'll that kid pops out. Start looking for a second job, or make sure Amber has one. Then you can babysit while she's working, walk that baby while it's screaming crying with Colic, change it's ****** diaper, for Chris sakes is he hungry again, why the hell didn't she mixup the formula before she went to work. $500 a month just for diapers, formula and and and and WOW.