Injector installing


Say what?!?!
Jun 3, 2008
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Beaufort, SC
And I thank all those that appreciate me.. I will take a bow now. lol..

As well, you should!

I haven't even bought my set of injectors yet, but from the few PM's we've had and your reputation, I wouldn't buy them from anyone else... ;Sweet


Made in America
Feb 11, 2010
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Garrison, ND
For anyone that wants to ***** complain or gripe about a person or buisness selling a product or service, My Cell is 407-403-4221. Call me and I will proceed to explain to you in terms you can understand why the situation is what it is. Things cost time and or money. Russ offers a product at a low price that is of higher quality than his competition. He should be charging conciderably more than he is (yes I said that, outloud).

wouldn't posting "**** and compare to dealership prices" be easier? :dunno

otherwise, completely agreed


Registered User
Nov 2, 2008
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spokane valley,washington
uh oh look who lurks in here i was contacted about this matter and was not at my computer ,i called dave and he was on it right then and there.i had a good chat with the reporting member over the phone and this stuff will not fly over on my side of the net.


Full Access Member
Jun 3, 2009
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jsnap_on_FTE said:
Anyone want to know where to get a so called Moose pump send me a private message and ill get the info to you and you save around 200.00 and lord knows we can all afford to save. It seems politics caused my post to be edited

still pulling his drama wagon around

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
Didn't see this thread until just I'm starting to see the roots behind jsnap going postal yesterday. Not to say that I understand it, though...seems to me he's out of his flipping mind :shocked: I have yet to deal with Russ professionally, but as others have said, it's obvious to me he's a stand-up guy who's providing top quality service and is charging much less than he deserves to be getting for his time. I do know from direct experience that, on a personal level, he's a good guy ;Sweet

Looks like the worst of it's already been removed, but just in seeing the replies, I can kinda get an idea of what transpired...I take it jsnap got a (richly-earned) one-way ticket out of town?

Tgotta dig the Archangel out the snowdrift first as my plow just decided to act up, I suspect not without some help from my neighbor's kid in the form of water in the tank - I've siphoned over 5 gallons of water already, little brat is pissed cause I don't wanna work on his stuff for free (cause, you see, we're neighbors, so I'm mandated take time off my work to help his lazy school-dropout ass out) and I bet this is his way of getting even with me cookoo
Thank you for the reminder of why locking fuel caps can be a good thing. Can you prove it was him? ...if so, I'd think about calling the cops and getting him busted for vandalism...


Registered User
Mar 22, 2004
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Duluth, Mn.
the fuel filter was changed as soon as i bought it, but i figured it out what probly caused it, when i first got the injectors i hadnt got the new ip yet, so i ran it with the old pump no it knowing what was hidden inside till i got the new pump and changed them i pulled the top off my old pump and it was rusted inside it:eek::cry: so im thinking that is what caused the problems, but im thinking of putting 2 fuel filters on it and 7.3 water separators

Looks like problem identified.

I think it's dman straight of Russ to stand behind His Customer when something like this is admitted.
Does ANYONE know of another shop that would do this? I don't.

IF the Water Sep is bypassed, I'd say it's customer error?

6 Nebraska IDIs

Registered User
May 27, 2007
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Wow. I can't believe I missed this. I gotta say I've never paid a whole lot of attention to cleaning the fuel line threads when changing injectors, maybe I should??? I've done many injector replacements in all of our trucks over the years and the only problem I've ever had was with the crap Diesel Care injectors I bought for my moms crew cab. You know there's a quality control problem when you get a set of "reman" injectors with sand in them. I wasn't even gonna try cleaning that crap out.
Anyway, I don't understand how this jsnap retard gets all his info on the shops that do the work for Russ and Mel?
Lastly, I'd much rather pay a little more to buy a product from members here who I know will back it up than buy it from some shop ran buy Bill Williams or some other person who doesn't care.
I had my Moose pump built long before my truck was ready for it, and I knew that when I did it. I happened to come into the money I needed to have it built so I did it. Was it over a year before I even opened the package to install the pump on my motor, sure was, does that mean I am running a pump with less than 1000 miles on it with no warranty? HELL YES it does. I made that decision to buy the pump far in advance, that's not Mels fault.
The same goes for contaminated fuel with Dyoungs injectors. I think Russ went above and beyond with trying to help out a member of the forum. Not knocking on ya one bit Dyoung, just saying, if I were in your position I'd be out a set of injectors. Thats just how my luck is, obviously you're a much luckier man than I am. lol
Dyoung, there's no reason for you to be worried, everyone here can see you werent trying to start trouble. I don't know where that other guy came from but he was the idiot, not you.


Using the Force!
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Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
... And if anyone has any disilussions that I am making a killing, try shimming several sets of injectors sometime, it take a hell of a lot of time.

I know Mel will back up that last statement.

Appearantly not only is it wrong to offer a service, but it's wrong to offer it and not absorb the costs of doing so yourself. :dunno :***:

Both Russ and I spend a good deal of personal time helping everybody out. Not only is it a royal pain in the butt to perform these services, but it can cause a lot of grief at home. My wife rides me a good bit sometimes if I ask her to stop by the shop and pick up a pump that is finished, and she has had a bad day or doesn't feel like it. She complains when somebody ships me a core, and it leaks diesel fuel in the trunk of her Mustang, or sits on the kitchen floor and stains the linolium. My kids complain when I have the computer tied up filling out a FedEx shipment, and I've gone to weigh a box or measure it, and they can't use it because I'm halfway through doing it. Or the times when I deal with an international brother who needs to use PayPal to handle the curency conversion, and I'm not able to get the money transfered into my checking account because I don't feel like giving Paypal my SS#, and I have to float several hundred dollars for a full month because they limit you to $500 worth of transfers a month. Or when I've bent over backwards to do a coreless exchange... finding a suitable donor that won't break the customers back. Or when somebody needs their pump so bad they don't want their truck to be down and I have to "lend" a core until I ship the new one, they install it, and I get their core back. Oh the list goes on and on of inconvienences and challenges. This is why my builder doesn't want to deal with you all directly. I tell people right up front, I tack on $75 to whatever the pump costs, and this $75 pays for my transportation charges (my wife... oh, and you should see what bribes I've had to dole out to get some of you guys your pumps in the time frame I've promised), gas (yes, hard to believe but your Moose Products are 4.6L gas engine powered LOL), shipping, which can cost as much as 1/3 of that fee, and the other $25-$35 I get to keep helps pay myself for things such as the interest I've had to pay when I overdrew my bank account to pay the builder, so you guys wouldn't have to wait longer than I told you, the bubble wrap I put the pumps in, and to pay for the dinner that I will end up taking the family out on in order to make that last minute run to get stuff to make your pump happen. There is very little left if anything at all to pay myself back for the money I fronted for that first Moose Pump. In fact, I would be willing to say that I loose money on every pump I sell. Fortunately, I'm not a good accountant and I don't keep close enough track of this activity to find out that I really should just give it up. Then along comes some A-hole with an agenda way out of left field that just blows your mind away wondering what the hell this guy is thinking, and why he intends to alienate himself, on this board and every pump builder out there... oh yeah... Joel has friends... I can't see this guy getting very good service from anybody once his name is well known. It really makes no sense. Now he is spreading his filth to other boards, and so the lies will perpetuate and go on and on and be on public record for years. I was never being secretive because I wanted to hoard loads of money for myself and milk the IDI community for all its worth :rolleyes: Give me a break! Does this guy even know that I do timing clinics every year, and have timed literally hundreds of trucks and which who's owners would gladly have paid me $20... $50... maybe even $100 to have their trucks timed, and that I've done this every year since 2003 and have not charged a single dime, and that when the owner has DEMANDED to pay me (and some do.. they just appreciate it too much not to feel humbled), that I have told them to "give the money to the rally host" Hell, liberally, I might have profited $400 total in the last 3 years from selling Moose stuff, assuming the financial obstacles I've laid out were not real. If I had asked for $25 to time trucks, I could have made $600 in the same amount of time with a TON less hassles AND I wouldn't have some jerk chasing around on the internet professing that Russ and I rip people off. I guess it's just impossible for that person given their mentality to honestly believe that some people do what they do just because they want to help people, and not because of some self serving greed that is previlent in the circles they run in.


Full Access Member
Jun 3, 2009
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jsnap_on_FTE said:

I have a lot of contacts in the high perf industries buss there are only a hand full of cam grinders in this country so this one will be simple for me. And i cant stand, its a secret, Im the middle man, it must go threw me.... When you here that, hang on to your wallet cause it will be emptied. The guy that sells these secret cams also sells and has the proclaimed connection with ARP for the 7.3 head studs so i emailed him for a quote and when he gave it to me I almost fell of the chair same line of bs, the dont have head studs for the 7.3 but for me bla bla bla so he quotes 385.00 for the studs. And then forgets and sends me another email that says I forgot include another 5.00 for the paypal charge... So for me that did it I made a couple of call to ARP and Got the 7.3 studs with nuts, washers and lube for 297.00 which buy the way is available to all call ARP and ask for a nice girl named Cammi. So know I set my sights on the secret cam grinder and this will be easy a couple of days and he will be a secret no more and im sure available to all and again im sure at a huge savings......

Remeber one thing in this Life, the phrase must go threw me only pertains to Jesus Christ, when he said no one gets to the father but threw me... Know that goes threw me phrase ill accept and cant do anything about. But all other phrase like that, from people selling you somthing ,translates to make me money for finding!!! again finding!!!! a product and passing it along to you. AND I HATE THAT..... If your like me you work Hard for your money and they should to
he is back on russ