Considering a TDi...

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)

My M-B's served me well over the past 2 1/2 years. Actually, other than my truck, I've had the M-B longer than any other vehicle I've owned.

But, unfortunately, the car's not exactly a creampuff. The drivetrain works just fine, but the front suspension and steering system have serious issues, the body's got a few dents/dings (most recent just on Tuesday, thanks to my g/f not watching where she was going -cuss :frustrate -Flame Thr ), and the interior saw too many Texas summers before I rescued the car and brought it to CA in '02. In the wake of the last dent, the car's officially been degraded to "Beater" status, meaning that while I'll keep up with basic maintenance, her days are numbered and she's going to wind up driven into the ground. This also means that I'm starting to think about a replacement car, even though $$'s real tight.

This is why I'm posting on this board and not the M-B board. I'm thinking long and hard about replacing her with a TDi. The M-B OM617's a bulletproof engine, and I like both the W123 and W126 body cars, but I'm having trouble arguing with 50mpg, and for someone who's never owned a vehicle built after 1985, the idea of getting a "new" or "newer" car is very appealing. This is doubly the case since I'm almost exclusively a DIY, and it would be nice to have a daily-driver that I don't need to tinker with on a regular basis to keep on the road. However, it would be nice to be able to do my own that even possible?

I test-drove an '03 Jetta TDi 5 speed when they were new on the lot and was very impressed.

Only thing is, I don't know a thing about the TDi, other than the mileage numbers, the fact that you're much better off with a 5 speed than with an automatic (from power and mpg standpoints; this is good since I prefer manual trannies), and the aluminum head and timing belt. So, this gets to be my chance to learn. :)

First, do the head and timing belt become issues, other than needing to maintain the cooling system and replace the belt every 50K miles or so? IIRC, early VW diesels had head trouble; don't know if this carried over to the new engines or not.

Second, does the fact that it's a front-wheel-drive raise any issues with routine maintenance? I've been lucky enough to never have owned a FWD vehicle before.

Third, are there any year-specific vehicle or engine issues? Any particularly desirable year, or any particular year that should be avoided?

It'll probably be a few years before I could even get a chance to come up with the $$ (broke college student now; need a regular job before I can afford something like this), but better to start early than to play catch-up, right?

Thank you in advance! :cool


Registered User
Feb 16, 2005
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I love my TDI

Got it in sept 04 and now have 13,000 miles on it.

You are right about the manual getting better miliage.

VW has upgraded the timing belts so they dont have to be changed as often now. Although they still do need to be changed as they are interfereance engines.

I have not heard of any issues with the heads.

They are tight to work on but there are plenty of people that do their own maintenence.

You will have to go used as new TDIs are not sold in CA - not carb compliant.

There is alot of info over at

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
Thanks for the link :) I may have to check them out...

I think they're going to be re-introduced to CA in '07, and I doubt I'll have the money before then. In any event, I hope to be out of the Peoples' Republic by then. But, if getting a used one is a decent bet, that may be the way to go...if mileage numbers are close enough, I'd actually prefer a Passat, and IIRC they didn't import TDi Passats after sometime in the late '90's...

Good to hear re: maintenance...

Thanks again :cool if there's any more input, I'd love to hear it...

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