2008 IDI Weekend in pictures


Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
Hard to believe it has been a week already, but I finally got my 200+ pictures posted. For those of you who just want to look at the pictures, and not bother reading the rest of this post, click here.

For the rest of you, here is how the rally went.

First off, thanks to Tina and Nick for hosting this year. Tina squared me away rather quickly on the correct order of how their names hould be listed. ;) LOL.

Tina handed out an itinerary to everyone once the bulk of the population arrived on thursday evening. The rain set in shortly after most of us got there, and it pretty much decided to make this the wettest rally yet. However, that did not stop the fun. The first rally activity was a circle trip of the Windmill farm on Church Road, the Flight 93 Memorial, and the Que Creek rescue site. Here are some selected photos from that run.

First up, the windmills. For those of you who do not have these things near you, they are 1.5-megawatt turbines and produce about 25,000 megawatt-hours of electricity or enough electricity annually to supply about 3,400 homes. Exelon has a 20-year agreement to purchase the output of the Somerset Wind Energy Center. The facility is owned and operated by FPL Energy. It is one of several wind farms in the area, stretegically located on the Allegheny ridge. At about 300 feet tall, they are the visible from just about anywhere the rally went. They make a pleasant whooshing noise as they spin, with no additional sound. You get quite used to seeing them after a while, and they are no more intrusive than the now ever present cell phone tower.
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Ron (Diesel Dog Catcher) has struck a pose with some of the small ones in our group, while sporting his stylish Moose Truck 25th anniversary shirt.

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While they only turn about 17 or 18 RPM on a good day, the tips of the blades create enough disturbance in the air that they have to be spaced apart enough to prevent one set of blades from distrubing the air for the others.

The next stop on our tour was the Flight 93 Memorial. I doubt anyone on these boards has forgotten 9-11 or the events of that day. Lets just say that a visit to this place is probably more moving than going to New York, or the Pentagon, because it was here that average people like you and me took up arms, and fought back and repelled the enemy, even at the ultimate cost. I couldn't help be be filled with rage as I read the transcript of the flight 93 data recorder.
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The memorial is about a mile from the impact site, and was put together by a private individual who felt something needed to be done. He bought an old church that was used as a seed warehouse, and started something that turned into a community effort.
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A central monument memorializes the crew, while stone benches form a circle around it, each bench with the names of the passengers.
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A steel sculpture, cut from the wreckage of the twin towers, shows the elements of that day.
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The U symbolizes the twin towers, and has the letters WTC. The A contains the date, and the state of Pennsylvania. The nine, representing the pentagon (the shape of the hole in the 9 is a pentagon), and the state of Virginia. The 3 has no definitive marking that I could detect, but it describes the number of places attacked on that fatefull day.
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Inside, are many artifacts and memories including this, the original sign at the crash site.
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Pieces of the Pentagon, and items from WTC are also on display.
A service was held in the church, which is now I believe serving in that capacity again, for visiting this place is a religious experience to be sure. The founder of the memorial site is on the right, and he invited a person from the audience who had come from I think the west coast, to come and light a candle which burns perpetually to honor those lives that were lost. The candle burns out periodically, and is replaced by anyone present to do so.


Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
2008 IDI Weekend in pictures continued

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We then convoyed to the crash site.
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The National Park Service runs the actual crash site, and like most things they touch (at least around here), it's not something you'll completely enjoy. Only our flag hanging on a fence which surrounds the actual impact zone is evidence of what transpired here. Your permitted to view it from abound 500 feet away, in an overcrowded area dominated by personal momentos and well wisher tributes.
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They have plans for a grandios D.C. style memorial which will be a lot better than what is there now, and will hopefully allow you to get closer to what is essentially a mass grave. According to the information presented there, the attackers inverted the plane in the final moments, in an attempt to thwart what they called "the crusaders". The plane hit the ground at a low angle of attack upside down, and instantly collapsed into itself on impact resulting in a very small debris field. The distant trees were burned in the fire, but have grown back.
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It would appear just about everyone should be able to find something close to home on this wall of stuff. I didn't have to look hard to find something from my neighborhood.
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After we left the Flight 93 area, we stopped at Wendy's in Somerset for lunch. A few others hit Micky D's or whatever else was around. Here's part of the line up behind Wendy's.
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The next stop was the Cue Creek Mine rescue site. Just a short distance away from the Flight 93 crash site, this spot also was the focus of national attention when 9 miners became trapped 240 feet underground, when they mistakenly bored through a wall which seperated them from an old abandoned mine which was completely flooded. The breach allowed the water to flood the area behind them in such a way that they could not escape. Now I don't know about you, but when I think about commercial mining, I have visions of a place where you can at least stand up, but I was wrong! These miners work in conditions that would give most of us cloustriphobia or however you spell it! Their idea of a good time is if they can crawl around on their knees instead of having to lay down! :eek:
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Imagine if you would, being awakened in the middle of the night by people banging on your door, and driving all over your property. Your told that a mine is underneath your farm, and that miners are trapped and drilling must commence to save them. This is what happened to the Arnold family of Cue Creek PA. The mine is a mile and a half away, but the perimiter of one section is right underneath their pond, their road, and their field. Over the course of the next few days, your property will become a media circus, as the attention of the world focuses on a 3 foot diameter hole being drilled, and the President of the United States fly's in with his entourage to bolster the determination of all involved.
This picture shows all the vehicles and a helicopter that have perched on the Arnold's land.
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Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
Delta, PA
Continued 3

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Station WPXI out of Pittsburg PA some 70 miles distant, has come to cover the event. This Ford van (not a diesel! Ron and I checked that for sure. LOL) covered the Flight 93 crash, and after Que Creek, they decided to retire it, and it was donated to this museum which the Arnold family has created.

The initial attempt to drill a rescue shaft for the miners was thwarted when the drill bit broke. A second shaft was started immediately. Here we see the actual bit and the tool used to remove it so that drilling could resume on the original shaft. The second shaft attempt was abandoned.
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Here then is the actual cage used to rescue the men. Keep in mind that the door is only about 2-1/2' high, and is located at the very bottom. One of the miners was a bit on the heavy side, and was very much forced into this opening!
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Out in the Arnold's yard, is the actual hole that they miners were rescued from. It has since been filled in.
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Miraculously, the air shaft, and rescue shafts were drilled in an area that was free and clear. Had it been just a few feet to the south, the road would have been torn up, or the pond would have been drained.
The site is indicated with this Commonwealth historical marker.
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In all, 9 miners were rescued with no fatalities as a result of the incident. 8 of the 9 retired immediately, with one miner opting to return to service. The Que Creek Mine continues to operate to this day. The flooded portion remains out of service and sealed.

After the trip, we all returned to the campground.
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Each day was filled with great company, and great food. Nick and Tina hosted a wingfest as the first group meal, and I think without a doubt, those were the best wings I've ever had! :love: Tina has some kind of special sauce that she flat out refused to give the recipie for. :backoff Some kind of BS about a resturant or family secret. ;Really LOL We understand Tina.
There never goes a rally that there isn't a significant amount of wrenching going on in one camp or another. The first night featured Darrin's bumper swap, and my timing clinic. Then the real fun began. Michael Fowler decided to spin his fan into his radiator. ;Really
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Turned out to be a good thing.
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For some reason Gary "Russ" Russel did the honors.
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Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
Delta, PA
Continued 4

Installing this beauty.
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Gary (EMD_Driver) had more problems than you could shake a stick at. One of them, was his glow plug system. Nick educated us as to why a third party contactor from Autozone or Advance, just isn't as good as a Motorcraft one. The proof was in the pudding, or the Pitting as we see here.
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A Motocraft contactor has a disc instead of just a bar, which allows for a larger surface area, and prevents repeated burning of the same spot over and over again.

Joe (little doggie) ended up needing an electric fuel pump, which the Moose Tail gave up temporarily to satisfy the need, and Joe has since procured the replacement for me (thanks Joe!).

There were other repairs too, but it seemed like we worked on Gary's truck for about a week. I can't being to recount all that transpired there.

The next day we headed to Laurel Cavern. This is the largest cavern in Pennsylvania and is situated in the top of the mountain. Here are our trucks in the parking lot. Check out that view!
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Sunday morning we had a community breakfast, and the traditional show and shine.
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Afterwards, most of the gang started to pack up, as we see Jred doing here.
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My family and I, the Butt's, and Scarpa's continued to stay for the rest of the week, pulling out on Thursday. We had Gary's company on Monday and some of us fought off the dreaded post-rally blues by chasing some trains, where are plentiful in this part of the state.
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The historic Baltimore and Ohio mainline now a part of CSX stomps over the Alleghenies here, and this section that we call the west slope of Sandpatch is an area I have been to many times, so having the rally out here was a double bonus for me.
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On Tuesday, my plans to sleep in were interupted when Gary (EMD_Driver) called to inform me that he was broke down in Garrett. I drove down to see what was going on, and we could not get the fuel filter off. A call to Ron didn't yeild an answer, so I sicked my wife on him. In the process, she managed to wake up just about everybody in the campground, and finally we got a hold of Ron and he came down with a large pair of channel locks. As I suspected, Gary was having a fuel delivery problem, and we thought maybe it was the filter since he ran WMO. A replacement filter was obtained in nearby Meyersdale, and Gary was back underway or so I thought.
The Agne's then went white water rafting on the lower Youghiogheny.

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It was a lot of fun!
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We were shocked to learn on our retun that Gary never made it past Meyersdale, and Ron had spent the bulk of the day trying to figure out what was going on. Ron looked fried when I saw him on our return, and it was clear that something really weird was going on. Gary had to call work and mark off an extra day, and we made plans to do an electric pump mod Wednesday for him. Ron and I rode into town and picked up all the stuff we would need for the pump mod, and called it a night. Somewhere along the line (it's kind of blurry now) we got the pump in, and the truck seemed to run, although Gary indicated it wasn't 100%. We tooled around a bit, and it seemed to run everywhere we took it, so he headed for home. Thursday we packed up and headed for home. Now here it is Sunday, and I've been off since 2 thursdays ago. Boy I hate going back to work.
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The Anti-Anderson
Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2005
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Bowling Green, KY
Great recount of the weekend/rally Mel.;Sweet Cool photos too. We forgot the camera (I suck) and have zero photos to share.

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Michael Fowler

Registered User
Aug 16, 2005
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Bel Air, MD
Mel wrote".....Boy I hate going back to work.


I know it sucks, but the rest of us have the benefit of your being more available online, now.

Darrin Tosh

IDI Hound
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Great Job Mel, Thanks for taking the time and the pics.

As Rainy as it was, it was actually very fitting for the days events. The Flight 93 Memorial was a sombering day, and having the weather grey, and misty just added to the peace, and quietness of a very emotional site.

As we lined up our trucks and headed out of the Flight 93 memorial, a voice came over the CB radio and said,.. Lets Roll,...


Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
It would seem another magical moment is at hand. You saw where I mentioned that my video camera was stolen.... Well, I had no identificiation on that thing what so ever (lesson learned). However, I had left a tape of one of the boys high school plays in the case. The person that took (or in this case "found") the camera, watched it, and matched the school logo up with their web site. Well long story short, they contacted the school, who contacted us, and now it looks like I may be getting my camera back! How cool is that! :D :hail :hail :hail


I lost my face to the jaws of a poodle
Jan 13, 2005
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Well long story short, they contacted the school, who contacted us, and now it looks like I may be getting my camera back! How cool is that! :D :hail :hail :hail

Holy smokes Mel, what were the chances of that. Looks like Turtle scathed out of that one a wee bit.

Yeah I can tell you hated going back to work with the narrative and picture uploads. Way to go foamer!;Sweet

I'll get mine up sometime in the near future.

Hey Darrin, ya fergot about tractor tippin.LOL

Oh just for the record. For those who think the Moose truck doesn't get dirty...... I got proof it does!

Heck we even chased trains in it.:hail

Michael Fowler

Registered User
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Bel Air, MD
Holy smokes Mel, what were the chances of that. Looks like Turtle scathed out of that one a wee bit.

Yeah I can tell you hated going back to work with the narrative and picture uploads. Way to go foamer!;Sweet

I'll get mine up sometime in the near future.

Hey Darrin, ya fergot about tractor tippin.LOL

Oh just for the record. For those who think the Moose truck doesn't get dirty...... I got proof it does!

Heck we even chased trains in it.:hail

So what do you do if you actually CATCH one?

Darrin Tosh

IDI Hound
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan
It would seem another magical moment is at hand. You saw where I mentioned that my video camera was stolen.... Well, I had no identificiation on that thing what so ever (lesson learned). However, I had left a tape of one of the boys high school plays in the case. The person that took (or in this case "found") the camera, watched it, and matched the school logo up with their web site. Well long story short, they contacted the school, who contacted us, and now it looks like I may be getting my camera back! How cool is that! :D :hail :hail :hail

Sweet! ;Sweet

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