Dealership screwed up bad!!!!


Full Access Member
Mar 5, 2005
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bubtheman said:
Thats funny :rotflmao just to keep every one posted the truck is now having seious over heating problem poor mileage and no power at all but the dealership refuses to admit any wrong doing :backoff jerks
for christs it still under warranty...?????
if so take it to a different dealership already, they ****** it up once...who says they wont do it again. obviously they have poor customer service and right now they are scrambling to cover their *****. take it to a diff dealer...tell them what happened but dont mention the other dealerships name, its bad business and some dealers frown on badmouthing of others...for the simple reason you arent 200000000% satisfied with them youll just go do the same about their dealership.
and on another a chrysler mechanic myself, i am so sick and tired of people ******** and moaning over any bad experiance they have...heres an idea, why dont anyone ever say **** when theyve had a good experiance? youll never here someone say.." your dealer here" did an excellent job fixing my truck. even though 95% of all work performed at the dealer goes without problem/delay and the customer leaves pleased with the experiance theyve had, the only time anyone wants to talk about the dealer is the small percentage of times when something doesnt go they way they like, dont get me wrong, what this dealership is doing is plain wrong and is an embarrasment to all dealers and techs who bust their ***** to please the customer. so with that in time you want to bash a dealership about the ONE bad experiance youve had, think about the 20 times you went before for diagnostic/maintanance etc and have left knowing the job was done right and to your satisfaction. sorry about the long shpeel but it gets's my theory on dealer bashers...this is my goes. if you dont think the dealership can do the job right, or you think your better trained and knowledgable of the many modules, electronics and inner workings of the newer vehicles, dont go get warranty work done, choke up your money and throw parts at it in your driveway, when at last you cant figure it out, then bring to the dealer of your choice, we like when people replace all kinds of parts and it dont fix the problem, thats a whole lot less diagnostics we have to perform, we get our job done faster and in the world of flat rate...thats nice.

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