Recent content by Jester3775

  1. J

    WVO designs raw power fuge

    My take on it was that slower feed rate and faster rpm are for more cleaning. I don't think you can go wrong going those 2 ways for more cleaning. I don't think running same oil thru more than once would hurt anything, just more time but we are learning...
  2. J

    WVO designs raw power fuge

    Interesting, I love Simple Green but I never thought to try that ! Hot water too, there are times that does work magic. Funny because I went the other way in that I used Lacquer thinner, Paint thinner, Gasoline, Diesel fuel...
  3. J

    WVO designs raw power fuge

    I am a little embarrassed to say I am not sure what glycerin is. All I can say is there was definitely something in the WVO the previous owner was using that made it crazy hard to clean. Maybe there is something that can cut that stuff that I am not aware of but...
  4. J

    WVO designs raw power fuge

    I recently purchased a used Simple Centrifuge. He had run WVO in it and I am convinced he was getting out of it due to the mess. I have never had so much trouble cleaning something. WMO is messy but easily cleaned with many things but I couldn't find anything that could cut the WVO stuff. Ended...