Oil in a 12v cummins?


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Aug 27, 2010
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Ive tried it and did so for 350 miles it seemed like it was a bit more powerful and quieter with the same mpg but aside from that one tank run a few people have told me that doing this in a cummins is a bad idea cause of the direct injection or something related to how the motor is designed.
Im planning on upgrading my filtration from a 2 micron filtration setup to a centrifuge with a 2 micron filter at the end of it all but before i pay to play i wanted to be sure im not carbon fouling the injectors or causing some other unforseen problem.
Whats everyones experience with this motor and burning waste motor oil? How many miles while on the stuff?



Resident Fruitcake
Dec 11, 2004
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Gwynneville, Indiana
Logged a little over 100k miles with mixed fuels on my 12v - sometimes it was filtered waste veggie oil cut with diesel (up to 95% veggie oil to 5% diesel - in the summer) to Filtered waste motor oil cut with diesel (95% oil to 5% diesel - again in the summer). Sometimes it was a mix of the two... I had one barrel and would just dump it all in there - I only dewatered the veggie oil as the waste motor oil (among other fluids) were from good clean no water sources.

In the winter I would drop down to 20% other fuels with 80% diesel but when I seen the temps would drop down to the single digits I would try and get as close to straight diesel as I could for fear that it would gel up on me - had it happen once and the truck sat until it the temps warmed up late in the afternoon.

Only complain was the amount of filters that I would go through. I found that filtering hot oil would mean I would change more fuel filters on the truck so I learned to let my alt fuels cool to room temp before filtering. 140 degrees coming out of my "de-watering" station would allow the sock filter I was using (5 micron) to stretch too much and would clog the filter on the truck way too fast.

Other than that I loved it - my MPG would drop some and so would the power when running the higher concentrations but the bennies of it being free out weighed that far more... I would love to get another source of used veggie and used motor oil.... around these parts tons of people are doing it and so are commercial recyclers so places are selling their "trash" and us little guys can't compete...


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Aug 27, 2010
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Thanks for the speedy reply. I found your post very helpful. Especially about the cold, last year it hit down into the double digits just not the friendly kind of doubles more like -35F for a better part of a week and the ole ram was one of the few vehicles I could get running.

Now to get a few friends on board and order in a centrifuge. I have a few tractors it can help out as well so this could amount to a huge cost saving for me not to mention I won't be as hesitant in changing the fluids in the equipment now, when before the closest recycling center was about 60 miles away, but soon I will make it a few steps out the door XD

Thanks again!


Resident Fruitcake
Dec 11, 2004
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Gwynneville, Indiana
-35 wow... I would be very careful how much alt fuels you run at that temp.... that could get ugly at those temps... but I know from here in Indiana that zero we is good to go but.... dang I would consider moving to a warmer climate for the winter if I was where you are.... I would be interested in knowing how she does at those temps if and when you are running a mixed alt fuel...


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Aug 27, 2010
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I might sneak in a few quarts per tank at that time of year but no more then that. Ive seen #2 turn into jello and oil act like taffy just to bad it doesnt taste like taffy xD

Just waiting on selling the cattle in another week here before i can budget the centrifuge
and setup a few drums. Even got my father involved and sounds like he might have a few people he knows on board to get wmo from.


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Aug 27, 2010
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Time to experiment with wmo

Thought id update a little. Been busy so getting a centrifuge is on the back burner atm but so far ive ran some quarts of fresh looking oil that had no labels what i dub mystery oil and i ran a bit of hydraulic oil and last but not least some wmo from my dads subaru forester. His oil was a mix of mobil1 5w-30 and a quart of stp. So far everything has ran great with out a hickup well almost. It appears that the intermittent problem i had before adding wmo that i thought was just a freak thing has now happened while running wmo. I think it might be an air leak into the fuel system since it only occurs after long trips with some time sitting after the long trips. The rough idle seems to only happen just after i leave the drive way and vanishes easily if i press the peddle or let it idle for 10-15 seconds after the roughness starts. I also noticed the fuel tank seems to be put under a lot of vaccuum after long trips. Ill be attempting to troubleshoot this freak problem as time permits since atm im convinced its not the wmo causing the issue but possibly a bad fuel cap or i was told a faulty fuel heater. Time to read up on it a bit before i throw a part at it.

I also started experimenting with adding a little wmo to a case skid steer i have on the farm. Its a little non-turbo i4 with a rotary pump.
I filled it with a mix just before my dad went out to clean the corral when i arrived to take what he piled up he commented on the power increase. I also noticed when in the corral with him it puffed next to no black smoke which is unusual since from day one this skid steer has always puffed a bit out especially when pushing a pile of dirt or in that days case manure.
From my own personal use later i couldnt help but agree that i also noticed a substantial power increase. Its not a huge night and day power increase but it does seem substantial enough where its the difference between bogging down or powering through when digging dirt or stacking hay. Just like my ram exhibited the skid steer also ran quieter and smoother under wmo an diesel mix.


Resident Fruitcake
Dec 11, 2004
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Gwynneville, Indiana
Oh yeah the engine gets quieter, I could really tell it when I was running a heavy mix and was at the end of the tank then would pull up to the pump and dispense fresh diesel into the tank and while it was sitting there running I could hear when the fresh diesel hit the engine...


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Aug 27, 2010
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Had been experimenting some more with variouse oils in a few different applications.
The case skid steer i had been playing with has been starting just fine with 1/2 a gallon of wmo to 10 gallons of #2 and howes diesel treat at -5F. Its thinned down a lot but mostly i wanted to see the effects with adding some during the very cold. I may bump the mix since i noticed 0 issue thus far.
Ive also added some to a multi-fuel space heater.So Far ive added some old atf+4 and some old hydraulic oil. Its been operating fine and started up just fine at -15 F. Its running 1/2 gallon of the atf and hydraulic fluid mix with 5 gallons of jet a1. Im afraid to steepen this mix much more since it seems to be burning quiet hot. The heat deflector that used to house small amounts of carbon now has a small amount of white ash. It still throws pretty clean heat and imo still less eye irratating then running straight #1 through it.


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Aug 27, 2010
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I think i need to get into heating my WMO for filtration... Atm im not saving to much with how fast the canister filters are plugging on cold filtering WMO. I have an old sinking stock tank heater laying around and i was wondering if its safe to drop it into a 55 gallon drum of wmo and let it sit and heat before filtering?

This is the style of stock tank heater i have laying around:



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Apr 10, 2011
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college station/tx
i've heard you can run it on any diesel except for the gm 6.5. apparently it has a "sight glass" thing or something to that effect that will not allow it to run...i think mind you


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Aug 27, 2010
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Thought id update again. Had a bad flood water is finally moving back where i can get to my house again so i havent been running much wmo though i have scored a bit of new in the bottle oils that people had no use for nor could i use in anything but as fuel in my tank.
On a good note i did find a farmer willing to part with over 1000 gallons of wmo since he cant find a way to get rid of it fast enough. Now i just need to find a way to pump it into my totes i also scored for free. (though the flood claimed all but maybe 6 of the 19 i scored since i do see a few stuck in some trees) For people looking for totes how i found them was i just simply drove around and ended up passing by a place i seen with a large stack of them. So i talked to a few people and finally got a hold of the individual who just told me if i take one to take them all. The places that seem to have totes that are willing to part with them for cheap or for free seem to be farmers, fertilizer plants, animal feed/suppliment plants, small town plane strips that have a crop spraying service, bulk oil suppliers, and a bulk food supply outlet. In my case i seen a stack of them and it was left over by a company the person had hired and he just couldn't get rid of them. Also for those trying to find 55 gallon drums i acquired them the same way except i found mine from a cattle supplement distributor they only contained animal feed grade petroleum jelly. (a little heat and the stuff melts right out of them and can be used for plenty of things around the shop)

The stock tank heater i had talked about using earlier was a no go not sure if all of them are this way but the one i had wouldn't even turn on when it was only 70F outside.
The other thing i may try to heat this stuff with is one of these http://www.tractorsupply.com/agricu...external-round-tank-heater-1-500-watt-0191924 With the flood ive had to once again put the centrifuge and supplies on the back burner till i know the exact extent of the damages and loses but hopefully ill get the chance sooner rather then later.

Brad S.

Full Access Member
Nov 28, 2010
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What river are you close to and does that feed into the Missouri. I know the people around Ft. Pierre and further downstream would like a break.


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Aug 27, 2010
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