
  1. TheHappyHacker

    Introducing Cheech, My 6.9 IDI with an attitude problem.

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and forums in general. I've been a lurker here for a few years, but today I'm finally making an account to share my endeavors and aneurysms with the world. I'm a tech nerd as my name suggests, and love convincing computers to operate in ways unintended by the...
  2. E

    Howdy from Western Oregon

    Hi guys. Glad to have found this forum. I'm the proud owner of an 84 f250 6.9 4x4. I've had this truck for a couple of years and up til now just drove her. Recently blew the head gasket on the passenger side and decided it's time to give her an all around spa treatment besides the head job...