opinion's needed


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2006
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ok here is the deal. when i purchased the truck it used to smoke like a freight train and run like crap. i bought a set of rebuilt injectors and installed in it along with new return lines and orings. it had stopped smoking and ran alot better but it didnt have any power. it started smoking again and i tried filling the filter with diesel kleen and adjusted the timing and tried different things to make it quite smoking and yes i cleaned the cdr. ive run several bottles of diesel kleen through it and messed with the timing on several ocasions trying different settings, making trial runs and all that good stuff. i can adjust the timing to where it has lots of power but smokes, and i can adjust the timing to where it doesnt smoke that bad but has no power. a few days ago i adjusted the timing and finally hit the sweet spot, no smoke ,lots of power, purred like a kitten, and only smoked black on a hard throttle like it is supposed to, not like all the white smoke and the burning of the eyes like normal. i ran it for a couple of days with no probs and finally today i drove it about 40 miles and low and behold smoking like a freight train again. can someone please tell me *** is going on with all the smoke, is it ip or injectors, do i need to take the injectors out and clean them and have them pop tested to see if any or leaking, i just dont have the extra funds now to buy a new pump. sorry for the long post but man im about to slap a for sale sign on it, the only thing i can come up with is the diesel kleen is loosening some of the gunk in the ip and it is getting caught in the injectors. does this sound like a rashonal explanation. come on fellas give me something on this please. lol -cuss


Diesel fuel abuser
Dec 14, 2005
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Could be some crud from the tank, but how old is the injection pump? Have you tried changing fuel filters a time or two during all this fun? HAve you run some serious fuel biocide through your tanks in case you have an algae problem? Diesel kleen, has a mild one, but for problem systems you need something a bit stronger like Kill-em If you've ever seen any black spots in your fuel, or if you just don't know , it's a good idea. I run the stuff through all my diesels once a year. to keep things from forming on the tank walls. Any nasties finding their way through to an injector can jam it and cause it to slobber and create excess smoke.
You aren't buying fuel down on the shrimp boat docks or someplace like that. Might be getting some contaminated fuel.

How much oil are you consuming?

Are you really sure about the timing. THese things can be seriously off and still run amazingly decent. if you feel like taking a little jaunt about 9 hours north, you're welcome to come by and use my pulse timing setup :D


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2006
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thanks rldsl for the invite on the timing meter, and ive changed the filter about three times in the last three months with filling the filter back with diesel kleen each time. every time i change the filter i have a habit of pouring it out to see if there is any trash and water in it ,but its clean. and no i havent been dipping fuel out of the old shrimp boat lol, its been from the high dollar truck stop. as for as the pump goes i dont know when wass the last time it was changed, im planning on changing it just have to waite for the extra funds.


Nov 4, 2007
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you should have had the injectors pop tested before you put them in, and the old ones too that way you could have had spares if some of the old ones were still good, and you would know if some of the new ones were junk.


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2006
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the old ones i had pop tested and none of them would pop off any higher than 1100 psi, but im planning on cleaning them up and adding shims to get back up to par. i built a pop tester out of a bottle jack to test them with. i think i came up with a new diagnosis today and its not looking good, i think my smoke issue is oil related. i cleaned the cdr today just to see if was that but no luck. so i think its time for a rebuild or sell it and buy another one, but i would never get what i have in it. i have a friend that has a 93 f350 and he only wants $3000.00 for it.


Diesel fuel abuser
Dec 14, 2005
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If you think it's using a bit of oil intermittantly, there's a chance you may have some sticky rings, and if that's all it is, running a treatment or two of Auto RX may just do the trick. I've brought a number of old diesels back from near death with that stuff. I've seen compression go up a couple hundred psi on a few cylinders just from getting cleaned up. It's worth a shot. At the very least, you end up with a nice clean engine inside when you tear into it and you won't have to use a ring groove cleaner ;Sweet


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2006
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sometimes its kind of hard to telll what color it is, sometimes it looks white and blue other times. its kind of hard for me to see how much oil it consumes because i dont drive it but once or twice a week at the most. the reason i think it is oil is today after the engine was hot, i would kill it for a few seconds and start it back up. when it would fire up you could see a puff of black smoke at first and then after a couple seconds it would start pouring out the bluish colored smoke.


Nov 4, 2007
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blue is oil. chances are though, with the rig not being a daily driver that it could be rings.


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2006
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blue is oil. chances are though, with the rig not being a daily driver that it could be rings.
let me ask a question, what would cause it to smoke one minute and not the next? as long as ive been messing with engines if it were oil rings it would smoke all the time, even more as the engine got warmer. i went ahead and purchased two bottles of auto-rx last night, im willing to try any thing here.


Diesel fuel abuser
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
Rings that are jammed up with sludge or carbon junk can do the intermitant oil burning bit. they'll quit flexing for a while and smoke like a chimney, then shift the crud enough to stop for a while, then start in again.
I've brought a number of diesels back from the brink with that Auto RX stuff, including a Volvo diesel that ate a qt every 20 miles and barely start that I fished out of a boneyard ( that car would only go 30mph on the first trip home and you should have seen the smoke screen and all the friendly citizens waving and telling me that I was number one :D )and got it to where it would go over 800 -900on a qt and run fabulous, and a benz that would eat a qt every 30 miles and barely start and got it to go over 1500 on a qt and run beautiful Quite a few others as well. I get a kick out of seeing the stuff work. My first engine on my truck when I got it, # 7 &8 the compresion went up from around 130 to over 400 . that engine had readings all over from 128-420, after treatments, they were all 405-425, but an oil ring on #4 was bad so it still had to come out, can't win them all .

Make sure to read the instructions for that stuff. If running the regular oil filter, you should use 20 ounces of the stuff And most old diesels do need two full treatments.( those few extra ounces left in the bottles are real handy to pop in the power steering to seal those leaky things up, or stop by the farm store and get a horse syrings and squeeze some in the rear end or the tranny if worried abot their seals, check the tranny site for application amount.

I've used that stuff to fend of major seal leaks on more cars than I can count, I've got customers roling around more than 5 years after averting rear main jobs and tranny seal jobs , still holding. Neat stuff.

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