Big Bart

Dec 22, 2020
Reaction score
Newport Beach, CA
I enjoyed meeting many of you and helping others out.

I have decided I am no longer going to support the site as the site owners do not not want to police their site, assist in making it a positive place to be, and hold anyone accountable for breaking the rules.

There is a member who wants to be a internet troll and be just plain rude. I reported the issue to snickels, quoted the rules, shared the link, and I was told by snickels the issue would be addressed. A couple days later the same member again reared his ugly head, spewed more negativity, and to only be told if any more was said there might be a vacation. There is clearly no consequence for those who have continued to break the rules and be negative on this site. So this member is not going to stop because nothing will be done about it.

So I have no interest in helping out site owners make money off all our efforts and input who won’t make the effort it takes to make their site an enjoyable and harassment free place to be.

I wish those of you who are helpful and supportive to this membership all the best.


Bradd aka Big Bart

Jesus Freak

Full Access Member
Apr 3, 2022
Reaction score
Crestview, FL
Well dang! I'm sorry to hear that Big Bart. I really appreciate all of your super informative tech articles. If you're ever in NW Florida stop by and drink some coffee. I've noticed that IDIbronco disappeared too. I really do thank you for all your input, God bless you in your endeavors.


6.0 and Loving It!!
Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
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Greenfield, Indiana
Leaving is your choice, as was joining. The issue was addressed, and I'm sorry it was not to your liking. However, what I have said will stand, and any long time members that are still active, have seen issues addressed this very same way, and has been successful many times over. If things continue in that same manner, in that, or any other thread, they will be addressed and taken care of..... in the manner that has been used for many years. However, they are not necessary an instant response. Those of us that do moderate this site, have lives/jobs/families outside of the forum and are not on here every second of the day.

But... I have seen many instances of things not being handled correctly by many parties involved, over the years. Some times, when things happen, the best thing to say is nothing, rather than fanning the flames.... Over the years, all the staff has spent time banning users (temporary or permanent) and deleting posts, or entire threads.

I saw the initial response to the picture posted, and the member that posted that picture, actually liked the post, and did not report it. So at that point, I let the initial response go, which goes back a few weeks, at this point. This has all come AFTER the fact, and has not involved the member that posted the picture of the scan. I had thought the initial joke was understood and everyone moved along.

We do monitor what does happen on this site... and keep it a place that everyone can enjoy. There are threads that have been completely shut down due to the direction they have gone. There are also others that are still open, because a simple warning kept them on track. Honestly, there is one that is still open now, that has surprised me that it has stayed civil this long. But, if it ends up in the weeds, it will get the axe too......


Full Access Member
Jun 2, 2022
Reaction score
Lake Havasu City
Well Big Bart. I have to say I've only been here for a little while but I think you shouldn't leave and we need input from people with valuable input such as yourself. Don't get too caught up in the politics of the whole thing. Every group has there disagreements. I find myself talking out loud and critiquing post that are sometimes 20 years old from Pirate 4x4 and they talk nothing but sh** of that website. Sometimes maybe our purpose isn't answering the big dog questions but helping out the little guys like me that only have one shitbox truck that needs love...I hope you reconsider


HD Diesel nut
Jan 3, 2022
Reaction score
Forums are always going to have their trolls. I frequent the tdiclub, and there's a few there too who the mods won't do anything about, but honestly? They have good input at times, but their delivery could use some work.

I have no idea what the context is that caused this particular uproar, but I wouldn't let what one random person said stop you from having fun where you want to.

Jesus Freak

Full Access Member
Apr 3, 2022
Reaction score
Crestview, FL
Y'all got me all paranoid! I hope I haven't caused any trouble. But, " ka sira sira", whatever will be, will be. Sometimes folks act like goobers, I just disregard the goober post, and hope I'm not interpreted as a goober.


6.0 and Loving It!!
Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Greenfield, Indiana
Y'all got me all paranoid! I hope I haven't caused any trouble. But, " ka sira sira", whatever will be, will be. Sometimes folks act like goobers, I just disregard the goober post, and hope I'm not interpreted as a goober.
No, it wasn’t you…..


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Denton, Texas
There is a member who wants to be a internet troll and be just plain rude
Please don't let an idiot ruin a good thing. I agree that "some peoples' kids" are a REAL irritation, do you let them make decisions for you?...F no!
Stick around.
You're appreciated by the adult members of this forum.


Full Access Member
May 2, 2017
Reaction score
IDK, from what I read, you both stepped on each others toes, each of you got offended by it, and then you both escalated it to a bunch of back and forth childish name calling. "You're a bigger a-hole","no you are","no you are".

I'd suggest you both grow up, and also toughen up. You're going to get exhausted real quick if you find such trivial things grievously offensive like you're currently doing.

And then starting this thread to proclaim that you're leaving? Uh, if that's not a direct equivalent to a child pouting and saying "I didn't get my way, so I'm going home" then I don't know what is.

Before you call out snicklas, know that most forums are under-moderated. It's a result of being short staffed, as being a moderator is a constant and thankless job. I'd suggest you volunteer and do it yourself, but I'm not sure you'd be a good fit for such a position.

Stay or go, Good luck with whatever you chose.

Old Goat

Full Access Member
Jan 14, 2021
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Northern Nevada
Bart, Thank You for all you gave to the Forum members with your knowledge and help. Walking them through step by step to diagnose their problem.
It is what it is and you have to move on, don`t know what the issue was, and don`t need to know.

Iam signed up on a Mercedes Forum, have over 9K posts. I have had these cars taken apart from one end to the other and know them pretty well, and helped a lot of newbies.
Some guy tight jawed me and instead of coming back on the DA, I just stopped posting, better than the cops arresting me and throwing me in jail so to speak..... and it has been probably 5 yrs. He`s still a DA.

Bart you made a lot of friends here, Take care.

Goat (Charlie)

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