Fuel Mileage


Full Access Member
Jun 3, 2009
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I finally got a number out of my dad from his trip home. He got 12 mpg on his last fill. He was slightly put off by his first tank so he didn't check until his last tank when he got home. This was towing a 23', 4500# bumper pull travel trailer between Twin Falls ID and Aberdeen ID (100 miles + or -). He was no doubt going 70 mph as he seems to find it creeps up on him while he's sight seeing. This is considerably better than the first tank of the trip where he ran one tank dry in about 120 miles going over the Sierra Nevadas. If he can keep his speed reasonable, I would be happy with 12ish while towing. We'll see how he does, he's leaving on a 7 week trip to New England and back around April 1st.

towing the toyota to and from the rubicon i get 13.9 mpg. is his an auto?


Full Access Member
Jun 13, 2009
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West Sacramento CA
towing the toyota to and from the rubicon i get 13.9 mpg. is his an auto?

Negative, it's the truck in my sig, t-19/GV. I think the mileage on flat-ish ground would be better with less speed, but I don't know what the deal is with the mountain mpgs, they suck. I basically ran both tanks dry when I towed my Jeep to the rubicon last summer with it:dunno

Rollin Coal

Full Access Member
Jan 20, 2010
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St.Thomas Ontario
I haven't paid attention to my mileage because I didn't buy my truck for mileage haha Now I'm kind of curious though as I have 39"x16"by 16.5r tires with an auto tranny


Made in America
Feb 11, 2010
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Garrison, ND
I get 21mpg on pure hwy (3.54 gears) with the hubs unlocked

I get 18mpg approx half hwy/half city (most of my driving)

I get 16 city, and I like to jackrabbit from light to light, but I'm in (what used to be, damn this progress!!-cuss)small town usa, so sometimes I'll be doing 25-30 mph in 4th for a couple miles

I "drove it like I stole it" the last few days, filled up today, was at 13 mpg

I think I'll keep driving like I normally do


Mentally Unstable..
Jan 7, 2009
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Halifax / Nova Scotia
I just checked my number again this morning. Driving the truck like I stole it on the highway at 80 MPH I am still getting 14.5 MPG.

I KNOW I got a wheel bearing on the way out and that NEEDS to get fixed...so things can only go up from here.

Diesel JD

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Feb 7, 2006
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Gainesville, FL
The most interesting thing to me about fuel mileage in an IDI is how variable it can be from one truck to another or even based on fuel or conditions in the same truck. I may be giving her too much credit or selling her short with hand calculating by the trip odometer but I typically get 11.5-12.5 on the low end(mostly city driving) to 15-17 on the high end(all highway lightly loaded and never over 70 mph and usually more like 55-60) truck has been timed and has all injectors within specs as of last fall, but I know one of them isn't quite where it should be pop pressure wise(but still within limits and a good spray pattern and chatter) timing is at 0-0.5 ATDC at 1400 with the luminosity method. Almost always runs B100 biodiesel sometimes with some D2 or fuel additive mixed in but more often none. And my tires are 265/75/16 Coopers and my GPS handheld seems to be pretty square with the ODO, but there is a slight difference over the length of a trip. I should probably see how the hand calculation would be with my GPS over a tank and see if it's better or worse. Also I'm relying on my 5 gallon fill jugs to be accurate so I can't get spot on numbers like you guys that are still buying pump fuel.


Full Access Member
Jul 14, 2009
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Brazil, Indiana
Wow, I feel pretty lucky. When I drove my truck home from FL, I averaged just under 16. My speedo and odometer were dang near right on the money with the mile markers (measured over about 100 miles to get a good average). Got her home and had the ball joints, wheel bearings, and an alignment done, and that took it up into the high 16s. Started doing AutoRX treatments, and that immediately put me into the low to mid 17s. Reciently had my gears changed to 3.55s, and this last tank was in the low to mid 18s (haven't filled that tank up yet). I'm not sure if the stations have switched over to straight D2 fuel, or if they still have the winter additives in them. I can't wait to get rid of these 12x33 tires and go to a stock tire. I'm really hoping that will put me at the 20 mark. My driving is half 4 lane highway (60~65), and half paved black top (45~55 with several curves), and about 3 miles of city driving (45) each way too and from work. I normally shift somewhere between 1800 and 2300 rpm, just depends on what gear I'm in, and what speed I'm trying to get up to. On the back roads, I ease in on the clutch early, and coast for a while before the curves. Saves gas and breaks. I usually only shift back and forth between 4th and OD unless I have to stop. Now if I have a full load of firewood on, I wind her out to 2500, and my fuel mileage goes in the can. I don't mind though. I expect that with an extra 4,000 lbs in the bed.

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