anyone have info on the 1200hp idi

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Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
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Thought to ponder, I just a Noob myself, and I know I've ruffled a few feathers myself in the past; but maybe since NMB2 has gotten under so many peoples skin we'd be best served just to forget the name and his posts. Its pretty apparent from his posts it was his goal in life to get people riled up on this site. Just a thought, but lets let it die now, and his crap die strictly for the betterment of this site. It was his goal to separate the good folks on this site.

He cooked his own goose mouthing off to an Admin. Believe me, I was close to his status, but I bit my lip regardless of how I felt about the situation. He cooked his own goose......... I would bet his pickup probably made some decent power, but he made himself hard to believe with the lies and deception.
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rebel w/o a cause
Dec 21, 2007
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angleton/stephenville tx


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
Crying over spilt milk won't do anything. His last post had him using wording to get around the word censors (ir. Fawk instead of....) which is a direct violation of what we all had to sign in the beginning when we made a user account. Mods let that go all the time till your rocking the boat like no tomorrow.

I think he had his setup, I just didn't appreciate how he handled himself, and I think the vast majority would agree. Does that mean a ban by itself? No, but couple that with other things and you have a combo for a ban.

FYI I'm pretty sure multiple user accounts is In the instant ban category.


Diesel junky
Feb 10, 2007
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Nova Scotia, Canada
He's act's like a tool around here but he could be a great guy in real life...I work with a guy who is a total idiot when he has an audience but he's totally normal when it's just me that he's talking with.... Why some people feel the need to act like an ******** online for fun I will never understand.
May 8, 2011
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Auburn, Wa
Crying over spilt milk won't do anything. His last post had him using wording to get around the word censors (ir. Fawk instead of....) which is a direct violation of what we all had to sign in the beginning when we made a user account....

...FYI I'm pretty sure multiple user accounts is In the instant ban category.

He uses Fawk all the time...

And are you accusing me of being him with another name?? If so your sadly mistaken, and if he has all you riled up that bad... Its kinda funny...


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
Nope I was referring to him saying he will just make another user account an post up with his new setup. Don't get your feathers ruffled ;Sweet


Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
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Nope I was referring to him saying he will just make another user account an post up with his new setup. Don't get your feathers ruffled ;Sweet

pretty easy for the mods to block his IP and any IP range. the admin panel on a forum system like this is pretty robust. I don't know what access the Mods here have, but there are some very nice tools to block out trolls. :sly


Full Access Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Campbell River, B.C.
Alright...Since this thread went to hell anyway...Before NMB2 even said a word, Im going to chime in with my opinion as I am one of only a few people who hang around this site that actually know him, his truck, what he really does have under the hood, and his knowledge of the IDI or just in general.

First of all, The dyno sheet is real, Ive seen it with my own eyes, its not cropped, faked or anything of the sort. Second, It was his truck on the dyno, he has videos of it on the dyno on youtube, they arent hard to find, you can choose not believe, but thats your own loss. Third the truck does in fact make the numbers he laid down on the dyno sheet, because what you dont know, and what I do know, is it has been on the dyno again since, up here in WA, and the only reason he hasent posted about it yet was because I told him to hold out until we can get video of it on the dyno so there is full 100% undeniable proof, or this sh*tfest will just continue. I have also ridden in the truck, and the thing pulls like mad for an 8k pound truck, the thing has way more sack than any PSD Ive ever driven. Without giving away his secrets, because its more than just him wanting to F with you guys, its more for testing for his own knowledge without giving away what he has found out, If you all found out what he really has under the hood, you would be pretty damn shocked, and you would be rethinking your fuel delivery and Ignition method... Thats all im going to say, its not my place to reveal anything more.

As far as the comments go, you guys take things to heart way to easy. The first interaction I had with Justin was on Pirate, and it was him ripping into me way harder then anything he has said here, because I had an opinion and I felt like being an ass back. Now I consider him a friend and respect his knowledge, if he was a ****** bag that didnt know a damn thing and just liked being shady, I wouldnt hang around him and I sure as hell wouldnt be here defending him on this board.

And Ill say this, because I really dont give a damn, but all you out there talking crap better step your game up, because your the ones who look retarded, at least he has more than a sig to back up what he says...

Lets see....

You act like I was caught in some big debacle...when in-fact, I wasn't "caught" in anything, go back and look for yourself:rolleyes:

Go on...

I purposely caused that, I think its hilarious... myself and the several other members on this board that you see posting every day that are friends with and off, laugh about it almost every single time we talk/hang out. You would probably be shocked, and disgusted if you knew some of the members that were in on my antics.

You are probably thinking... well that's really immature, and why would he do that?

I wondered about that....

I think its funny.... I think its funny that this is supposed to be the go-to source for IDI motors and so many people here are lost in the sauce.

That can happen when people are not being told the whole truth.

The more crap I threw out in that thread and recanted, and so on... the more confused it made people, and the harder it becomes for me to be copied.

This seems to imply that we still believe his dyno results. I won't speak for anyone else but this point, I sure can't recommend his claims.

You could say I had a change of heart mid thread.... none of you have any clue what I have done to my engine, T04z, stock turbo, stock pipes, built pipes, pump, gaskets.. and so on... its anyone's guess at this point...and that's the way I like it. I could have a hamster under the hood for all you know.

I simply don't care anymore.


Full Access Member
Sep 23, 2009
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ok nmb2 did some sweet stuff the numbers well who knows but still believe him or not

i think every ***** here who put him down should be banned too but thats just me
everyone needs to grow up so what ive seen a more powerfull idi than his wanna ban me
wanna ban mel he has a moose pump his numbers are not proven
wanna ban kens account that coulda been nmb2 who knows but still
he will get back if he wants but i talked to him and you guys were making him mad saying its not possible etc. and the upstanding character of this site is making me think twice about posting my project when its done i got more money in a new motor right now than 3/4 of the ppl here got in their whole truck
this site is full of inconsiderate people but it has a good welth of knolege here and ill stick around for that but i know more about these trucks than most and i do not go out and pull this crap

this is the most childish thing ever i mean if you were on pirate doing this to someone they would run you off the board and every post you made youd be even worse off

yall need to google cdubzon40s and see how stupid argueing on the internet is and how childish you alll look dising this man after he has been banned yall aint got the balls to say it with him able to reply dont say it

so either shut youre fat mouth or get the mods to let him back and then you can say whatever you want

im proud of the man for putting up with all yalls crap as long as he did and you should be ashamed of youre selves only a few even had valid claims

rant over for now

Diesel JD

Full Access Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Gainesville, FL
I'll only say what I already said to/about NMB2 directly. 1) I've been in his is a different beast than mine, which is already no slouch and I have no problem believing it is +100 HP or more than my 86. He's a decent guy in person, enjoyed hanging out with Justin, his brother and his wife when they were in my area last New Years and I was impressed with the entire setup. 2) I told him that some of you guys might be skeptical because everyone else who's ever come here and said they'd build a 300HP IDI has bowed out, or moved on, or had much less success. 3) I told him that you guys might be a bit skeptical since he decided to stir the pot with did he or didn't he use an upgraded turbo, MLS gaskets, whatever. That some of you might believe in the "poison the well theory." Anyway, I like Justin and I think the board could benefit from his knowledge and outside the box thinking on the IDIs. I guess if he comes back, the mods will have to decide how to handle it. I saw this coming and it's unfortunate....there were some ad hominem attacks and they didn't all come from NMB2, but he sure gave everyone here who didn't like him plenty of ammunition.


Full Access Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Campbell River, B.C.
If past examples are any indication, the 'ban' was probably temporary. The only other time I saw something like this happen on oilburners, that guy came back after a one week suspension and was welcomed with open arms. I'd be happy to eat my words if and when evidence to match his claims gets posted. I don't doubt he has a hot truck or that out of the box thinking is needed, but how much he has to offer, and just how hot that engine really is, remains to be seen.

If anything I've said crossed the line, I'd be happy to offer an apology or consent to having it permanently removed (not that consent is needed in this case).


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Jun 24, 2004
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If past examples are any indication, the 'ban' was probably temporary. The only other time I saw something like this happen on oilburners, that guy came back after a one week suspension and was welcomed with open arms. I'd be happy to eat my words if and when evidence to match his claims gets posted. I don't doubt he has a hot truck or that out of the box thinking is needed, but how much he has to offer, and just how hot that engine really is, remains to be seen.

If anything I've said crossed the line, I'd be happy to offer an apology or consent to having it permanently removed (not that consent is needed in this case).
this is not the first time for him.
he was offered the door, not a vacation.
I'm sure he won't have a problem finding another place that likes his style of engagement. but it's not going to be here.
this thread has also run it's course and it's time to put it to sleep too.
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