Recent content by awaige

  1. awaige

    vw tdi 11th overall in baja

    bullet proof engines have heard you see very good results from a remap anyway i fort the gt tdi was 150bhp and the tdis came in 110bhp,130bhp???
  2. awaige

    liberty diesels

    ok i was looking for information about a watch i recieved from my grandfather It is a Jb Champion watch with a cracked Liberty bell and letters on the bottom of 1776 - 1976 with 13 stars ?? Cant find any info I assume it is a Military Timepiece?
  3. awaige

    micron rating?

    micron rating It seems like all my vids are 1 star in "My Vids" only but when i click on the video it shows the proper rating. Is this the same for you guys or is it just me?