What lift-pump fuel pressure do MBZ run at?

Full Monte

Full Access Member
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Campbell, CA
Hi Guys,

I'm sure one of you geniuses know this...it's for a wvo conversion I'm planning. '87 300D is the car. Thanks!

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
I have no idea. :( I would guess in the 6 to 7 psi range (somewhere near what the 6.9l/7.3l have), but I've never seen a solid number.

IIRC the lift pump is actually a part of the injector pump, as opposed to a separate component like the IH diesels have. One nice thing about the Bosch fuel system is that it's reliable enough that you rarely have to touch it :D but that also means that info isn't quite as readily available.

Wish I could do more to help...what exactly do you have in mind?

Full Monte

Full Access Member
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Campbell, CA
Hey '79....thanks for the specification. That's exactly what I needed to see.

Warden, In my wvo system, I'm going to replace the stock lift pump (I think) with an electric one. It will give me the advantage of being able to turn it on/off. So, it appears I need an electric fuel pump that provides 18-20 psi max. Actually, I'll be running a pressure regulator, so any pump that provides 40psi or so I could regulate down to the correct psi. On the wvo side, I need a pump that will reliably pump 180* fuel all day at about 50psi +-. Almost all of the pumps I've seen are for 500-1000hp trucks or race cars and are too large physically for this little Benz, not to mention a several hundred dollar price tag. If you guys know of any smallish, quiet pumps that can do this, please let me know. Thanks!:Thumbs Up