We're alive after front tire blowout...


Registered User
May 9, 2008
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Vacaville, CA
It was dark. It was raining. We were just passing a truck and trailer. I know we cleared it, but wanted to give more room before putting the turn signals on to get back in the slow lane. I didn't get that chance before the passenger front tire blew. The truck fell to the right, but was quickly and uneventfully corralled. I straddled the lane for a few seconds so as to not make any quick movement. Then signaled and pulled to the side of the BRIDGE.

We just barely had a single lane of pulloff space. My passenger mirror nearly clipped the call box and my other mirror must have been hanging over the solid white line (a dually would definitely have been in the lane of traffic). Those roadside call boxes are great, but they are also a joke. Great that you can call someone, but ridiculous in the fact that the person on the other line has NO idea where you are...these call boxes have ID numbers and you'd think they correspond to a frikin' map?!?!?!?!?????? We were lucky that we had an idea of our location, but what is someone to do if they aren't familiar with the area?...I don't commit to memory each exit I pass in the event that I need to provide my location?

My wife frustratingly talks to the operator and gets AAA and the CHP en route to this mysterious location that we're at. I then notice people pulling off the road up ahead. We needed to get our a$$e$ out of this dangerous spot, so we quickly (as quick as my bare rim will allow) make for the exit.

I kicked myself for not previously identifying where all my tire changing equipment is located. Seriously, not 15 minutes before the tire blowout, I commented to my wife that I, yet again, forgot to consult my father in-law about where the jack and wrench are located...so I called Towcat for the info...thanks. The AAA driver arrived as I was on the phone with Towcat, so we parted ways. The driver had a hell of a time on the wet ground trying to get the tire down, but figured it out by the time I got off the phone with Towcat for the second time...thanks again. The tire finally got changed and we successfully make it home.

I've got to say, AAA has worked out well for me. I'm fully capable of changing a tire, and never would have called them except for the fact that we were initially stuck on a BRIDGE and we didn't know there was an exit as close as it was until we saw cars pull off...I wasn't going out there in the position we were at...I wanted a flat bed there to take me to safer ground.

We purchased the AAA service 3 years ago when we were taking a 30 day camping trip through southern Utah. Didn't need it at all for that trip, but have used it since then for many other situations that couldn't be fixed roadside:
1) Purchased car that was 40,000 miles over its timing belt interval (interference motor). It was squeaking and groaning and I wasn't going to drive it the 80 miles home.
2) Lost all coolant due to a cracked fitting. Bubble gum wasn't going to patch the leak.
3) Rear spring broke and fell out while on the highway. Again, no chance for repair.

OK, so now on my Christmas wishlist are new rims... anyone selling a set of Alcoa wheels or have suggestions where to shop for different aftermarket sets?


The Hornet
Nov 27, 2008
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N.E Ohio
Wow, glad you guys are OK! Good thing you were well past the semi when it blew, or there would be more to fix than just a new set of rims....


Full Access Member
Oct 25, 2009
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chandler. az
Glad you made it home safe....I understand the AAA thing...have had their "premier" card in my wallet for 10 years. Every year I write the check with the justification that if my wife needs help while I am out of town she can get it...To be honest it gets used maybe once every 2~3 years, and I have no problem dealing with alot of crap myself, but with all the checks that get written to them there is nothing wrong with taking the side of "I just dont feel like changing a tire on a dark wet unsafe freeway....send me a big truck with lots of flashing lights and just deal with it"

As far as wheels, I have honestly had great luck with CL... check out http://www.searchtempest.com/
it will let you search multiple CL sites within a proximity to your zip code


Full Access Member
Oct 24, 2009
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NW Montana
In Montana at night on the highway, there sure are not any call boxes, you are not very likely to have cell service and maybe a car drives by before the temp in the cab drops below freezing.
Those are not the times to realize you do not know where the spare is or if you even have one.


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
What you need to do is get the numbers off the sidewall and find out how old that tire is. I had a set of Michelins seperate tread from the sidewalls but they had almost 85,000 miles on them and were 7 years old... The thread was around half way used up but the years of service is what counts... I think 5 years is as long as its safe to run tires any longer these days. Its due to how they are constructed....


Drives really slow
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Jeez, yeah something hit your rim just right to take it out. Could have just been a black rock or something. In the rain and at night who knows...

Pretty lucky I'd say that you didn't lose control. I'm always trying to prepare for what I'll do when I have a blow out...


Registered User
Apr 1, 2006
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Silverton, OR
Wow, I'm glad you made it out ok, I'm really glad it didnt blow out on you when you were right next to that semi, something bad might have happened there. Glad you and your wife made it out ok.

Somebody was looking out for you ;Sweet


We're drinking beer
Nov 6, 2009
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Aptos, CA
What you need to do is get the numbers off the sidewall and find out how old that tire is. I had a set of Michelins seperate tread from the sidewalls but they had almost 85,000 miles on them and were 7 years old... The thread was around half way used up but the years of service is what counts... I think 5 years is as long as its safe to run tires any longer these days. Its due to how they are constructed....

5 years??? Gheesh, I've got probably 8 or 9 on my Michelins.

Now i'm nervous!

Towcat's gonna set me up some Goodyear G971's though.

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