turbo bolts


Diesel fuel abuser
Dec 14, 2005
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Those fancy extreme grip wrenches that craftsman sells work great if you haven''t totally trashed the heads. Soak the bolts with Aero Kroil for at least a day before attempting removal

6 Nebraska IDIs

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May 27, 2007
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From the video, the one bolt you show is directly over the split joint for the retaining plates (for good reason, because of the oil drain that is right there). I had to soak mine for a couple hours before they would let loose. But I first hit them with a torch and made them glow, let them cool and hit them again with the torch. Let them cool and then hose them down with penetrating oil and let them set for at least a couple hours.
I rounded that some bolt off on mine, can't remember exactly what i used on it to get it out of there but it was a combination of visegrips clamped on super tight. It's a slow process and really takes more patience than I have at times. lol
Try taking a hammer and chisel to the retaining plates and spitting them apart out from under the bolt. I can't remember for sure but if you get those off the CHRA will probably come out without removing the bolt.
If you're really SOL then I'd take a good NEW hacksaw blade to it and cut the head off so you can get the turbo out and then deal with it after you have better access to everything.

Getting the bolt out is not the last of your battles. Soak the thermal seal thing down, the joint that slips into the exhaust housing, use some new bolts of the correct thread and place them back into the exhaust housing. You should be able to turn that CHRA with it unbolted. Turn the CHRA until the feed and drain ports are over the bolt heads and start turning the bolts out, into the drain and feed ports, and SLOWLY start pressing the CHRA out of the exhaust housing. I had to use an assortment of nuts and washers as spacers. Even though I tried to be careful with mine, my exhaust wheel was stuck in the exhaust so badly that I ruined it removing the CHRA so just prepare yourself, you may damage something pulling it out.


Registered User
Jul 6, 2005
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I don't know if You have enough space there but there are also some bolt removing nuts You can get at sears or most auto parts store that will turn a striped bolt, You want to put pb blaster, wd40 or what ever You have in it for a couple days to help loosen it.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Nov 16, 2005
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Memphis, TN.
50/50 mix of ATF & acetone makes a better soaker than Kroil, PB, or WD40. Make your own & save $$. Make a lot & soak the whole thing.
