Truck running differently since IP/injector R&R


Full Access Member
Sep 14, 2008
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Morgantown, WV
Looking for some insight on this because it has me wondering.

A few weeks ago I did my IP & injector R&R on my truck. Uhaul IP & injectors. Also worth noting is that the injectors were apparently G codes, not BB's, from looking at the pintles that icanfixall had posted up in his video.

I pop tested & balanced all of the injectors to the 1900-2000 PSI range. I also turned the IP up 2 flats prior to installation.

I will run one disclaimer from the get-go: I haven't gotten the timing 100% correct yet because I don't have an advance timing light at the moment, but planning to do that soon. That being set, I've set the timing "by ear" and it sounds like it's pretty close.

First off, the engine vibrates a lot more at idle than it used to. It's very noticeable, and for some reason the exhaust seems to "thrum" more than it used to. At startup it always gives a pretty good puff of smoke (which it didn't do until my old pump was starting to go south), but it does not smoke at idle. It does start right up very easily, and in fact on hot days I really don't even need to cycle the GP's to start it.

Second, on the bottom end it feels a little soft, then takes off better once the RPM's get up past 1500. Also not something it used to do. It seems to do this regardless of the timing position. It feels less driveable and more inclined to smoke at lower RPM's.

And third- after install I noticed the EGT's seemed way low. I turned the pump up another flat, and they still seem too low and boost seems low too. On at WOT run uphill before in 4th or 5th gear, I could hit 12 psi of boost and it would hit 1100 degrees after a little while. Now, I'm getting 10 psi at most, it takes awhile to get there and I can barely get it to 1000. Do I need to turn it up yet another flat or what? Are the uhaul pumps turned DOWN as they come?

Oh, and the last bit of it...I recently got a new job that requires a 40 mile round trip. I've been driving the truck a bit, keeping it at 65 mph and hoping to see better mpg numbers than I was with the old pump (never much better than 13 in the last year or so). On my first tank with a few of these long trips and some city driving I was disappointed to only average 14 mpg. On my most recent tank, I'm not sure what I did and maybe it was mostly doing city driving but I only got 12 (this was also after I had played with the timing and advanced it some...I adjusted it back to where it sounds a bit better and hoping this will deliver better numbers), which is pretty awful. I was doing that bad with city driving on winter fuel on the old pump.


Official GMM hand model
Apr 10, 2005
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West coast
Junk those "G" codes. They are a not very good injector and..... They might be a rebuilt too. No way some builder could change the G to a B and still use the same spring...:eek: A set of new BB codes will be your best bet for performance and mileage improvements.


Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
Sounds to me like you have leakers. Often an injector will test good, but then the pintle can stick once it goes into service. Sadly there is no good way to duplicate heat and presure in the cylinder during pop testing. Also, it is possible that a spec of dirt got in the injector before you got the line on it, and that will ruin the ability of the pintle to seat. The biggest clue you gave me is the rough idle and the startup smoke. A sure sign of leak down.

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