The Future of the IDI Weekend


Using the Force!
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Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
People are asking about next years rally, so it's time to discuss this. We are at a potentially pivotal stage in the evolution of the IDI Weekend. Attendance at the rallies have been going down steadily for the last 2 years. Partly due to location, but also partly due to the inability or lack of desire by regular attendees to travel. The IDI Weekend branded rally is the longest running diesel related meet and has been going on for the last 14 years.

This year, there were only 4 campsites fully subscribed, and we managed to eek out 10 trucks over the course of the event, 4 of which were brought by two families. And it is such a shame. In some years we used to get 30+ trucks at this event, and close to 60-80 people. Things do go in stages, and much like life, I have spent a few brain cycles on what the meaning of all this is.

One probable reason for the drop off in attendance is the family unit. Both my wife and I raised our kids at these rallies. Every year, they would look forward to seeing all the other kids being raised by other families at rallies. Now all those kids are grown and moved on to college or beyond. Many of us are looking at each other like "where did those years go and gee, now it's just us alone again." While going camping is still fun, it's not the epic vacation it once was. To get to and from this rally, my wife and I each drove our trucks, and kept each other company on the ham radio. We budget for this trip each year, so there is not fuel sticker shock when the credit card bill comes, but I know not everybody does that.

Another reason is that other rallies have sprung up. There is a rally in Michigan each year for the last decade, and this has provided an outlet for a lot of people who don't want to travel that far in the midwest. There has also been the BOOB rally for the last couple of years, and a gathering each winter.

Couple that, with the fact that times are always tight, and even though fuel prices are low right now (comparatively), nobody is in the mood to spend a lot of money on diesel.

So the question becomes, what does the community want to do? And this is a sticky question, because we have a lot of armchair rallyites. What that means is there are people who will vocally support a rally, and then turn around and not go. You really REALLY need to think about that question and be willing to make a commitment, and not just say "oh I think this is a grand idea, I'd love to go."

This year was the first year EVER, that we did not have a rally bid from someone. The rule has always been, you have to have attended an IDI Weekend rally in order to be able to host one. We loosened that rule up from you had to have attended TWO IDI Weekends a few years back. Now we have lost the yeast for making a another batch. I believe that in order for another one to succeed, that it is going to have to be hosted by one of us that have already hosted before. Who that may be, and if they are willing, is hard to say.

There are about 10 people that have hosted in the past. We consider this group the IDI Weekend elders. I'd like to invite all the elders to a group discussion to be held at a time mutually agreeable to discuss what can be done to keep this rally going and let's see what emerges. Continued fragmentation in a bunch of different little rallies is going to result in a loss of critical mass that has held this group together once a year for so long. If we cannot come to an agreement or there is no interest, then quite simply the IDI Weekend is toast.

Other members are welcome to comment, and your comments will be taken into consideration. If you care to voice why you don't come or don't support it, or don't care, feel free.

no mufflers

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Jan 20, 2014
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rhode island
I'm not sure I can be considered an elder of IDI weekend, but this is my fourth rally that I've been to and I'm willing to help in any way to keep this event going.


Full Access Member
Sep 25, 2010
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I've been to two rally's that have been somewhat close to me only for one day each because my family isn't into camping. I grew up running a 500 acre campground for years and loved it. But for a July 4th weekend I will never win so have only been able to attend that way. So maybe it would be possible not to have on a holiday weekend maybe that would help attendance. But I'm not sure, some people need those extra days to travel. Either way I feel bad couldn't make it this year. Hopefully more people will chime in. Personally I think it would be cool to have it in jersey and end the weekend at the diesel nationals in englishtown, but that's in september


Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
You hosted. So your an elder. Even if it doesn't fit your age. LOL


Supporting Member
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Jun 24, 2004
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I'm as hardcore of an Ford IDI person second to you, but I do have a suggestion. Keep the focus on IDI's but open up the welcome to everyone, past, present, future diesel owners. No matter what the branding is. I don't have rust issues and a mountain of spare parts, but the effort to keep these trucks roadworthy is a real struggle for many and I see it. I'm still in shock Corey put a bullet in his red truck -cuss

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
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Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
Given that I haven't had the honor of attending a rally, I apologize if I'm stepping on anyones' toes here, but I do have a small suggestion.

The 2015 rally was in New Hampshire. The 2014 rally was in New Jersey. Previous rallies were held in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, etc, and IIRC had a larger showing. It seems to me that you'll have the potential for a larger showing if you try to hold the event in a more centralized location.

I also second Calvin's suggestion of not limiting it to IDI owners only, while keeping the focus on IDI's.

Even a Midwest rally's a long haul from the West Coast, but I'd like to make it out to one one of these years...


Another old truck
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Mar 1, 2013
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Seeing's how I'm on the other end of the country has alot to do with my not attending.
I travel a full days ride to attend a west coast shovelfest, but a ride to the national in tenn. is out (for me) perhaps and only a sugestion'''
It could bounce around the country to promote some newbie action?! I dunno! ( kills the elder deal as host)..
Just an observation!
I hope the rally survives!


Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
Given that I haven't had the honor of attending a rally, I apologize if I'm stepping on anyones' toes here, but I do have a small suggestion.

The 2015 rally was in New Hampshire. The 2014 rally was in New Jersey. Previous rallies were held in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, etc, and IIRC had a larger showing. It seems to me that you'll have the potential for a larger showing if you try to hold the event in a more centralized location.

I also second Calvin's suggestion of not limiting it to IDI owners only, while keeping the focus on IDI's.

Even a Midwest rally's a long haul from the West Coast, but I'd like to make it out to one one of these years...

Warden, this occurred mostly because people from the midwest stopped attending, and the few that did come didn't bid.


The life of an Indian is like the wings of the air
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Dec 27, 2009
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Maine & Oklahoma
yeah as time goes on,there will be fewer and fewer idi trucks.then only some of those will be in good enough shape still to make a long highway run out of state.then to top this off,they have to still (or now) be owned by those who can afford to make a put together a truck rally for trucks that are between 21-32 years old up where vehicles rust out and your bound to only get a few attendees.

it was only down a state from me but my life is crazy during the summer.i don't have free time enough to fact for the first time since year 2000 (during the summer.i have winters free) im thinking of going on a day trip this sunday.....still in state.......and only with the car lol.


Post Turtle!
Oct 31, 2007
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Fort Wayne, IN
ive been to a few rallys... this year with travel for work and my best friends wedding i didnt attend a single event....nothing diesel swap meets....nothing! I would love to be able to host eventually as ive been a pivotal member in the suzuki samurai community with Gonzookin but until life gets under control for us ill be a no-go.


The Anti-Anderson
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Aug 19, 2005
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Bowling Green, KY
The reason the IDI weekend began years ago is because of the way IDI guys were treated by others at diesel rallies. IDI owners were second class citizens. Not included, not fully welcomed, not equal... i.e. outcasts.

I think we've lost the spirt of including all that attend... Not their truck. The people are why this has happened for the last 14 summers. The trucks get us there and are just a common interest. Trucks alone, however, are not enough to keep this going for another 14 years.

I said that to say this... A good number of core attendees have felt excluded, alienated, or less accepted if they didn't have an IDI. This is completely counter to the original desire to start our own rally. To make sure no one felt shunned because of what they drive.

Anyway, moving on... I agree that a more central location will make it easier for a greater number of new and old members to attend.

I also think that getting away from the holiday would open up more opportunities for folks to attend as well. It's harder to get away every year during that weekend.

Lastly, it would be a good idea to have guys who want to host post it on OB and have the membership vote... Poll style. As we don't have a current host for next year. (I'll be glad to do it again).

Just my two cents based on observation and discussions around many rally campfires.



Using the Force!
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2005
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Delta, PA
Thanks for sharing that Heath. I wasn't aware of any alienation. A lot of guys have moved on to newer rigs, and a few have done conversions. The trucks have always been an excuse to get together, but it has in my eyes, always been more about the guys who post in this forum, then what they drive. Heck, we had a 48' Ford F1 and a Chevy gasser at this last rally, and they were welcomed same as the others. Even when an IDI owner can't bring his truck, he was still welcome in his wife's car or whatever they could get there with. If there is anyone feeling like they wouldn't fit in, then that is on them. We've had awards for best non-IDI at the show and shine for years now.