Slave cylinder travel


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Aug 18, 2016
Reaction score
Katy, Texas
Something else to consider is a problem that I ran into when trying to bleed my system. After hours of fooling around I figured out the problem after taking a spare master cylinder apart. It bothered me I could not bleed my system and it would not push fluid even though it worked great a day ago when I took it apart. I also noticed when I took the line off the master it never leaked the fluid out the resurvuar sitting overnight.

Simply put I had to lift my pedal to get fresh fluid to flow through my master. If I did not lift my pedal it would not retract the internal piston enough to uncover the hole from the resurvuar. Once I figured this out I could bleed out my system in 5 min easily.

Try lifting your pedal to for a little and see if that allows more fluid in the line to lift the clutch release off the floor.

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Interesting, I’ll see if that makes anything better. Appreciate you taking the time responding!! And I have definitely learned way more about our hydraulic clutch systems from the pedal forward than I ever thought I’d comprehend, thank God for this site and the YouTube.
Video indicates enough hydraulic travel. I think post #7 nails it, that the new clutch kit (most likely esp. the pressure plate fingers) just has to be worked enough. I've seen posts on other forums indicating low pedal engagement on a new clutch, and that it takes a while for "normal" ops to kick in.
The more I’ve read into it, that seems to be the stuff that all has to kinda wear into each other.

It’s improved some just with the little bit I’ve been driving it and that’s cool. Kinda funny starting off in 2nd and occasionally it shudders because of the tolerances being so slight and it can be grabby, ha ha!!

It’s ok, everything is coming together slowly and just thankful there’s a place like this where people give a damn about these rigs and understand them like y’all do.

And you ever get the feeling that within about 5-10 more years there wouldn’t be much left on our trucks that hasn’t been gone through and serviced, or improved?!!