Reconsidering my RV setup


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
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Rare deals can pop up like this did today, but it's not within my reach. I'd have to have the truck bed empty. what am i going to live in, if i remove the camper shell i have the bed empty between Arkansas and Yuma? I'd also be worried about the pop top mechanism breaking or the canvas tearing/rotting.

the truck is 1400 miles from Yuma. $750 in fuel to drive the RV to get to the truck, another $400 in fuel to come back. $800-1000 for tires and maintenance on the truck right away. (if not more after sitting 3 years), truck camper shell would have to come off, leaving me with just the truck cab to live in for 5 days. and on top of that, buying the camper and the special mounting points bolted on the truck. I'd be about $3200 into it. Yeah it has a little stove and tiny sink but it'll be a thorn in my side having to load and unload Lucy, especially when the bug is hitched up between camping stops on long drives. the tow bar and car would be in the way.

you may not realize how much of a hassle that can be. having to get her out of the cab and into the camper just to go into a walmart during the day. In a van, it'll be insulated and ventilated, so she's fine. and i can get her to sit in the back and pull a curtain between the cab and back, so someone doesn't smash my window to 'rescue' her.

and it's more likely to leak, especially in heavy wind/rain. a big advantage to vans, no wood framing to rot. yes metal can rust but it takes a lot longer and it dries better than wood.

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Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
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An 88 E350 high top and already set up for living/camping (bed, sink, counter) for $4k but it's gas (7.5? they don't say), and it's way over in Pomona, CA. Has a lot of work done on it (c6 rebuilt , engine supposedly rebuilt by a previous owner, brakes, more). $4k because they have to move and need something fuel effcient. Not a bad price but it'll get a good bit worse mpg, and I'd have to drive into the LA area. if it was closer and not in LA, maybe (220 miles from Quartzsite, 250 from Yuma. keep in mind it's over 200 miles out of my way right now so i'd have to go drive 450-500 miles just to look at it. Again if not for Lucy, it wouldn't be such a hassle. I could probably hop on Amtrak to go look/buy/drive back (Yuma to LA is easy by train, 5 hours 15 minutes). it is a very good deal though.

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Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
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Oh huh... here's another idi van in the same city as the 87 yellow one -- a white 1988 E350 NA. also has an overdrive indicator on the shifter? unless that's just a weird marker Ford used on later C6 vans of that generation to trick buyers?

it's $500 less than the other one and has hinged doors instead of slider and has an emergency exit hatch on the roof. Listed as 240k miles but with a 5 digit odometer, who knows? Maybe they are just being more honest than some by guessing higher.

The ladder on the back is handy for getting up to clean solar panels. has one small window on the driver side but that would be ok to have by the sink/stove. They slide open sideways and i think have screens, so that's good for RV use.

I messaged that seller as well. That might be the better deal, especially if the tires aren't so rotten. Impossible to tell from so far away though in pics.

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Cant Write

Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2021
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Placerville CO
I think having an E4OD with lockup would out weigh the extra weight of rear windows. Regarding rear windows, line the inside of the ones you don’t want with some a radiation barrier such as reflectix then wall right over the window if you build it out for security.

I would look for an EB, a van will be a huge step back in living space and a huge step forward in mobility over your MH.


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
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I think having an E4OD with lockup would out weigh the extra weight of rear windows. Regarding rear windows, line the inside of the ones you don’t want with some a radiation barrier such as reflectix then wall right over the window if you build it out for security.

I would look for an EB, a van will be a huge step back in living space and a huge step forward in mobility over your MH.

But I still have the GV I could have put on with a C6. Not as good as a E4OD but also less weight with less glass. Now I'm quite interested in that white one. Looks non-EB too, but still.

Cant Write

Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2021
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Placerville CO
Honestly, and I mean this sincerely, no harm intended.

For wanting to live the mobile lifestyle, it seems you have painted yourself into a corner with all your belongings.

The bug, (I know non-negotiable), is more of a hindrance love affair. Not very efficient, powerful, or comfortable for you and Lucy on any type of distance trip. Find a little wagon or TDI bug. Has AC, cruise, gets 50 mpg, lay the seats down and plenty of room for Lucy. Easily towed. Can travel easily and comfortably in it.

You asked how I get vehicles, I have always taken my TDI and trailered or dolly’d it home. I have flown in before on a 1-way ticket, did not buy the vehicle and rented a car 1-way. That sucked. I have flown in 1-way, bought the car and drove 20 hours, that sucked. I have my quiver now. So hopefully my vehicle buying days are over. But like you, I wait for something to show up closer now instead of chasing things.

The turbo is a selling point for your MH. I asked to potentially buy it. You mentioned it was a hacked together system. Would you wanna transfer that to another van. I’m not sure you would need a turbo in a van if not pulling. 90% of the time, I don’t need a turbo for mine.

Sucks about Lucy and your pickup with a pop-up. That seems like the solutions I’d go for. I can’t stand in a van. GV and turbo on the pickup for the win!!

The cheapest vehicle is the one you own, think long and hard about a van vs your pickup with a pop-up. Sure you might have to tent it a few weeks looking for the right pop-up. It will come though.

If you buy a van, now you have a van, pickup, MH, Bug, and trailer

Go back to why you want this lifestyle in the first place. Drop the baggage and run light. The monthly savings might allow you to drive an idi more. Allowing you to travel ans see more.

Non of this is meant to make you mad or upset. I have painted myself into many corners. It’s just an outside perspective when I don’t know the whole story :D


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
Honestly, and I mean this sincerely, no harm intended.

For wanting to live the mobile lifestyle, it seems you have painted yourself into a corner with all your belongings.

The bug, (I know non-negotiable), is more of a hindrance love affair. Not very efficient, powerful, or comfortable for you and Lucy on any type of distance trip. Find a little wagon or TDI bug. Has AC, cruise, gets 50 mpg, lay the seats down and plenty of room for Lucy. Easily towed. Can travel easily and comfortably in it.

You asked how I get vehicles, I have always taken my TDI and trailered or dolly’d it home. I have flown in before on a 1-way ticket, did not buy the vehicle and rented a car 1-way. That sucked. I have flown in 1-way, bought the car and drove 20 hours, that sucked. I have my quiver now. So hopefully my vehicle buying days are over. But like you, I wait for something to show up closer now instead of chasing things.

The turbo is a selling point for your MH. I asked to potentially buy it. You mentioned it was a hacked together system. Would you wanna transfer that to another van. I’m not sure you would need a turbo in a van if not pulling. 90% of the time, I don’t need a turbo for mine.

Sucks about Lucy and your pickup with a pop-up. That seems like the solutions I’d go for. I can’t stand in a van. GV and turbo on the pickup for the win!!

The cheapest vehicle is the one you own, think long and hard about a van vs your pickup with a pop-up. Sure you might have to tent it a few weeks looking for the right pop-up. It will come though.

If you buy a van, now you have a van, pickup, MH, Bug, and trailer

Go back to why you want this lifestyle in the first place. Drop the baggage and run light. The monthly savings might allow you to drive an idi more. Allowing you to travel ans see more.

Non of this is meant to make you mad or upset. I have painted myself into many corners. It’s just an outside perspective when I don’t know the whole story :D

Well the bug can be improved, with a bigger engine and a different exhaust system. Not super cheap but doable. Smaller tires would help with the engine it has now, but it needs two more stock rims for that. and a full set of stock tires. hence why I haven't messed with the tires yet.

the problem is that changing to something else is the issue, with or without the bug. The bug doesn't change the logistics problem, other than something more modern than can be flat towed would be better for longer drives. but how often do i need to do 200 mile drives from the RV? almost never.

if I get a van, the plan is go sell the motorhome and the truck. fuel cost in the RV is what has kept me away from the truck for so long. truck is the bigger priority, since i can store the rv for a season for $180 and use it again next winter until I'm 100% ready to sell it and get a winter use RV trailer.

a pop top truck camper would be almost as limited as a van in terms of space. there is no bathroom in them. and i don't want a big slide in, I'd just stay with the motorhome full time in that case.

to recap a bit:
I used the tiny truck camper most of 2017 and the later part of 2018 and i found i disliked it to limited space AND the issue with moving Lucy....and myself. sucks to have to go outside the cab to go inside in the rain or heavy winds or whatever. but I kept it as a backup because i already had it. but now it's obvious i don't want or need it. but I haven't been back since 2020 to do anything with it. (tried a trailer for about 2/3 of 2018 and I hated it worst than the truck camper)

I got the motorhome in January 2019 because of the above paragraph, and I have liked it very well (except the floor plan but eh, can't be that picky for idi RVs). that's why I have stuck with it for almost 5 years now. but fuel prices have gotten too much for 8.7mpg. 10.5 if i put the GV on would help, but a 15mpg C6 van (without GV yet) would be even better.

a van would give me a mixture of motorhome and truck camper that is on the truck right now. A best of both worlds, basically.

Turbo is kind of important for higher elevations, so yes I'd want to move it to another IDI if I get an IDI van. My NA F250 3.55 not towing is as slow as this 085 turbo 4.10 motorhome towing about 1500lbs on steep grades in higher elevation mountains.

The F250 had very hard starting along on hwy 285 in Colorado. It never did before or after. It was starving for air seemingly and couldn't start, even after only being off for a few minutes to fuel up. Acted like massive air intrusion. But as soon as I got down to I-70, I had no more problems. it was weak as hell too, as I recall.

keep in mind also, i had storage for years in Washington. I finally cleared it last year and got rid of at least 40% of it. what i didn't, it's mixed between the cargo trailer and in the RV right now. i sold one big box of stuff last fall for about $100 and I'm working on trying to sell more. so I am trying to make things simpler but it's time consuming when i had stuff spread all over. the cargo trailer is what helped empty storage so it has been a useful tool. perhaps it'll go eventually, but not just yet.

but now nothing is in Washington State. only the trailer near the LTVA and the truck in Arkansas (and the RV and bug with me). the plan is to sell the truck next year so that's gone.

If i get a van, I will try to sell the motorhome this winter season after i remove the bits i want. but it's not the end of the world if I can't. I'd probably aim for $3000 just to be rid of it. it'll be an NA 6.9, but it'll still have a fresh C6 in it. I would put back the stock pan though. they don't get to have the $250 deep aluminum one. Might put a cheaper trans cooler on it too, since it was about $100 for the one I put.

but yes I am trying to downsize. that's why I want rid of the motorhome. i just have to do things in a slow, complicated order, due to logistics. it would cost me $1500 in fuel in the RV to go sell the truck first and then come back out west to buy something, where the market seems much better. that makes no sense.

and i can't sell the motorhome first out here where there is a higher demand, until i have something else to live in, even if it's just a heavy duty tent, but that's $450-800 to buy and it's something else to store. better off using that money towards a van.

and if I DID i sell the motorhome first, I'd be under much more pressure to replace it asap before April since then I'd only have the bug, out west, with summer approaching. or try to drive it 1400 miles to Arkansas to get the truck -- the setup i greatly dislike and would also need to sell while I'm there. then if that's sold, I'd be in a dire way, no RV setup at all.

i can't have the truck and motorhome out west at the same time, unless i somehow got myself and Lucy out to Arkansas without the motorhome. that's not easy or cheap. the bug is a limiting factor vs say a newer car that can be flat towed but it seems silly to throw out the bug for something bleh (more modern) just for a one time thing. i haven't looked to change my setup in almost 5 years, so it's not like I need to make very long drives with a car often. and really it's only because of fuel prices, not because I don't like the setup.

(so many edits to fix typos and missing words..)
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Cant Write

Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2021
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Placerville CO
Fair enough!! Let’s find you a van with 4.10’s, EB, E4OD, and a turbo!!!

There’s a blue one in Montrose with new tires!! LOL;Poke

JK! Have a good night


6.0 and Loving It!!
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Aug 7, 2006
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Greenfield, Indiana
I’m not sure when Ford started putting the E4OD behind the IDI in the Vans. I don’t think they waited until 92 when they changed the body style…. I think the 74-91 body got them late in the run. That white one, with the Circle around the D and then 2 1 would be like a Brick with an E4OD. The bricks had the 3 position shifter, D (with the circle) 2 1, and a button on the dash for O/D OFF…. The Vans probably go the same treatment. I would think the Vans got the E4OD in 88/89 like the Trucks did….

We had and 85 E-150, 302/OD, and it had the D with a Circle, D 1 shifter….


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
I’m not sure when Ford started putting the E4OD behind the IDI in the Vans. I don’t think they waited until 92 when they changed the body style…. I think the 74-91 body got them late in the run. That white one, with the Circle around the D and then 2 1 would be like a Brick with an E4OD. The bricks had the 3 position shifter, D (with the circle) 2 1, and a button on the dash for O/D OFF…. The Vans probably go the same treatment. I would think the Vans got the E4OD in 88/89 like the Trucks did….

We had and 85 E-150, 302/OD, and it had the D with a Circle, D 1 shifter….

The pictures all manage to just hide the bottom right side of the dash, where Ford probably would have added an OD off switch. Everything I'm seeing says the E4OD was started in 89. Maybe the very last 88s few had the option under custom orders or something, or it's actually an 89 and the seller mistakingly put 88. Or Ford was using the same indicator for everything to save money since that generation van was on its way out.

No picture of the hood up, so I can't see if it has a tach sensor. 79-91 vans never got tachs, so the only reason for a tach sensor would be for e4od. My 85 has a plugged port for the sensor. No picture of the door frame sticker either to see the transmission code.

The very late 78 Dodge van I had, which was clearly a 78 because it wast year of round headlights, had at least some 79 wire harnesses, totally different colors bundles. Took me a little while to figure out why colors weren't matching 78 schematics.

Edit: ok it's not e4od. Ford placed the OD switch just to the left side of the column, like this. And the 88 definitely doesn't have that. and this example I found just happens to be an IDI.

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Cant Write

Full Access Member
Sep 29, 2021
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Placerville CO
That blue van in Montrose shows the wiring harness but not the button in photo 9 of 12. Wonder how it shifts without that button?

I also read 1989 as the year vans got the E4OD.


Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
Ah, yep. The button is missing.

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I wonder if it was just a monetary switch to turn it on and off? I had a 2003 Pontiac Vibe (Toyota engine/transmission) and getting Takata airbag recall work done, the GM dealer ripped out the 2 wires out of OD button from the shifter and stuffed it back together. Driving along I-5, it would randomly turn OD off and on, as the wires make and broke contact from vibrations/bumps. The button was just a momentary switch that toggled it on and off each time you pressed it. I was able to buy a used switch from a junked car, but I just taped off the two wire ends in the meantime until I got it. It ran ran, I just couldn't turn off OD. I didn't need to around town anyway. But i still wanted to fix it!

I see some extra switches down low in a different pic, so maybe one of those are a budget repair for a broken OD switch. Or maybe they just removed a broken switch that was shorting out, and just never fixed it.

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Van dweller
Oct 18, 2017
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Oops my Chilton E-series book stops at 88 and no schematics after all.

But my Haynes F-Series goes later and has them. They lump 87-89 together and don't mention e4od. So going to 90-91, I found this. it's probably safe to bet that vans got the same wiring. Looks to be an odd on/off switch. I'm no good at remembering schematic symbols but here it is.

edit: oh I see. the triangle with the arrows is the LED for OD off, with a resistor (the sawtooth above it). yeah that should be easy to fix with something universal

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edit: according to this thread, it's a momentary switch:

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