OH YEAH......one step closer to being a big rig!


Registered User
Jan 11, 2005
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Westminster, MD
Well if the 92+ changed, they missed my '93. It will go to the windshied if it were not for that nice metal dash bracket! Why do you think we all have intermitten wiper probs? The module is mounted on the e-brake bracket. I have to use my foot when I release...assuming I use it to begin w/.

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
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Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
pafixitman said:
Well if the 92+ changed, they missed my '93. It will go to the windshied if it were not for that nice metal dash bracket! Why do you think we all have intermitten wiper probs? The module is mounted on the e-brake bracket. I have to use my foot when I release...assuming I use it to begin w/.

I was actually talking with towcat about this a couple of weeks ago, and he was saying that the intermittent wiper module on his '92 was all the way over near the glovebox. I was under the impression that that's where it was located from the factory, but maybe he moved it over there? His E-brake pedal is almost docile in how it comes up, as was the '97 F-350 U-Haul truck I "got" to drive around for a few days last April. Night-and-day as compared to my '84...before I learned the "catch it with your foot" technique, every needle on the dash would jump ever time I released the E-brake, and the power window c/b would come flying out of the fusebox :shocked:

I know that the module's mounted on the E-brake bracket on my '84...I actually have a replacement module, but I keep forgetting to install it...


It's not like a real ***!
Mar 23, 2004
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A little place called "nun a ya binez!"
82fordtruck said:
I think he is talking about having a switch on the pedal, not changing the mechanical linkage.

Actually geonc was talking about some kind of switch........what I was talking about was actually hooking up the air actuator off of a semi truck to the parking brake cable.


Drives really slow
Jan 12, 2005
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Orlando, FL
Man, what are you guys talking about a violent release. Is it a push on and pull a handle type release? Mine is a push on push off, and i just let it up with my foot... On the new 2005 we have it has a release handle but i just keept my foot on it too and let it up.

On my 92 van the wiper module is on the passenger side aswell.


It's not like a real ***!
Mar 23, 2004
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A little place called "nun a ya binez!"
Well, I am sorry I mentioned the parking brake issue! They are junk and no one will convince me otherwise, nor do i plan on fixing the useless thing. ANYWAY back on to the original topic:
I just recently finished my air system, I had to put in a bigger tank and some 1/2 in plastic lines to the quick release air valve to get the "ppssssshhhhh" sound i was after........but man does it sound good now!
Maybe this weekend I can borrow a friend to video tape it so everyone can hear it!

The Warden

MiB Impersonator
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Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)
Diezel_Cowboy said:
Well, I am sorry I mentioned the parking brake issue! They are junk and no one will convince me otherwise, nor do i plan on fixing the useless thing.
Well, I'll say this once more (although, based on what you said, I imagine it'll fall on deaf ears)...you REALLY should make at least some effort to get it working, for safety's sake. If your service brakes fail for whatever reason, how are you going to stop your truck? Downshifting will only get you so far, unless you shut the engine off with the truck in gear and hope that compression braking's enough to get the truck stopped (which I would be REAL apprehensive about relying on in the event of an emergency). Wheel chocks are better than only relying on your tranny to hold the truck in place, but if it were my truck, I still wouldn't be very comfortable with it (ESPECIALLY with a trailer hooked up to the truck).

Lastly, WHY are you so firmly convinced that the E-brake assembly is junk? You've said it twice now without really giving a reason, even though the way you've said it and the fact that you're willing to compromise safety in this matter show that you feel very passionately about this. From what I can tell, it sounds like everyone elses' works perfectly (in fact, other than the violent-release issue, yours is the first complaint I've ever seen about the '80-'97 Ford E-brake assembly in general), which implies to me that your setup has a problem...and that problem's probably fixable. It seems to me like you're compromising your own safety as well as that of others, and that's very scary to me. This is why I'm beating the dead horse and responding in kind...to me, not having a functioning E-brake is a very serious problem, for you as well as for those who share the road with you. Maybe the states that do periodic full-on vehicle inspections are on to something...

(BTW, yes, I regularly test the E-brake on both my truck and my car to make sure that it'll stop the vehicle if I need it to)

I just recently finished my air system, I had to put in a bigger tank and some 1/2 in plastic lines to the quick release air valve to get the "ppssssshhhhh" sound i was after........but man does it sound good now!
Maybe this weekend I can borrow a friend to video tape it so everyone can hear it!
Cool!! Would love to see/hear the setup... ;Sweet Are you running an electric compressor, or did you convert a York a/c compressor to pump up your air tank?


It's not like a real ***!
Mar 23, 2004
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A little place called "nun a ya binez!"
Well Warden,
Since you choose to beat a dead horse, I will explain!
The parking brake in any of these trucks will not work properly in reverse. It will definitely not hold a load back. And I have replaced every component in the system. The problem is I was having trouble with the cables sticking, I replaced the cables (brand new ones) and the rear brakes that they ruined and it still seemed as though it would not release enough to suit me. SO since i didnt want them to stick i quit using them, well when you quit using them the cables get corroded and the sticking becomes even worse so I quit using them all together.
Also I must strongly disagree that a good wheel chock is absolutely more effective at holding the truck with or without trailer or load!
If i were actually going to fix the parking brake it would be something new like a drive shaft brake which would definitely be more effective than the factory parking brake!
I find it hard to believe that no one else thinks the parking brake is junk.
I also do not believe that it is necessary to have a parking brake for emergency situations, I have never use one in such a situation and doubt that in a panic someone would actually reach over and press it, it wouldnt stop quick enough for an emergency anyway, I CAN do everything that the brake would do as far as stopping power and speed by downshifting. If it werent safe i wouldnt drive it.

By the way i am using an electric compressor, there seems to be almost no room for a York unit although it would be nice. Pics will be coming soon!


Rhinestone Cowboy
Dec 22, 2005
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Binghamton NY
I have to agree with Diezel_cowboy on the E-brake. Granted I need some rear brake work, just internal stuff, drums and shoes are in great shape! (thank god) but I have the same problems, I just can not for the life of me keep those damn things in adjustment. If I use the E-brake it just doesnt fully release and I can smell heat in my rear brakes when I park it after driving it each time for about 4 days after the once I use it. Plus after not using it for a while couple days at most, the next time i use it, the pedel goes to the floor with no effort, then 3/4, then barilly to 1/4! :confused: It does hold good, But i dont need warped drums, or shot shoes. I too also have the violent release issue, in fact, one time i didnt have my foot on the pedel, but suspended above it to catch it as it came up, and it hit sooo hard, It bruised the arch of my foot and it hurt to walk on it for 3 days! :shocked:
Im thinkin about switching to rear disks when i dig into the rear brakes, the cost for parts is roughly the same, I think the most expencive parts on the conversion is the core charge for the Eldorado calipers, and the brakets to mount the calipers.


The Warden

MiB Impersonator
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Jan 12, 2005
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Fog Bless Pacifica (CA)

Maybe it's a difference between the 10.25 and the Dana 70? I've never had any of the problems you both describe, and I set the E-brake every time I even think about getting out of the truck (and even sometimes at extended stoplights when my foot gets tired of holding the service brake down)...and my truck spends a LOT more time parked than on the road. In fact, the E-brake and the rear brake assemblies are almost the only things that I've never needed to mess with in the time I've had the truck (other than checking the shoes once; plenty of life left)

I've also had my truck backed down quite a few steep, slippery boat ramps and have had to get out of the truck with the engine running (so I couldn't put it in gear to hold it), and the E-brake held just fine with no trouble whatsoever (including with the boat not in the water yet). This includes ramps steep enough that I needed to use the granny gear in my transfer case to get out of them.

BTW, lack of use WILL make an E-brake inoperative...as D-C pointed out, if it doesn't get used, things corrode. To me, that's another reason to use it...keeps the mechanism from freezing up and whatnot.

I dunno...I have a bit of trouble believing that the 10.25 is that vastly different from the Dana 70 under my truck, but I suppose anything can happen. Certainly, my experience has been nothing like either of yours...be interesting to see what other people have to say about it...


Dec 3, 2005
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Southeast Ohio
Well, I guess to the topic of this thread, and I am not being a smart **** or anything, but why would you want your truck to be like a big rig? I guess I never understood making something seem like something it isn't. Like sticking SS stickers on a non-ss car, etc. etc. etc. I guess I just don't understand why you would go all that trouble just to get an airbrake sound. Want to impress me, install air brakes! :D

I like and have air horns, but mine are not even like the "big rig" horns, they are a much higher note and really much louder, I didn't install them to be like a big rig, just wanted more horn. I think the air compressor, electric or mechanical is a good idea, but just don't get the other "sound" options. I suppose if you had an air actuator to lock the parking brake, that would be cool, but just to make the sound...


It's not like a real ***!
Mar 23, 2004
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A little place called "nun a ya binez!"
sle2115 said:
Well, I guess to the topic of this thread, and I am not being a smart **** or anything, but why would you want your truck to be like a big rig? I guess I never understood making something seem like something it isn't. Like sticking SS stickers on a non-ss car, etc. etc. etc. I guess I just don't understand why you would go all that trouble just to get an airbrake sound. Want to impress me, install air brakes! :D

I like and have air horns, but mine are not even like the "big rig" horns, they are a much higher note and really much louder, I didn't install them to be like a big rig, just wanted more horn. I think the air compressor, electric or mechanical is a good idea, but just don't get the other "sound" options. I suppose if you had an air actuator to lock the parking brake, that would be cool, but just to make the sound...

Well sle2115,
There are a lot of people that have stacks on their truck not just me......why you ask cause it happens to be MY kind of cool and theirs too!
Another good example of design borrowed from big rigs is the air horns......By the way air horns are just for the noise...........can you believe it noise only no other function! They also fall under the "my kind of cool" catergory.
Why would somebody lift their truck if they are not off roading or rock climbing? Because my friend they like the looks of it lifted other than that it serves no other purpose......but it would fall into "their kind of cool" catergory!

Semi trucks are the biggest on the road every day.......but they dont get the best milage nor are they affordable for a daily driver.......so why not make a pickup truck that has some of the features of a big rig?
Believe me if i ever win the lottery I will be driving a Peterbilt instead of a Ford to get groceries! ;Really

SO to get back to your original question of "Why?"
It is simple......"BECAUSE IT IS MY KIND OF COOL!"

I know you said you didnt mean any offense but what did you expect for me to sit idley by and watch you question one of the coolest additions to a pickup truck just because you dont have one?
As a matter of fact I would like to clarify that as another reason that i installed the new noise on my truck.........NOBODY else has one! In the world of custimization there is nothing like having a one of a kind feature!

You asking me "Why?" Is like asking Mel why he put a diesel in a Bronco! Mel would say the same thing because it is cool.......they you ask why is is cool? because it is unique!

Well if those arent good enough reasons for you i dunno what else to say!
Last edited:


Buzzard Pilot
Sep 6, 2004
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The problem with using a springbrake, for parking, is that they push out, without air. Besides, a T30/30 chamber would tear something up, if you hooked one to a LT braking system. Broken cable, bent levers, or something. That is a healthy spring in there.

Just my $.02.

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