I don't know which is worse..


Buzzard Pilot
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
The County Fair is finally over. So is The Crossbreed's undefeated streak.

To make a short story long...We had a pretty good turnout, Sunday. I figured on 5 for sure, hopefull closer to a dozen. We ended up with 9, all together. (Somebody who's a member here didn't show, because he had other commitments on Monday, and couldn't risk a breakdown.)

The kid who ended up winning it, has an extended cab 24 valve, with upgraded injectors, and the fuel plate maxed. There were 4 full pulls 1st round. I was not one of them.

About half track, it felt like I was spinning, so I moved to what I thought was more solid ground. Up against the governor, and slowing down. Not Good.

Got back to the pits, and got hit with "What Happened?" about 6 times. Everybody in the pits said I never slipped a tire, just slowed down and stopped. No tire slip, no RPM loss, and dragged to a stop. Now I feel like throwing up. The old clutch must have let go, finally. Had to be oiled down, because it never smoked, or smelled. Oh well, it probably needed replaced anyhow. Estimates range from 500-600k on this rig, and nobody knows how old the clutch is.

So after getting thrashed by pretty much everyone else, I was still sick about the clutch, but at least I could justify such a tragic defeat. Leave it to your friends to ruin the rest of your day.

Afterwards, I found several of my friends watching the Rural Fire Dept.'s Car Bash. I got about 6 more "***'s", and I grumbled some more on my clutch issue. One of the guys wondered how it smoked the clutch, when every tire on the grandstand side was spinning. Now I'm sick again, even worse than before. I decided it would be best to go home and cry in a beer.

I tried all the way home to make it slip. Solid as a rock. I'm still not feeling well. I guess I just got into some slippery stuff, and parked it. Great, now I'm gonna catch it, for blowing the run. At least I don't have to dig up the $$ for a clutch right now.

I ran it hard Monday night at the races, towing, and never slipped once. Oh well, live and learn. I'll try it again, at Alton Jubilee, and see if I can redeem myself.

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